After 3 weeks of SoD it's safe to say: The PvP side of this seasonal gamemode is kinda lacking

This isnt classic +, turtle wow is classic +. This version has no new level zones or anything and roadmap doesnt say they are adding area’s like Gilneas, hyjal etc. And we still have rampant bots and gdkp

People see what they wanna see. The incentive is to farm honor the fastest way and get somewhat decent games. I am not really sure whats the purpose of going on about how evil Premade-Grps are. I guess its to vent?

You are wrong because you are bringing up examples from another world.
Cooperating with 1-2 random mates is something completely different than with 9.
Also the context of it being ranked and skillbased-matchmaking changes the attitude and approach of the players completely

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This is the fault and the attitude of the players, not the change itself. You try to make it so that it’s regarding the change for the queue system but it’s really not.

What this prove is even more the mentality of the players who defend the premade vs solo debate, you want to defend it for easy rep and reward farming because you know that if you are faced vs other premade groups only then it wont be as easy and therefore cause you lack the pvp skill and discipline to win you will stop doing that altogether.

That’s a player issue only and nothing to do with a change like this.

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There is no truth to your arguments, at the very least this is subjective but that doesn’t mean we cant find common ground and make a decision that best suits both parties here. I’ll continue to disagree with you, as you make up your own truth to suit your priorities and you don’t care about the rest of us. Nothing more to add.

please go on about judging people and their reasons and projecting all sorts of things into them, it has absolutely 0 value. Also, reality honestly is that people just want to farm efficiently.

What mattes is how the game changes if you implement a change and it is:

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Say what now? I am at least trying to come with a solution that can work for both sides, while you and your other comrades that defend this stupid system today only defend it because it’s convenience for you to farm rep & get rewards easily and efficiently.

Again you prove my point even further. How about you getting to face up against equal challenge for a change? Wouldn’t that be more fun long-term for you and other premade groups, to fight for your rewards?

I don’t care if they increase the rep and honor gained for premade battlegrounds, but at least then you have a reason to keep the premade as premade and it make sense too.

Keeping it like it’s today make absolutely no sense, and so far none of you defenders have provided with ANY logical argument as to why it must remain the same. I still truthfully believe this is a player mentality issue, and you once more help me prove that.


Maybe I defend it because I see it as a overall better System for the game.
Maybe attending to what player think they need is not the right thing in every situation.

But hey keep venting about how evil premade people are, while the meta I am promoting is literally a meta where nearly everyone joins a premade and the bgs end up being premadevspremade anyways.

You defend it because it suits you and your own benefits of what the current design gives you and not because it’s good for the game.

I could say the same thing to you and what you want.

No one have said premade groups are evil, I keep seeing this comment made by you and that’s totally your own beliefs. All I am saying is that it make literally NO sense to NOT do this change, it will benefit both sides and to be honest anyone who will stop doing premade because of this change, well good riddance? They were using it for the wrong reasons and promoted behavior that will eventually damage this game for both sides of the argument.

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This is getting better and better :popcorn:

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people buy gold/gear with RMT (PvE gear game?), so the weekly cap/decay of ranks is a huge mistake, the people who don’t buy need access to the rank 14 gears without the weekly cap gatekeep

that’s not “lol” (funny)

everybody pay 13e/month here

Dont get literal, you are assuming a bunch of negative stuff and intentions instead of actually adressing the arguments made.

But hey lets go into it, seperating ques without giving a high enough incentive to still form premades (like 5x honor or sth) is absolutely garbage game design wise, reasons stated above already.

So now we got another problem, how to find an incentive that creates a healthy pool of premades while also keeping a healthy amount of soloq players. So noone has to wait too long for the game and noone feels left out because they think they are not earning enough.
We can go that route, sure, but I would question why we would even want that.
Splitting up just creates fragmentation, rather have them all together in the same list, that also contributes to community feeling.
People should “feel” how it is to try with random people against coordinated groups, they should learn how even simple coordination improves gamequality drastically.

I see no value in creating/keeping a game mode where its really like rolling a dice if you win or lose. Where people flame eachother, go afk, leech, do their own thing. With solo-play dying out there is nothing to be lost.

Sometimes you need to force players to be better, and right now thats working.

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I’m not assuming anything I just provide with my own opinion on the matter, while I try to look at it from both perspectives and to try find a common ground. There is no perfect solution but I take a better solution over this current system that is in place that favors only the premade side.

While on the other hand, you that defend this way time and time again only show your true color and try to make up for arguments to try and defend this ridiculous way it’s now while attacking other people who try to voice their concerns, frustrations and who try come up with solutions and you still continue to attack and be defensive about it because deep down you know this doesn’t benefit people like you who use this for your own benefit instead of wanting a more healthy game experience for the both sides.

That’s the difference between you and me and your other defender friends that share similar attitude about this.

So you are premading just to have more honor farming casuals (why you want more honor you already have more honor farming casuals) ? not for the adrenaline of a premade vs premade match?

The separates queue needs a try, especially in SoD where blizz are trying things

you sweates got to chill :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:

these guys are in “crocodile rp mod” premade*

“wait the dumb casual gazelle with our big badass fangs”

no challenge

Its funny how you talk about solutions but completely ignore the content of my post and instead all you bring is speculations about intentions and about what kind of person I am, oh, and about every person existing that shares the opinion.
Really great way to argue m8.

You are looking for a solution where there is no real problem. The problem is players refusing to take 2-3 minutes to get into a group in an MMORGP and expecting the game to change according to their needs.

Is it FORBIDDEN to solo-queue in BGs ?

If your (un)mighty premade team is chasing notoriety that much you better agree that the game needs separates queues
You got no challenge, and no dignity to kill casual gazelles as badass crocodiles premade

It really shows you guys rather sit in your feelings then think about solutions.

I want all of you solos to start getting into groups and experience better gameplay.
One consequence of this is that pub stomping wont exist anymore, at least not to any noticeable degree. So yeah, please go on about how much I want to stomp randoms. Cool things we also get: a more connected community, better games and no fragmentation of players.

that’s noble from you to try to change people into “pro-gamers” , but think about those who are not here for a competition in a PEGI12 game… they pay 13e/month too

And when your friends are not here and you have to solo-queue? You maybe answer “i join another team” ok.

Are you scared to face only premades as a premade? That’s not warrior balls

Pro-footballers don’t chase little kid teams just to dominate

Separates queues can make your balls grow :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Pve is lacking too. There is no much point to do every instance and raid more then once. Obviously phase is too long, sadly, they just cant roll out p2 on top of xmas

It seems to be a common misconception that Premades are sweaty or competitive, some of them are, in my experience a lot of them are not. Getting some randoms with a rough plan and somewhat proper setup is not pro-gaming.