I thought Shonn was still your guild master, how were they corrected?
I thought Shonn was still your guild master, how were they corrected?
What is wrong with Alliance RP is that there’s not enough Blackbuckle.
Speak to us once more, oh prophet of dwarfdom, speak to us and grant us more memery, for your kin starves
I don’t think you’re a terrible person. I think that you’ve defined yourself by your membership in a community (one inappropriate for this game, but that’s a different discussion) and the negative reaction of people such as the ones in this thread have caused you to defensively latch closer to that community, seeing the criticism as ‘more haters’.
I can tell you for a fact that as long as Shonn does not acknowledge the fact that people like Angua were victimised by him in the past and at the very least apologise, nothing has been fixed. As long as sexual roleplay remains a core part of the Bayerlyn concept, nothing has been substantially changed. And if his officers continue to cover for his actions and stifle substantive accounts of sexual grooming and other disgusting behaviours, that stain on the reputation will stay with you.
TL;DR: Wise, know-it-all proclaimed adult has come to tell off naughty kids for not being willing to give a man known to be a pervert a second chance.
Either a serious case of stockholm syndrome or a blatant disregard for others.
Are you a psychiatrist? No? Must be the blatant disregard for people like you then, because you can’t expect me to have any regard for anything you say in return.
People have used coalskin against my character a few times, for no good reason!!
Me: “Hmm, I want to play a Demon Hunter. I got this cool story about her bound Demon who tricked her into thinking she slew and bound him but in reality he used her to hide from his rivals in the Legion and-”
Night Elf Community: “NO! Sentinel, Druid, or GTFO!”
Me: “Fine. How about a Void Elf that resents Umbric and considers him responsible for what she became while struggling to embrace Alleria’s teachings and find her place in the worl-”
Alliance RP Community: “NO! Human or GTFO!”
Me: “ALRIGHT! How about a human smuggler who inherited her father’s ship but lost it in a game of cards and is now trying to find a way to get it back! Light hearted swashbuckler classic style pirate RP and-”
Human RP Community: “NO! Paladin, grimdark Warrior/Ranger or GTFO!”
My main experience while trying to get into Alliance side RP over six months. What came out of it is you either roll a character tailor-made to “fit in” or you’re up for a very lonely experience.
Yes, sure, this was just my personal experience but I can’t help but wonder… is the above something common or was it just me doing it wrong? Hmmm…
I would very much say it was something you doing wrong.
Just do it.
If you want to roleplay X thing then roleplay X thing without taking others opinion into the matter aslong as it fits the setting.
Man, i remember the days of at least having a witchhunt everyweek and people (some of who are still frequent posters) encouraging it because there are no wrong methods only wrong targets
The forums are the gardens of eden compared to what they used to be.
This thread just became another drama thread, sadly… Maybe the thing wrong about Alliance or any other RP is feeding drama, more than anything else? I don’t mean anyone specific in all honesty…
Anyway, back to topic a bit, i can mention i guess, people may forget they are just playing a game and shall treat it like a game (i again don’t mean anyone or anything specific, happened for me aswell)
And also, may not play to enjoy themselves (while others enjoy at same time of course ) but something else…
Anyway, i wish everyone would have fun on this realm… Literally everyone
Yeah and every victim of predatory behaviour/r**e dares come forth and report it to the police.
Sometimes people are too scared to tell people/their parents etc what happened to them. It is a very big thing that damages you mentally and messes with your head.
Stop being dense please.
This was a thread just asking for drama to be fair. Asking what’s wrong with Alliance RP is invariably going to invite people to pull up inflammatory topics - though, that being said, the master and his devoted retinue is only turned into an argument because of the devotion of his willing servants. Anyone with sense realises there’s something f*cky wucky going on there.
I’m here out of free will.
This absolutely does not happen. It always makes me a little angry when people make these kind of posts about the Night Elf community. I cannot speak for other communities, but I think you may have a blurred line between IC and OOC.
Demon Hunters are outcasts. They became Demon Hunters to fight the Legion and, in doing so, sacrificed “all they had”, i.e their social lives. They decided to fight fire with fire, and many of the kaldorei have all reason to be wary of Demon Hunters considering their history. This leads to them being less likely to simply wander up to random elves and get casual roleplay, especially when compared to druids, sentinels or even mages. They are considered outcasts for a reason.
The Night Elf community absolutely does not condemn people OOC for choosing to play a Demon Hunter. Probably IC, yes, but definitely not OOC. Please stop confusing the two.
To add onto this, when I played my demon hunter during the opening months of Legion and its prepatch, my demon hunter intentionally antagonised any night elves he met along his way - including an evening in Astranaar. No one excluded me; in fact, they made a concerted effort to respond to me and it made for fun, if combative, RP.
Thanks to Queteron and Wrall, we were even held to account for (make believe) crimes and a veritable army of elves came to sort us out. It was great.
I guess then I had a very different experience among the Night Elves than you. But bashing the NElf community was not the point of my post.
It was about how each community encourages or even outright enforces (be it on purpose or subconsciously) specific character archetypes, or even outright making playing certain classes to be more troublesome than fun.
How this mindset stops players from investing in their characters and the ideas behind them since it becomes pointless when they don’t get the chance to present their creations through interaction with other players over a reasonable period of time.
Individual experiences may vary from player to player, but this is the general vibe I received. Is it, then, something that really exists or am I just too old and stuck with how RP used to work ages ago?
This rings unpleasantly true and it’s far from the first time I read of someone having had similar experiences. If you’re not playing a human or willing to adopt some warped Aragorn/Arwen dynamic, you really aren’t all that well received.
Does this apply to every human role player? Of course not.
But as someone who resided almost exclusively on the Horde until last year, that remains a predominant part of my first, second and third impressions.
Alliance players who have been playing the faction for a long time generally know where to find the good RP while people who played (almost) exclusively Horde don’t and thus have vastly different experiences. The same thing can be said the other way around, really.
Not saying this goes for everyone but I think that’s how it goes for a lot of people. Hell, I know some people who moved over to Alliance for the first time and said they’re having a great time with the help of people who know where to point them in the right direction.
sees Brigante typing
For the love of all the Gods in every universe… don’t write a twenty page thesis! I swear, your forum posts are like a certain Blood Elf’s Conclave speeches!
Generally speaking the amount of people who treat Argent Dawn as a Second Life server, basically creating their ideal fantasy selves instead of an interesting character, often with a blatant disregard to the lore through either willing or unwilling ignorance. This goes for both factions but you will more often find it Alliance side.