After 3 weeks of SoD it's safe to say: The PvP side of this seasonal gamemode is kinda lacking

Woooh you resolved a big mystery here ! Where is scoobiedumbiedoo? i want to squeeze his leg :rofl:

Anything else to answer? I cuted your unmighty premade promo. Let face premades vs premades, it deserve a try
You are trying to make solo-queuing something FORBIDDEN , you ridiculous

I’m not against premades personaly and people are free to join one, but farming PUGs at gy is not the idea of what a competition have to be
Easy victory is not a victory in this game

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I’ve already heard everything you and other people that defend this have to say and you all say the same things over and over again. You only defend it and how the rest of us should learn to play a game “your” way instead of addressing the issue which I and other people have tried to do, in order to make both parties happier.

But that will only work if the people who are against the idea of change, to be open minded and not be defensive just because they prefer how it is now because it benefits them and not the other side.

With your logic everything that people do in this game, should be together in a group so profession leveling, leveling characters, PvP, PvE you name it. The moment you do something solo which I am sure you do more times than you can admit, I’ll then give you the same speech you give me “You are not supposed to play an MMO game alone, find a group why don’t you?”.

There are more people agreeing that this need to change than those who defend it, and quite frankly I’ve yet to see a proper logical reasoning behind the defense on keeping it as it’s now because there is none and you guys know it too which is why you continue to defend it with arguments that doesn’t make sense.

The problem is you don’t understand that there are players that play this game in two ways, solo & in group. That’s how it always been, and will continue to be probably for ever. You don’t get to decide how other people should enjoy the game, just like I don’t get to do that.

Instead I’m giving out ideas on how to try and solve this to make it more fair & fun for both sides of the argument. I’ve yet to see ANY solution other than “deal with it bro, not hard to create a group bro” argument and it shows your and all other people defending this crap were your priorities lies and that you don’t care.

It isn’t forbidden; it’s just ill-advised and a bit silly, especially when you know premades are out.

yeah i know that. But i don’t want to be a part of these Discord “win-traders” full of traitors. (there are some guys in your team but hey are on Discord with the enemy team to grief the battle, the game is sick)

i have no intersest in Farming PUGs at gy, i like adrenaline, challenge, even if the Warsong last 2hours with a real competitive aspect

So i’m gonna queue solo like these past years of Classic till there are Separates queues

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And if that’s not possible with seperate queues the only logical conclusion is you want to stomp pugs instead of facing other premades.


People seem to have this weird issue where they mistake a videogame like WoW for a democracy or sth. A game is a piece of Art and a System that follows a certain logic and design, not a group project of the playerbase.

The main issue here really is that you think just because some players have struggles adapting it means that they should be heard or a compromise has to be found.

Trying to please every individual gamestyle is how retail ended up in a fragmented empty feeling Pixelhunt.

You are really just taking my comment and exaggerating it to the point it gets absurd, applying it to situations that are not even relevant. There are solo-play dynamics in the game, yep. But joining a 10v10 battleground shouldnt be one, or I mean you can try and see for yourself how that works in the world…of warcraft.

Here you are really just making things up. You have absolutely no data on “there are more people agreeing”. This forum is not representative in any way, since this forum is literally a complaining hub if you look at the posts, and even here people constantly disagree.

A lot of logical arguments have been given in regards to what people think design should look like and what would be possible negative implications of seperated ques. Also, a very simple and fast solution that incorporates fundamental game principles has been offered multiple times.

You just fail to accept that there are different values and views when it comes to the game, instead you see your view not being matched ingame as a “problem” and expect people to offer you solutions that fit your needs.

Here you are right, blizzard is deciding what they do with their baby. And tell me, how does it look like currently? Get some perspective, you are here in this forum trying to bring blizzard to change their game.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The gnome just after me in this thread have some wise words, i don’t quote it but maybe you can check it

How did you come to that conclusion?

If they separate queues without adding additional incentives to premades, then it’s a no brainer that premades will split up and queue the solo; premade queues will be more intense, require better comps and comms, and will undoubtedly take longer to pop.

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Why not? The best reward is to be a notorious champion, a feared team by their skill, not by their capacity to farm PUGs at gy

Champions League of premades
Problem is people are proud only for achievement, rep/honor points, titles
Where are the Rocky Balboas? Straight champions

That all sounds lovely in theory, but in reality, reward acquisition is the most important incentive, and if queuing Solo Queue gives rewards at a faster pace (which it would without incentives to premades), then a) you’ve destroyed premades, and b) you’ve essentially told people that grouping up in an MMO is a bad thing.

Do them well to have more honor/rep in premade vs premade
I’m not against premade
But farming PUGs at gy everyday all day? That’s ridiculous
And getting farmed by premades every day all day? That not worth 13e/month that everybody pay

Same for the weekly cap/decay of rank, if you miss 1 day of farming 450k honor/week, that’s not worth paying 13e/month

If Blizz add separates queues i could maybe try to find a premade team.
But now, i don’t have interest to farm PUGs (ants) at gy everyday all day for honor points
This is equal to greykill, 1 greykill here and there is ok, but doing it all day ? :yawning_face:

this argument is not valid:

a PUG vs PUG (with full casuals or full goodplayers or half of each) can last longer or the same time as a premade vs premade

i never said that

Separates queues can be a great thing, win-win

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According to you:

Which could be summarized as: fighting a premade = hard, fighting a pug = easy. You want the quick and easy win. I don’t blame you either, but it’s ridiculuous to claim anything else. In terms of honor per hour, fighting another premade is a complete waste of time. The best case scenario is a pug without any healers that keeps spawning so you can farm HK’s until you win the game.

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If you restrict the premade player base will find ways to abuse this and make a turnaround. For example, people will split 10 men group into 5 and queue at the same time, and enter on the same pop-up. It is how players manage to do premade Epic Bg’s in retail.

Yeah i hate “win-traders”, i don’t know for retail but it happened in Era too…
This never happened in OG Vanilla because it was not an average mentality of griefing, and servers were not connected to other servers (nobody paid 2 accounts to play in both factions of a PvP server back in the days)
If you were from the Alliance, You were FOR THE ALLIANCE
If you were from the Horde, You were FOR THE HORDE
If you wanted to try the opposite faction, you had to change server and be unconnected to the peoples you played with/against on the other server

Now it’s an “underground” Discord full of traitors and snitches selling their mom for a BG win or an Epic item in PvE…

What can we do?

Separates queue can have good impact, but it’s not magic

Totally agree.

Only thing id add is broken layer changes, implemented to fix aforementioned terrible “PvP event” have resulted in a completely empty world. Meaning what world PvP there was prior to the changes, no longer exists either !!

They are even maybe reading me and talk behind my back on their discord because they are scared to face my “Lyrical rogue’s Kick” :rofl:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: