Memes aside even if it doesn’t fit 100% I rlly appreciate the racism RP because I’m a refugee from Guild Wars RP where the 2 races that were at war for over 2 centuries were RP’d as huggy kissy BFFs.
Having racial slurs IC for other humans when there’s giant green savages and cow-men to discriminate against is another weird one. The coalskin slur would actually work really well if it targeted Dark Irons.
That too. The fact that many of these guilds have grown tired with Fer The Nerth RP also reduces their presence in common perception because they don’t show up for many campaigns. But they are still there, still roleplaying, and still good.
Its Why people often don’t know if certain racial Alliance guilds still exist. No forum presence, No stormwind presence.
But They’re still out there, and their RP is as good as any horde RP.
Think about it. How often have you seen people from a guild like Ironbrand, Sha’ur, Or Aldori Axiom and went “Wait. They’re still around?”
The only race even worth talking about in gw is the Asura. Its been scientifically proven the other races have smaller brains and less cognitive functions. By Asuran scientists of course.
Memes aside even if it doesn’t fit 100% I rlly appreciate the racism RP because I’m a refugee from Guild Wars RP where the 2 races that were at war for over 2 centuries were RP’d as huggy kissy BFFs.
I mean, if done well a dash of racism (speciesm?) is more than fine. Not every character is going to look kindly on other races.
It’s just an issue when it’s taken to an absurd extreme with no logic behind it, consequences be damned.
Having racial slurs IC for other humans when there’s giant green savages and cow-men to discriminate against is another weird one. The coalskin slur would actually work really well if it targeted Dark Irons.
“Racism was not a problem on the Discworld, because—what with trolls and dwarfs and so on—speciesism was more interesting. Black and white lived in perfect harmony and ganged up on green.”
I’ll just pretend I didn’t hear that, lest I unleash the full might of the Iron Legion’s arsenal upon you.
It’s just an issue when it’s taken to an absurd extreme with no logic behind it, consequences be damned.
Oh, yeah, absolutely. If it’s just done for the sake of it I can imagine it gets rather
I’ll just pretend I didn’t hear that, lest I unleash the full might of the Iron Legion’s arsenal upon you.
I can repeat it, since its understandably difficult sometimes to comprehend the genius of an Asuran mind.
(This is how you do flavour racism between/from species that have been -shown- to think like this, not just copy/paste IRL hatred as shoddily as possible.)
The only race even worth talking about in gw is the Charr.
Such wise words.
Lies and slander
Its kinda ironic that the TCG art of the human “diplomacy” skill is a Human stopping a Dwarf and a Night Elf from killing each other.
When in roleplay, it feels more like Its the Dwarves and Night Elves trying to avoid angry murderous humans.
Make all the humans forsaken.
Was Human. Am Forsaken. I was merely step one in this master plan.
It also had a bit of a surge again during the Teldrassil pre-patch with “REEE immigrants” rp.
Why can’t we have nice things?
The card is accurate, just a little abstract.
Human diplomacy isn’t making good ties between humans and other races, it’s making the other races hate humans so much they forget about hating each other.
They’re not the diplomacy Azeroth deserves… but they are the diplomacy Azeroth is stuck with.
The problem is people were assaulting VElves hourly , as well as an attempt on trying to lynch one on at least two occasions by angry mobs, and one group even tried to RP burning down the damn embassy over it. One of my friends got exhausted constantly having to intervene to stop someone outright murdering a VElf in the street in broad daylight. It got absurd.
It’s OK if you got tired of the roleplay, but I still think it’s 100% in line with a lot of people’s characters. If they’ve been very devout for most of their lives and then something direcly opposed to their main religion (which has guided them through several conficts/wars) appears, I don’t think it’s much of a stretch at all to want to kill them.
It’s a bit of a shame that not everyone accepted consequences, but it’s also kind of a nice touch that the guards didn’t manage to arrest all that many in all the chaos.
Can I just point out that while its part of the race’s lore/arcetype, I find it funny that the supposedly most diplomatic race is the mutant offspring of one of the most agressive ones on native Azeroth, the big angry giant viking people.
I don’t mind edgy humans Or Paladins. But Its a Damn Shame they are are vast majority of human roleplayers at times. Its Why I love the Sons Of Silver guild. They’re badass Paladins, and 100% heroic good guys. And in the current Alliance RP scene, they are a breath of fresh air.
most diplomatic race is the mutant offspring of one of the most agressive ones on native Azeroth, the big angry giant viking people.
To be fair, not far off from their real world counterparts.
Having racial slurs IC for other humans when there’s giant green savages and cow-men to discriminate against is another weird one.
“Racism was not a problem on the Discworld, because—what with trolls and dwarfs and so on—speciesism was more interesting. Black and white lived in perfect harmony and ganged up on green.”
Terry Pratchett, Witches Abroad.
Can you tell me how nobles work in WoW?
Well I could tell you how my Noble would work.
Be a man, dressed in black, have a goatee and have a pet snake that slithers across my chess board.
To be fair, not far off from their real world counterparts.
Is former viking, can confirm.