[ADRP]: What do you think is wrong with Alliance RP?

It doesn’t simply come down to your choice of hub or good fortune in guidance. It’s great that you know people who dodged that proverbial bullet, but that doesn’t magically un-do the experiences of others who did not.

Wish that it did though, I’ll tell you that.

And Brigante is STILL typing. What have I done… WHAT HAVE I DONE?!?


You have awoken the dragon(hawk).

I’m not denying you and others had bad experiences. There’s a lot of trash on the faction and running into it is very easy. Some are lucky to avoid it (often because they have friends/connections on the faction), some aren’t.

See the funny thing about this, is that I mentioned the Bayerleyn’s as a throwaway comment about people making up lore from nowhere…and do you know what, normally that would be fine, if it wasn’t morally and legally questionable. Karienn, you do have a history of defending your GM, which is an admirable trait, standing by your friends. Not so much when they are indulging in some pretty vile behaviour. I made one statement which referenced the guild in question, and said that some of their ‘customs’ were not ever -things- and just the GM getting their rocks off. You then went into full on defensive mode. “You’re lying!” Umm, no, I really am not. I know a fair bit of history, having studied it, and I’m not lying. “Said person never did X!” Yes they did, and have admitted to having done so, which is…not OK. I am old enough and secure enough in my sexuality to play female characters also. You assert that I am a liar. I state this, your GM is predatory, I know this from -personal- experience. Now thankfully I am a man in my 40’s who can shrug such off and just think “Ewww, you dirty Perv” I do have a Cousin who plays WoW, who is a minor, and if she had been sent the same things I had, I’d ask for a baseball bat, a soundproofed room, some plastic sheeting on the floor, and a little bit of alone time…… Why are you defending this Karienn, the character of your GM Is quite happy to engage in the sin that begins with a ‘P’. I mean literally, he wanted to bed a 15 year old character. Defend that.


Gotcha. And for my part I apologize if I come across as embittered, it’s something I mean to keep a lid on despite frustrations inviting to the contrary.


I get your frustration, I really do. It sucks to hear that people genuinely had a bad time. I suppose what I can do is if you’re ever around Stormwind to invite you over for some RP! (Yes I’m facing Stormwind myself)


I can vouch that he means it. He has done it for my Draenei during a campaign I accidentally found myself into on the Broken Isles. There, I did my good deed for the day and said Lotheridan is a nice a guy.

Now I have to go and raise a family of five and make them watch the last episode of Game of Thrones to regain my Dark Side points.

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Since I gave humans a bit of bashing yesterday, I’d figure I could expand it to all races what I think are problems with their rp(This is as with of course humans, not a defining part of every race/rper, but things that annoy me.)

Humans: Already covered. But summary. Alot is fine, but you have the noble stuff and the “racism is cool and in, so ill just copy/paste from IRL and apply it to every single race.”

Dwarves: "Ach lassy ye’ incoherent rambling. and heavily drinking. Dwarves can be quite fun and so can dwarf rp. But the drunk zany arcetype can be annoying.

Gnomes: Honestly, only gnome problem I have an issue with is those that are basically just doing disguised child rp(Not talking about those who do child rp using gnome models, thats another ew) but the overly cutsey snuggle-gnomes with bubblez.

Night elf: This is a weird one. I tend to like nelf rp. And the things I disslike are quite far apart. You have the purple human city elves, who seem to have it mandatory that you need a mechanical arm or something. Then there is the “Alliance forces isnt welcome.” I recall in Astranaar a few years ago there was a guild(a few) that actually openly tried to attack/kill other Alliance members if they werent nelves cus “nelf land.”

Draenei: For all the slack the females get, humans and nelves tend to be more involved in erp scandals honestly. But with Draenei the biggest annoyances I have are, blue humans who also uses surnames on their Draenei, or “vutz yuu minz vi duntz talkkzz licke diz?”

Worgen: Often the race for growth pot abusers, “brutish berserkers that are 12 feet” or generally edgi bois. I also remember the…curious rp that was pack guilds back in cataclysm in Gilneas. Where 90% of them were just harems/erp.

Pandaren: I quite like pandaren, but they got it quite rough. There is still a crowd of “lul kung fu panda.” But the Alliance pandaren also have a bit of a stain from that pandaren harem guild, and the ones that are giggling anime school-girls.

Got nothing on the allied races.

Also final note, one massive thing wrong with Alliance rp that the horde seem to lack:

Child rp.


don’t go to silvermoon

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Sadness levels rising :(, Ive heard tales of things going on there, but even child rp? :l

Oh yes, saw it myself. I don’t call it Little Stormwind* for no reason…

*just came up with it

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Arthas did nothing wrong when he marched on Silvermoon. It was to protect us. All of us.

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The only children you find there are miniature tumbleweeds. It’s a ghost town most days : (

I swear there was life a month or two ago…

50,000 people used to live ‘ere.

Now it’s a ghost town.

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I’m certainly not going to take advice from a person like you. This is the first time you have ever said that you have personal experience of speaking with Shonn and you have been harrassed into ERP. I find that odd that you do that now, now wait, I don’t. Your record for bending the truth IC and about your real life too is pretty big and very current.

I’m not saying Shonn didn’t do something wrong in the past. I don’t remember that girl from way back as a person or a character, I only had the art she did. I certainly wouldn’t apologise to someone I don’t remember rping with.

I’m pretty sure that after many arguments with my GL over the years, those mistakes haven’t been repeated. He got punished for the whisper, one whisper. Are you seriously trying to tell me that you haven’t rped something you have later have had regret for?

By the way, please don’t try acting all tough, violence never solved anything IRL. And you say you shrug his rp off, no you really don’t. You mention us at every opportunity you get and because I dislike you as much as one can dislike a person who sits behind a keyboard that I don’t actually know as a human being, I bite at your bait. That is my fault, I shouldn’t read the forums at all, but there are many times people post very interesting and helpful posts about RP that aren’t turned into a bullyfest by a handful of players, always the same ones, even if they are on alts. At least you post on your main, that is the only thing you will ever get credit for from me.

I’m glad Albrecht made the new thread, I hope some good ideas come from it.


Jokes and my dislike for Bayerleyns aside, Karienn, this is a really good decision and I 100% support it.

Come on the thread had gotten a bit more wholesome. Now we’re just going back to people digging their own graves. :frowning:

But the Horde Thread isn’t here.

Oh wait. Here it is!