[ADRP]: What do you think is wrong with Alliance RP?

I swear there was life a month or two ago…

50,000 people used to live ‘ere.

Now it’s a ghost town.

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I’m certainly not going to take advice from a person like you. This is the first time you have ever said that you have personal experience of speaking with Shonn and you have been harrassed into ERP. I find that odd that you do that now, now wait, I don’t. Your record for bending the truth IC and about your real life too is pretty big and very current.

I’m not saying Shonn didn’t do something wrong in the past. I don’t remember that girl from way back as a person or a character, I only had the art she did. I certainly wouldn’t apologise to someone I don’t remember rping with.

I’m pretty sure that after many arguments with my GL over the years, those mistakes haven’t been repeated. He got punished for the whisper, one whisper. Are you seriously trying to tell me that you haven’t rped something you have later have had regret for?

By the way, please don’t try acting all tough, violence never solved anything IRL. And you say you shrug his rp off, no you really don’t. You mention us at every opportunity you get and because I dislike you as much as one can dislike a person who sits behind a keyboard that I don’t actually know as a human being, I bite at your bait. That is my fault, I shouldn’t read the forums at all, but there are many times people post very interesting and helpful posts about RP that aren’t turned into a bullyfest by a handful of players, always the same ones, even if they are on alts. At least you post on your main, that is the only thing you will ever get credit for from me.

I’m glad Albrecht made the new thread, I hope some good ideas come from it.


Jokes and my dislike for Bayerleyns aside, Karienn, this is a really good decision and I 100% support it.

Come on the thread had gotten a bit more wholesome. Now we’re just going back to people digging their own graves. :frowning:

But the Horde Thread isn’t here.

Oh wait. Here it is!

I’m going to go out and prove Godwin’s law.
(No, I didn’t read any of the rest of what you wrote.)

Just, uhhh, just so you’re aware… DH’s don’t have bound demons. The demon ceases to exist after the ritual. Just umm, nitpicking… :sweat_smile:

…they changed THAT too in that Illidan book or whatever? :unamused: Did they left anything that was good in DH lore anyway?

The training begins with the person slaying a demon, eating its heart, and drinking its blood. The spirit of the ingested demon bonds with them and from this bond the demon hunter receives visions of the Burning Legion destroying countless worlds across the universe.

Come again?


I only ever had a problem with the greens once and that was someone else’s fault (It hurts to remember that episode). Shonn is an “interesting” fellow (I still swear he sits with a thesaurus next to him when he rp’s). I have many fond memories of my time running about with them. I still miss Denessa and Pat. Constantly telling me off for over doing it with healing. Or surprising them with Broch’s backpack of many things. I never liked the whole “rule” thing but well it’s one bit. Shonn and Karienn know my opinion on it and that’s as far as it needs to go.

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Yeah, Illidan novel, sorry.

But there is an upside. In the novel, the protagonist only realises he isn’t being influenced by his actual demon later on. So, all the people that RP as having bound demons, kind of make sense ICly, they’re just ICly wrong, lol.

That sounds like some bootlicker nonsense. Take direct action, folx.

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Well that sucks a$$. I’ve abandoned the character anyway so doesn’t matter anymore I guess. Damn, I liked that Demon-influence struggle that used to be part of the Demon Hunter whole thing.

Oh, there’s still a struggle, it’s just with generic fel corruption and power rather than an actual sentient demon. It’s pretty much the same, but without a voice in your head. Rather, you struggle to manage yourself, your own temperament. It’s kind of like being a demon monk.

I mean nothing stops you from doing exactly that, it’s just there’s no sentient mind behind that influence.

You can go as far as to RP that the influence takes shape in a way that reflects the original demon’s characteristics. For any observer there can be legitimately 0 difference between RPing that the demon is trying to take over vs. your character struggling with demonic corruption.


Would be funny to say she became schizophrenic and believes the Demon is still in her, only to be proven later that she was hearing voices, but it was just an Imp trolling her.


I remember RPing a DH, was good around early Legion to Nighthold.

Besides everyone skulking around Felwood.

I had a slight uniqueness to my own DH. Having bonded with an Inquisitor. But had cursed him during the ritual for his ability to speak to be a difficult. As if his throat is always clogged. Taking power to dispel for even a moment. But DH RP I never got the likeness for in the end

waves Hello.

Alliance rp is basically competition rp. Everyone seems to want to win.
while horde rp is less about that.

Have a look at Vandel’s wowpedia page if you haven’t read the novel. It’s less binding and more merging. What comes out the other side of the DH ritual is neither demon nor elf, but a merging of both entities. Neither truly survives.