Advertiser in Newcomer Tchat (where beginner ask question to guide)

Greeting forums.

I am happy to be a guide to help player, to help people exploring WoW and get a true experience of what is world of warcraft.

Since pre-patch, player that got certain achievement that prove to know how to play the game can be guide.

And newcomers in the game is people that have level up a character in Exile Reach ( the new leveling zone for beginner but everyone can get it and even pro player can be marked as newcomers).

And today i experimented this :

The murloc head mean it’s a beginner.

The thing that make me mad is people want to sell to “beginner” Boost when they do not got yet experience of World of Warcraft.

Those advertisement should be absolutetly banned from this channel and get their account banned. Why ? Because first it destroy newcomers experience and since newcomers don’t get gold they are surely asking for real life money behind.

I don’t want World of Warcraft reputated for boosting market.
Neither i want to see someone beginning World of Warcraft being given the answer of boosting.

We need to get a serius Banhammer that make people not even posting once that kind of message.

Make the sanction very serious on that or newcomers will not get a good image of World of Warcraft if they got thoses experiences.

EDIT : You can’t report people on that channel :dizzy_face:

EDIT 2 :


Last time they tried a sanction - Premade Group ban - it was evaded quite easily. Not to say something shouldn’t be done.

I hope you reported them that’s not what the channel is for. It’s against ToS to advertise boosts outside of trading chat.

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That sounds like a disaster waiting to happen! I do hope that others in the newcomer chat assured any newbies that they don’t need to buy a boost. I mean, it’s not unexpected that this sort of thing would happen but it is very sad to see nonetheless :cry:


That was to be expected. They need to draconically punish ads in that channel or it will just turn into the boosting channel.


Well this is just dumb what if they flame around and do other things.
Time to write a suggestion/Feedback then. Better fix that early than later.


Yea but need to make change on the community to do not redirect new player into boost.

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Yikes. Can’t these boosting parasites control themselves whatsoever? they infect every chat channel they touch.

Blizzard need to do something about this before it turns into another hi-jacked boost spamfest channel.


They always were parasites in online games. Like a cancer you can’t get rid off.


What? I mean, WHAT??? :open_mouth:

Even for Blizzard decision making, that is insane.


“tHEy aRE jUst trAdINg wiTh nEW plaYeRS, THerE is nOThiNG wROng WItH thAT :crazy_face:”


File a bug report to explain you can’t report people in that chat.

Thank you for highlighting this issue!


When everyone said it was ok for them to spam trade 24/7 , it opened so many options , LFG was the first target , and now the new player channel. You have only yourselves to blame ,at least those who said “its ok because its trade duuuuuuh”


I like these who argue like this
“But they are in other games too”
“It helps the playerbase”
“U get faster Gold”

Just brilliant :crazy_face:


For what it’s worth

I noticed Twiluna has also tweeted


The main issue i fear is there will be no sanction on Booster posting on that channel since there’s no sanction of that type yet.


they will do it while it’s cost effective for them to do it. if they make more back, than it costs them to do this, then they keep doing it.

if boosters get banned for this, and get banned quickly, then it costs them more than they make because they have to keep paying for new accounts?

on the other hand, people are clearly paying for their ‘service’ because they obviously have enough money to pay for their operation.

reduce the ‘demand’ and the service will disappear.

all this is one great big message to blizzard “your game is still broken”

why would anyone buy a 10-50 boost from a booster, if they can boost their character via blizzard own service? surely it’s in blizzard’s interest to stamp this out and make their own boost service more sensible for people?
either they take action against private boosters or they compete against them.

Level boosts were in trade chat and in LFG and were never taken actions agaisnt them so dont expect it.

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If i remember they taken action on LFG. But don’t act on Trade Tchat.
I remember they taken action against title with [WTS] .

If i remember. maybe not the full context

Still no news.

Still no idea how to give good image of wow if booster contact new player.

I fear like if that happen again in the future new player will not know that the majority of us try to fight against booster and wintrader and we are a majority to want a normal progress of character