[ADRP]: What do you think is wrong with Alliance RP?

tl;dr same as last time but for some reason karienn went 8 steps backwards and is now trying to victim-shame someone for not knowing how to deal with predatorial behavior at the age of 16


We get it. You hate eachother.

Could you like… Idk… Add eachother and take it out in whisper or Discord or whatever?

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I wouldn’t have to if you lot would just realise the things that were wrong were put right, quite a while ago, and the website was updated after that last thread.

How did this thread become another edition of the Bayerleyn drama?

Funny story actually. Because of Brigante. He just randomly brought them up, out of nowhere. Really, if anything, we should all be kicking him around. We all know that playing with the Greens will never achieve anything.


I don’t hate people on an internet game that I either spend no game time with, nor know in real-life. That’s just a waste of energy.

Really wish horde posters would stop spamming derailment at threads every time there’s even a hint of potential for drama.

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Removing a harassed person’s art is not righting the wrong—nor is suggesting that it is fine because ‘sixteen is not a child’, or suggesting that they were at fault for not reporting it, at the time, as a minor.

I don’t believe there is a way to right that wrong, but you would have to ask the victim, who still seems fairly angry about the affair. Entirely justifiably.


ok sorry for not approving of degeneracy, human paladin poster


man thats really snarky of u well done… u got us, the horde gamers


Instantly two replies. Which are both crapposts. This is why the forums are trash now.


We changed a lot of the website, I’m not talking of your friend’s art.

I’m from the UK, the law I have been brought up with is maybe different to where you and your friend live? Doesn’t make me a bad person.

Your website doesn’t matter.

I am from the UK, and these things are considered terrible. Let me tell you about the #MeToo movement…


wowwee you posted something in a riled up, busy thread and someone replied to it quickly, what a wild, unexpected concept.

You realize your posts are as useless as mine are right now, right?

Honestly, the rhetoric that you’re using here is pretty abhorrent, Karienn.

Examine, seriously, how you would feel if it were your sixteen year old daughter who came to you with this story, and whether you would show this stunning lack of empathy to her.


ur sat here contributing to these “crap posts” as u call them that u seem to rly quite dislike - thats very weird of u and kind of going against the rly :zzz: argument ur making

looks like the horde wins again…


Sarcasm doesn’t really suit you, but again, the people you spend time in game means you are the same, or so people here seem to think. But that’s okay to accuse people of that, got it.

16 year olds arent really the most intelligent or, well stable people. Its a confusing age and there is alot going on. They are definatly still children.

Then there also the diffrent jurisictions/laws. Most countries deem people under 18 to be children or junior adults. And only using Sweden as a refference, sure, age of consent is 16. Between other 16 year olds. A 16 year old and say a 17+ doing any stuff, is considered to be doing naughty stuff with a minor. And our country is -very- strict about anything remotley close to have anything to do with that, with hefty punishments and very high priority in both being investigated and prosecuted.

This can vary of course, but in general: 16 year olds=still children/youngsters who are in probably one of the most fragile ages when, particuarly alot of girls, are caught between their age and wanting to be adults, and thus are very easily coersed/mislead.


I’m not being sarcastic. I am entirely serious when I say that you should consider reading into #MeToo and the social impact of the actions we are discussing.


Without spilling out my real family life too much as some have done previously, I have had far worse happen, but thankfully the young person concerned did come to me. I find it hard to understand in this day and age of the internet that parents etc don’t make sure their kids know how to be internet savvy. Especially in the UK, where there is no excuse.

(Can’t speak for other countries of course)

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