That pathetic idiot bends over backwards to please his alliance overlords and it shows. Just like Baine did. When do Horde players get the chance to get rid of him?
Yeah, can’t wait for the day we truly purge the Hordie… I mean Aethas from Dalaran.
But why stop there? Every Horde Leader is a peacemonger and the Alliance should just clean them all up. Quel’thalas, Lordaeron and Suramar would look great with Alliance banners.
Orgrimmar, Bilgewager Harbor, Highmountain, Thunder Bluff, Echo Isles and Zandalar would look good as Theramore-esque craters (meaning all the peacemongers in the Horde would be gone!)
The surviving ten or so orcs, trolls, tauren, belves and goblins can then eke out an existence as the warlike, savage Horde of the Second War with Erevien!
Quel’thalas would be absolutely dashing in purple, we could add some obelisks from NY’alotha and turn the lightwell into a giant pool
At that rate the world would look better covered in Felfire.
Maybe he just secretly loves Jaina just like Kael? Since originally in WotLK many believed Aethas was Kael in disguise, or some sort of “clone” of him…it could make sense Sort of like the Stockholm syndrome
it’s not really worthy to get that angry about Aethas for this news, we already knew his type of behaviour since a long time ago, now if it was Rommath or Magister Hathorel saying this about Jaina and making a gift to her, now we could get angry for a good reason…but with Aethas, not really in my opinion…
The Void is overrated (sort of like the Void Elves)…indeed despite being very few, they have at their disposal all the magics and money given to them by the economy of the Humans of Stormwind and the Alliance as a whole, and still after so much time they don’t seem to be able to build a Void version of Silvermoon, either on Telogrus’ Rift (making it a proper racial hub for themselves rather than a bunch of tents) or somewhere else it’s either they are incompetent or the Humans literally forbade them to build their own capital city (that could welcome the High Elves of the Alliance, too) because they are too dangerous or something like that…
Aethas is a major character supposed to represent the alliance in Dalaran. Hathorel is not.
Original Kael’thas tried to get laid by Sylvanas.
Kael’thas also tried to get laid by Jaina.
But bieng an elf, he couldn’t understand normal people so he messed up. If he didn’t you’d have a Queen Jaina Proudmoore of Quel’thalas
“Alliance Overlords” Pah!!! What are you smoking?? The Horde are the Overlord of Azeroth!!! Seems to me you are more of an Alliance Preacher using Reverse Psychology tactics to leverage your boys!!! I’m not gonna be fooled by that!!! It was the High Elves - YOUR PITIFUL RACE - that bent over backwards before the Alliance until the Scourge came and owned your a**!!! and then your boss Kael’thas - YOUR PRINCE - was bending over backwards for Garihos - A Simpleton Alliance Fake Commander - until Lady Vashj showed him some sense!!! Oh!!! Your precious Prince then bend over backwards for Kil’jaeden, with most of the other “blood elves” (more like “Fel Elves” for me) And yes, I don’t believe in your “Blood Elf” bs, nothing’s changed!!!
Bah!!! Your pitiful people are the epitome of “bending over backwards”.
For once Erevien is actually correct.
Aethas is one of the worst characters I’ve ever come across. Blizzard wants shove him as the face of Blood Elf Magi and it’s wrong. The face of the Blood Elven Magisters should be their Grand Magister, Rommath - but, oh - he’s not a nice person “toxic masculinity” blah blah blah, so lets have kind Aethas in his place.
EDIT: Of course, the Americans from California and none-Blood Elf fans love Aethas
You are aware that Sylvanas was more than happy with Kael’thas’ afterlife fate. He deservedly was put in the correct fate, to her.
Just take the Mechenaar and teleport it to Telogrus. It’s compact enough where it works and embodies everything about the Void Elves.
Void Magic, Arcane Magic and no small amount of old “Sunfury” Warrior vibe.
Add a couple of monoliths from Ny’alotha and you got yourself a deal
Careful where you tread little gnome!!! We might be allies for now!!! but we are not your slaves!!! Even with your best efforts, you could not take Orgrimmar!!! And if you think for single solitary second that Varian would have “ended us” after that debacle in the Siege of Orgrimmar, you have no idea of the Horde’s resolve!!! If we unleash ourselves upon your “people”, there will be nothing left!!! We now have the greatest mages of Azeroth on our side!!! The Shaldorei considers the Alliance magic as primitive at best!!! HAHHAHAA!!! We now even have access to the Primus’s deadly blight magic, which proved to be even more powerful than the weak ones thrown around by Sylvanas!!!
Keep Crying!!! We have the advantage!! So watch your tongue boy!!!
Sure, add in some extra faceless mouth flying creatures and your all set. VOID Elves, incarnate.
On top of that, despite Aethas and his guards were quite easily “handled” by Jaina during the purge, a major dev (not sure if Kosak or another one) later implied that Aethas is important also because he actually is on the same power level of Jaina and Khadgar, despite he does not like to show his magical powers a lot, Aethas is supposed to be as strong as them (so logically Rommath should be on that level, too, or even more powerful). Blizzard made quite a lot of confusion about this character after all…
but hey, maybe he will put a (mini) mana bomb in the gift for Jaina so the mana bomb explodes in her face (again…) …that would be hilarious or even without the mana bomb thing, Jaina simply won’t accept it and will become angry at him again, regardless of his good intentions…
If anything, you should say “nothing changed” in the sense that the Blood Elves at this point are indeed back to their pre-Scourge high elven roots, just with more “Light” themes and influence…and as a warlock it is indeed frustrating…
The titles of Grand Magister/Magistrix should be determined by their skills, knowledge, power and mastery over the Arcane. S/he should also be a strong leader.
This dates back to the ancient Highborne traditions - an aspect of Quel’Thalas society that seemingly was still in force by the time of Bel’ovir’s death and Rommath’s ascension.
What Azshara said to Thalyssra about not achieving the title of Grand Magistrix should tell us how the Highborne and their descendants, elected those people to those positions.
Aethas is just an Archmage - a strong title indeed, but it’s not “Grand Magister.” As Grand Magister, Rommath would have all the above, as did Elisande was Azshara elected her as leader of Suramar. (I mean, come along; would Azshara truly employ weak people to govern her cities?)
Rommath isn’t a nice guy…so, who cares? Blizzard should be listening to the Blood Elf fanbase on this and realise that the majority of us want Rommath, not Aethas. Aethas is a Sunreaver/Kirin Tor Mage - Rommath is the leader of the Quel’Thalas (Horde) Magi and is it too much to speculate that he possibly also oversees the operations of the Sanctum? (The Blood Elf Warlock guild?)
This is where I see a divide within the Sin’dorei fanbase - do we want rid of the Sunwell, so the Blood Elves veer more towards their Arcane Mastery or would they become too similar to Void Elves, who are basically taking on the arc of the “TBC Netherstorm Sunfury.”
The divide comes on what we want - do we like Lady Liadrin and the direction of the Blood Knights becoming the military force of Quel’Thalas, or should that role be given back to the Farstriders and we see more of a TBC Blood Knight/Magister union?
Side note: in Dragonflight - the majority of Mages within the Dragonscale Group, are Blood Elves and we still see an occasional Warlock here and there. Indeed, a Sin’dorei Demon Hunter is also part of Dragonscale.
EDIT: Come the next patch, you will hopefully be able to go full-Rommath Sunfury as the Blood Elf Bandit Mask should be available for transmog and we all know that mask was truly made for Blood Elf Mages and Blood Elf Warlocks.
Kael’thas is our true leader and I stand by that. Sylvanas makes no comment on him.
She does:
When the Nine showed the realms of the Shadowlands to Sylvanas Windrunner, they showed her the confined Kael’thas in Castle Nathria. Sylvanas decided that the prince had earned his fate, and noted the irony that both he and Zul’jin—the former leaders of two races who loathed each other—were being tormented in the same realm, both unaware of each other’s presence.
So, by all accounts - Sylvanas disliked Kael’thas.
She had her reasons for not liking him in life anyway, since he was one of the first to state his disapproval of Nathanos Marris, amongst the Farstriders and ordered Sylvanas to dismiss him from the service. This was done via a letter. She didn’t do that.
Your “True Leader” tried to survive by licking Kil’jaeden’s a**. And the latter used and threw him like a toilet paper!!! Despite being a PRINCE, he was rejected by Jaina Proudmoore. Basically Kael’thas was worse than Arthas!!! The weakling couldn’t even claim the throne after he returned and instead started to lick that insignificant Garithos’s a** as a start!!! How is that in anyway a sign of a leader??? seriously man…stop saying things from your…
If you ask me, Kael’thas brought out the worst aspects of being Highborne descent.
He held some arrogant and abrasive attributes and not all women, especially Human women, would have appreciated that.
Kael’thas descends from Highborne Mages, directly in contact with Queen Azshara herself; those Elves were amongst the most arrogant - even during their escape from Azshara, with one female highborne stating that “we will MAKE the others (none-highborne) listen to us!”
It’s these sorts of things that would naturally have turned Jaina off. Before his downfall, Arthas was quite humble.
That was what is so good about him. He served the highborne fantasy perfectly. Lor’themar is just a human with pointy ears.