[ADRP]: What do you think is wrong with Alliance RP?

Well, what are you lot’s thoughts?

Personally; Stormwind.


Human Male Paladins.


The negative BG win ratios

A lot of power hungry GMs with ulterior motives


Worgen RP.

Oh wait sorry I meant the Furries.


Inability to do things together without drama is probably a good one.


That, or they work together a little too well, and you get Silverpain’d where there’s no cap on how many alliance can join in.


Silverpain is an example of my post, actually. The first one at least, I’m not 100% sure about the second.

Not again…

But I’d also want to add the amount of people* that play the game and take it way too seriously, seeking to establish some form of dominance on a server in a particular field of roleplay, rather than, idk, enjoy the roleplay in the first place.

*I don’t say such people do not exist on the Horde, but Alliance is just crawling with them from what I’ve seen


Dominance games, Desire to recreate the latest fantasy series de jour, bizarre ideas of ‘medieval’ traditions that never even existed. Yes, I am looking at you, in the green tabard with a golden tree on it. Stop it. That never historically happened. There is no basis for trying to bring it into WoW. People assuming Stormwind is Kings Landing, people assuming that any threat with 200 good men would not be stamped into dust by the Crown. People assuming the Stormwind is the -Capital- of the Alliance.
People assuming that because it is the -Capital- of the Alliance, that it has all the attendant problems of a Capital, or rather, a ghetto. They think it is cool to play ‘Peaky Blinders’ whereas if they did any research at all, they would realise that the situations that gave birth to that street gang of -MOSTLY CHILDREN- just do not exist in Stormwind. Criminals where everyone is a damned Ninja, I’m amazed, why isn’t SI:7 recruiting these people, why aren’t they being press ganged into the army, is it because they don’t exist? NPC’s like Jaina ‘Godmode’ Proudmoore, which make it acceptable for people to play 20 year old Archmages. Because that’s how it works. I mean totally. At the Age of 20 you have mastered everything there is to know about your chosen career, there are no secrets unbarred to you. Even an incredibly complex field of study, that involves understanding and reckoning with the very building blocks of reality and fundamental structure of the cosmos can be worked out by a 20 year old, who then decides the best use of this intense, cosmos altering power, is to use it in a pub fight in Old town.

Actually, you know what? Its Everything. You get some amazing RP on Alliance side, you get people who play in the setting. Most however think they are playing in King’s Landing, South Central L.A or the Medici’s Italian city states. Why not just play in Azeroth?

Stormwind is an awesome setting, and it deserves to be used better.

Horde ain’t perfect, but I have never witnessed “Gunshot”. Ever. In ten years. I have never went a night without seeing that on Team Blue.

Which is awful, the RP potential on Alliance side is just massive, I have no idea why people would not embrace that…


Lack of cooperation. The OOC drama in the old times was irritating, but most people never saw it. What most people saw was a system of cooperation among Stormwind guilds which wasn’t particularly intrusive but added massively to immersion. Stormguard (I know, I know…), Stormwind City Watch, the Court, etc. People talked to eachother and generated RP with eachother and it was just fun.

Now? Who would organise a court case now? You never see anything like it nowadays. Stormwind is people doing random RP with some guilds bubbling in Cath square occasionally. There’s no inter-guild RP, dedicated or just random but common. It sucks. It also contributes to the rampant expectation that consequences no longer exist, which is sadly right, and leads to a lot of absolutely awful RP, including but not limited to, brazen daylight assaults, cults kidnapping people and cutting off their hands in the command centre basement, assaults followed by ninja logging out of RP, one of the 5 house guilds that are active in cath square, currently, declaring war on another and then the both of them riding to Duskwood to do civil war game of thrones RP, etc…

And this deluge of trash random RP is what the Alliance hub is becoming known for.


People who can’t read.


Not enough Alliance guilds tbh. Something that really embraces the idea of the alliance, all the different races working together towards a common goal.


Too many void elves


So, the way to make the Alliance better is to foster OOC (and IC) cooperation between guilds, and then embody the high fantasy roleplay of the setting to encourage others to follow suit?

Noted. : )


There is a CERTAIN WORGEN that vexes the community so greatly I can even feel it on Horde :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


An entire novel could probably be written about what is wrong with it, but some of the most important points have already been named:

  • Refusal to play in the setting
  • Inability to play without drama
  • Inability to work together -despite- the name of your literal faction.

To add some of my own to those:

  • People who treat Goldshire IC as this den of depravity because of the residents there that we’d rather not have.
  • Refusing to acknowledge npc’s

Those are the ones I can think of out of the top of my head. I should add though that since Alliance is the larger faction, ofcourse you’re going to see more trash-tier rp there. Doesn’t mean trash tier rp doesn’t exist on the Horde.


sorry guards don’t exist unless they’re played by players :sunglasses:

murders you easily in the middle of a public square in broad daylight
hehe nothin personnel im just an assassin pulls up black hood and disapers


safe haven makes this canon and therefore good RP.



:uk: in ten characters.