im reading lot of forum chat things for m+ leaver punish … this is very hard to do bcs u can have different problems … so i have different idea in the minde
simply first part is that m+ difficulty is not changing only at the end of dungeon , simply during m+ clearing … maybe not only that is going level up and down maybe that have 0.1 level change … so how fast or slow u go that difficulty is going up and that end of dungeon is dropping loot on which difficulty u end
not sure shold difficulty is going up and down with dependence what you kill or whole time during combat so simple example boss fight … if u start at +11 that u might be at the end of fight at 11.2 if u kill boss fast and in the middle that u went to 11.1 … still i like more that is going during fight up and down
also that and any moment u can stop dungeon and restart it and go with new group on same difficulty of key where u did stop and if u have mid dungeon leaver that dungeon is instant pause and option to stop dungeon and go from difficulty where u did stop
about loot that item drop is same item level of difficulty where u end dungeon , also maybe BUT HUGE MAYBE … that u can get only once loot from every dungeon every week and that item when u collect that u can go more time same dungeon only to push item level of that item so for example of first day of week you do +2 key and u got item level of +2 that u push that dungeon and if u do +20 of same dungeon that that item
is getting item level to +20 dungeon
that is my idea about m+ way … also that way with only once loot per m+ will make that m+ and raid will be able to be more same way of getting loot and not making other way more or less important than other one
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The way i feel rage quit need harder punishments as in a 2 to 4 hour lock out…on all toons…this will make them think twice before doing the deed…this needs looking at…
that is my idea to fix all that about m+
Then people that are seriously underperforming should get the same treatment.
So people will just go afk or “accidentally pull” extra trash to cause wipes and make someone else leave.
Do people proposing this crap ever think through the consequences? “Gee, theres a big penalty for leaving first, I wooooooonder how I could possibly get round this!!?” 
But then what counts as “seriously” underperform? 10%? 20? 5%? You guys cry if someone does 150k when most of you are doing 160k
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When you’re losing to the tank on damage you need to seriously reconsider what you’re doing unless you’re severely outgeared.
If you lose to the healer on damage… Well, you probably shouldn’t be playing m+. There are legit DPS that have done less DPS than me when I’m healing and I usually manage to pull 60-80k if the group is good at avoiding damage.
I’ve done a few keys where I’ve done more damage than the other two dps put together. I’d say they were seriously underperforming 
To me, performance also includes things like: interrupting, using class utility, using defensives in the right places, not taking tons of avoidable damage, playing mechanics well. Raw damage is good, but for me it’s not the sole performance indicator.
If I, as a healer, have 30 interrupts in a run and a melee dps has 7 (with the same CD), I’m not impressed by their performance, even if they top the DPS meter. Or if you suggest to one of your friends to try and use defensive CDs a little more and in response they now press their defensive CD at the start of every fight just so it shows as being on CD in OmniCD (true story, actually!),. then that is also not performing well.
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so would i. im not trying to be obnoxious theres just certain types of players on the forums that think any slightest mistake kills the key
well in you mind yes … simply from what i see u dont know to tell anything else that that
Dps doing <80k on what key level and item level? Not seen that for a long time
Just remove key depletion and people will stop complain about leavers.
Have to repeat the same dungeon is enough for a “punishment”
Or just put a price of flightstones and crests to upgrade a key. DONE.
At-least that way I have something to spend that currency that became obsolete 2 weeks into the patch.
Its less of an issue to be fair.
Removing key depletion opens up a new box of tools for exploitation and “bad behavior” in keys.
Picture this: First pull of BRH. 99% of the time, 1 person always dies. But the timer is lenient, so its worth giving it a shot and trying to time it anyways.
If you had no key depletion. Just leave after 1 death. Try again until each and every step is perfect.
So while depletion are annoying, they do serve the purpose of trying the dungeon out anywais.
So there has to be a limitation to how many times you can do this. But what is “fair”? 2? 3? 10? Who knows.
Just put a price on key upgrades. And let each person decide how many times are they willing to try again and again the same dungeon.
I don’t see that as an issue, who wants to perfect the time will do it, who is only interested to do the dungeon will not care about resetting it after the first pull.
Without key-depletion a lot of people are interested in timing the key, which means way more resetting.
Again I don’t see the issue with that.