We are in ten characters
Sorry I’ve already browsed the forum for several hours, can you stop being and just answer the question? Surely, if they’re such an issue, you can name something specific?
That, or it’s just because they at some point RP’d something you dislike. Or it’s because you blindly cling on to rumors. Really, it’s hard to say, but your point isn’t exactly strengthened by this vague posting.
Some of the blood elf rp man
Tbh it is good to see that the current belf community is very much “divided” in terms of rp. There are guilds that do their own thing (own stories, campaigns and etc) and there are umbrella guilds that just seek to invite everyone and everything that has an ability to type in /s.
Not to say that Vorathel is back, which is just eesh in general
Insular communities. In my opinion, Horde roleplayers don’t appear to show a lot of good will and consideration towards roleplayers that aren’t a member of their roleplaying guild or community, whatever that community may be. There’s a lot of great roleplayers but they tend to only engage in this great roleplay with other members of their community.
The second that other communities are involved, there seems to be a reluctance to roleplay with those people in the same way. The roleplay usually comes across as rather terse and strained and whenever someone does anything questionable during the scene, it’s usually used as an excuse to jab at the community which that roleplayer belongs to, publicly or privately.
These barriers can be broken down but it requires genuine effort, and there might be people on one side or the other frowning. People from these different communities shouldn’t be getting along so well, therefore something weird must be going on. It’s a huge shame that this is a problem at all.
And in case anyone might think that this is just criticism directed solely at the PCU boogeyman, that community appears to be the victim of this sort of behaviour more than most others. It’s a problem that seems to affect every clique that I’ve observed within the Horde. If everyone was a little more open and treated everyone, within and without their community, with the same respect, the Horde would be fantastic.
Only problem I feel is with horde RP is that I don’t see more of it - from an alliance standpoint at least - outside of campaigns, to have interactions with them. It’d be pretty cool to have sporadic encounters with them. But then again a lot of the Alliance remains in Stormwind.
Maybe faction changing to Zandalari is the way.
you called?
Zandalari are very cool and good definitely give them a shot.
Haha, that was quick!
Time to farm the rep I suppose!
What the hell is the “PCU” anyway…?
The Stygian Legion. Some people like to call it “Perroy’s Cinematic Universe”, hence PCU.
We are in the middle of an expansion based on faction warfare. Of course the primary source of roleplay between factions is going to come from the battles between them. If you are after neutral roleplay however, I believe there’s a fair bit of friendly Horde and Alliance interaction in Uldum.
Perroy’s Cinematic Universe or the Stygian Legion, a Horde roleplaying community that contains loyalist military guilds.
It’s not only the Saurfang’s good boys vs Sylvanas’ good boys thing that is ducky wucky with the Horde story that kinda makes the rp Hordeside feel samey. Samey as MoP, samey as discussions inevitably turn to it IC which at times can be logical I suppose.
It’s that it’s the only story we got for the Horde atm. If you disregard Saurfang missing Warchief Blackhand and Sylvanas doing her thing, the only story Horde got with BFA is the Alliance’s story. We’re the fall guys to the Alliance’s story. Almost everything going on in current content areas for the Horde is just setting up moments for the Alliance to be the white saviors of Azeroth. That’s not interesting and fun to RP, we’ve already tried that repeatedly, several time with various pvp campaigns led by the same kind of human rpers that get mocked in the Alliance thread.
Honestly, I fear for Blizz to turn the modern orcs, tauren and trolls into the noble savages of 15 years ago, completely disregarding the natural evolution of the Horde’s life on Azeroth, to exist (much like real life indigenous people once did) as a novelty for the civilized people in manors and mansions. Can’t wait for Anduin to destroy all infrastructure of Mulgore before declaring it the tauren reservation.
So yeah, Horde doesn’t have too much going on storywise, but we still gotta stick to story and can’t mess around cuz the story’s not relevant to us ic like in WoD.
Not necessarily friendly. Hostile actions are just as valid for collaborative stories between the two factions. ^^
Thank you though!
So it’s a bunch of guilds that formed an IC and OOC group, or alliance of some kind. So what do they do? Besides RP-PvP campaigns, and I assume they do that because, well, that’s what Perroy and the Rotgarde always do. It’s kinda their thing.
Why are they a problem again? What’s so different about them than, say, the Thalassian Warhost, the old Sin Adande, or the Coven of the Sun (when Talenthiel remembers it exists )?
Some people like to complain about them for various reasons. My interactions with them were pretty pleasant (Callback to War on all Fronts)
I imagine they roleplay together though, maybe build storylines with other guilds and groups. But I wouldn’t know!
I think perhaps, one of the biggest problems is (as many have stated above) the plot, and its slow pace.
The whole expansion is steadily pushing people (willing or not, ic or ooc) toward picking a side, be it for or against sylvanas. And because of the cliques, alliances, groups of guilds etc that Taxania mentioned, the two sides are growing increadingly bitter. Worse still, i have this horrible feeling the “climax” of it all is going to be a horrendous fluster-cluck of ego and drama for all. I genuinely fret over it.
However, I think the ultimate problem is if you aren’t “for sylvanas” and show plenty of zeal for her cause, you get branded rebels or traitors all too eagerly. Even if you’re just minding your own bussiness or waging the same war in a more honourable fashion, you get branded.
Are there even any players genuinely rebelling? Attacking the forsaken or their efforts by violent means? I’d genuinely like to know. (I’m stuck on a ship and my avenues of news and happenings are limited, so I may have missed something).
In my opinion, they’re not a problem.
Some people seem to take issue with how some of their members choose to communicate OOC, other people seem to take issue with the amount of influence they have IC as loyalist military guilds, other people seem to believe that they have too much OOC influence on Horde roleplay on this server, and more.
These are just guesses based on what I’ve seen other players complain about, albeit phrased in a more sensible way.
Well hello there.
General Kenobi…
So, let me get this right. People managed to ignore a huge Dragon made of magma, molten flesh, and pure hatred that flew around burning the world along with his crazy followers with their tentacle fetish… not to mention the whole bloody Legion invading and pretty much every single God damned world ending threat that popped up for the last 14 years including two World Wars by this point… and they have trouble finding an excuse to not pick a side in a rebellion that hasn’t even started yet?
Am I getting this right?