AFK-botting all the way to R14

While we already have a topic in regards to bots, I’d like to bring up another issue the era cluster is facing and those are battleground botters, specifically afk-bots that do absolutely nothing but stand around in AV tunnel leeching honor.

Horde side we have a troll warrior that’s about to hit r14 this reset and he’s the most blatant botter I’ve ever seen and nothing is being done about it.

The games are absolutely miserable and since Blizzard clearly don’t care I imagine we’re going to see plenty more of this type of behaviour. Because who in their right mind wants to spend 50 hours every single week giving themselves a lobotomy spamming AV when you can just run a bot, come back in 9 weeks and hit R14.


PvP is at a sad state.

Still, I must say I am positively surprised about all those players who have hit R14 and are joining WSG and AB in the evenings. I did not think this would happen, but if over time, a % of R14s decide to then join WSG and AB, we can then have some competitive and fun matches in Era.

This is of course besides your point. Botting is a huge problem. My theory is that there is a reason why it is ignored, but I do not have proof of it so it is all speculation at this point.

The whole ranking system is a made stupidly bad anyway. You cannot argue that R14 wasnt one of the worst pvp system ever devised and their constant refusal to remake the system into a not terrible one is legit the issue. Cant really blame people for botting that mess.

And these are the bots you see. There are plenty of “players” hiding behind tree’s, under the bridge and in the buildings at SH GY. Have a look, there is always someone hiding there :wink:

Cant really blame people for cheating in the game and breaking tos? No one is forcing anyone to get r14 or even play classic in the first place. If you want a better ranking system, play a game with a better ranking system, don’t cheat.

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I always fish in AV. There’s pool of water at northern AV. If i werent meant to fish there why did they put water there to begin with. Fish also provides me HP regeneration If i end up fighting enemies


seeing those 3000ish honor kill rank 14 make me laugh everytime.

It’s so obvious that they are boting, even by accident just being in AV and being active you get more hk than that.

we get some cool warsong at time in the evening tho.

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Disappointing to see so many apathetic replies

My fault for expecting things to be any different than they were in 2019, the game is filled with the worst types of people.

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sadly yes, most people either participate or dont care at this point.

Alliance have a huge amount of players who just afk near the cave or at some corner of the map. A good few of them seem like bots but you see them week in week out without any actions being taken.

The pvp system is garbage, probably the worst in the history of video games…

Those who afk / bot they are the true winners.

Imagine spending 40h per week running from A to B, killing NPCs to get honor so you can later brag about how good you are at pvp or tell your non-existing friends that you have R14 title…but you leave out that it wasn’t the old fashion way haha

The old fashioned way where you would get abused and black listed if you went over an arbitrary honour cap?

This falls in the “gameplay sabotage / non-participation” category and you can get reported for it.

Given The harsh and cold enviroment of alterac valley i think it is complitely reasonable to rest by campfire and try to catch some fish. Its a long journey between north and south sides. My kodo also needs a rest for carrying tauren, weapons and armor through snowy map