Hey there, i’m a realtivly new wow player that have been grinding his way to end game; with new i mean i have only 9 days of playtime on my lvl 120 warlock. For now i managed to reach 433ilvl and lvl 73 hearth of azeroth; i would like to keep progress and gather more knowledge or raids and mythic stuff, soo im looking for a guild that does from normal to mythic raid/dungeons and have some fun with together while gearing up
Thanks for your attention
Greetings from Kheper - Stormscale
Hi, if you fancy joining a very laid-back community where the focus is first and foremost having fun and enjoyment of the game, check out our guild ‘Rekindled’. We are mainly a social community, playing on the old rppvp cluster. Ppl group up for content they enjoy but we also have a raid day on Sunday evenings (next on our list is BoD heroic (last three bosses) and CoS - working our way up to reach current content), some spontaneous m+ runs and mog runs. You can find our forum post here: [H][Ravenholdt] <Rekindled>, a WoW based community. Our door is always open . I highly recommend joining our discord (link in the forum post) so you can ask us anything you want.