Addressing Population Concerns in WoW Classic

its funny how people blame blizzard while in the end… it is the peoples fault for high populated realms xD

I have a suggestion. How about you ban the bots who are on 24/7 ruining the economy, breaking the rules and also taking up actual human being’s spot on the servers? Maybe that will drop the queue times by a vast amount, no?


While you may think that many players won’t transfer to a new realm I think it would alleviate the problem a little as long as you don’t allow transfers to these realms and that is because there are many people who would love to do the 1-60 leveling again on a fresh realm with everyone racing to 60. While these players may still play on their locked realms they would spend less time on their home server while leveling another character on a fresh server.

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Me and my guild are struggling to raid on Shazzrah as people have to log in mid day, while a work, to be surtain they can get online before the set raid time. The queue is unbearable and getting world buffs is a joke. You basically have to get ony buff as the first one, since it takes you 30 min to accually collect the buff after its popped due to latency. During this time the rest almost expires.

The player base is handing you tons money every month for at game with no development cost. The least you could do was to funnel some money into servers. Please do something.

As many suggest transfers are not working as you can only transfer to very small populations realm. Noone wants to play alone, not being able to find groups etc.

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Blizz can’t do anything because it’s not a server issue which could be solved by more/better hardware, it’s a problem of the engine which is built on retail and can’t really handle lots of players in the same zone (and the megaton of addons everyone uses nowadays which create a huge additional server load). I doubt that they’ll redo the whole engine. Besides that, it’s a 15 year old game designed and built for a pop of 3k and not 10k+.

It’s not Blizzards faults, it’s the attitude of many players who don’t want to play on “dead” realms while most realms are totally fine, except maybe the 2 low pop servers which are really low. If all people had the same attitude and everyone from the small/medium servers would transfer to the full/high pop servers every single server would have a daily queue of 3h+ because they couldn’t handle it.

So it will be always a bit ironic that the players on the “dead realms” are able to actually play the game while the people with the delusional fear of playing on “dead realms” can barely play the game because they are stuck in queues, have heavy lags or crashing zone/world servers when new content comes.

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Gee, I don’t know… what if several guilds from the MASSIVE realms that are overpopulated by the amount of players that should be on these “dead realms” transferred to them instead?..

Imagine, 5 guilds with 40 people = Easily 200 people.
Everyone on your “not dead” realms all have the same mentality.

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If you don’t like populated servers, you can go to stonespine or something like that

Do not remove layers on firemaw!! Please

Transfers made servers completely unabalanced, overcrowded, dead. Locked servers are unplayable for anybody trying to level because there are no new player it is surprise to everybody nobody could saw that coming. You totally solved that AV premade problem I didnt see single rank 11+ premade on AV weekend. Fixing premades by letting queu in party of 5 people and making it even easier that was so brilliant.

I know Ion and his team of “problem solvers” aka greatest minds in universe can solve any problem and it would be better if you would switch your carrers on solving corona pandemic and let wow be handled by lesser minds.

We didnt even had more than 15 queues on Golemagg! Remove layering and unlock the servers.

Lets listen to white power when did that go wrong? Oh? Colonisation? Klan? Trump? Right wing politics? Not letting me in ur fricking country so i have to stay in a noob country and the jail make me get vitamin pills? Im not anti vaxx im just anti stupid

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Ofc im last, all post stop after my epic smart iq

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Actually - it’s very hard to do world PVP or Elite Quests, cause I stay near Elite and no one come to kill it, or no one come to this elite Q who I can invite and do this quest with him, bcs layers. Please unlock servers and stop layering it’s like Im stuck on fun server with 200ppl population :frowning:

Unlock all locked servers!
P.S. Unlock Golemagg!!

Unlock the servers already and give us back the paid server transfer.

Might sound like witchcraft but have you tried asking in zone chat (which isn’t layered), /world or /lfg to find ppl for the elite quests?

Please Blizzard, reply to us. Even you guys said

but Paid Character Transfers represent a very small number of players.

Right now I am waiting eagerly and sadden for a month to transfer my beloved Rogue to all my other Characters on my destination server. How long is this gonna be? Uncertainty is killing me, not knowing if they will ever unlock the transfers. Please!

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why can’t we transefer chracters on the realm if we already have our toons there ?
If you can’t unlock servers for everyone after two months have passed - can you at least open transfer for those WHO already got some of their toons on the locked servers ? Or find a way how to do it, instead of saying that “this is hard to do and you are just unlucky”

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Probably due to the way the lock works. It’s 100% lock or no lock at all.

not only do you want to add layering, but you’re talking about doing it mainly in capitol cities?? do you know how annoying that is for someone who is attempting to gather world buffs?

if you do this, then make sure the Rend and Ony/Nef buff affects ALL layers, or its gonna screw over a lot of people, who happen to be stuck in the “wrong” layer when these buffs get popped…

and that’s not the only issue… trading will be affected as well, since you can’t hear/see a yell/say between layers… now i know the general, trade, world and lookingforgroup channels are there to use, but these are already being spammed hard enough as it is by people who aren’t using these channels for their intended purposes (spam the same long message about i.e guild recruitment on all channels simultaneously for example, just to make sure as many people as possible see it) - layering would further exacerbate this issue.

in other words; layering is one of thee worst solutions ever, sure it solves one problem, but it introduces a bunch of other big problems as well.

Maybe if we are stuck with this situation so long, they can re-think how locks should/can work ? Waiting for overpopulated servers to “wear off” isn’t working exactly.

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