After 3 weeks of SoD it's safe to say: The PvP side of this seasonal gamemode is kinda lacking

Totally agreed. Layer issues have been a major buzzkill for me personally.

They should really improve the matchmaking for WSG so that solo a Q is not forced to fight premades

I agree it’s not perfect, but I am having fun and that’s good enough for me

nah premades vs solo farm is what makes it an mmo. brb
LFM wsg prem need 3 priest 3 hunt have druid with faps

let sweaty premades fight sweaty premades they all have 90% gear they want already while pug premades can just disappear

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The OP just nailed it. I love the SOD experience so far, but he actually said everything perfect the way i feel it too…

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Most people I see who are building premades in the chat are indeed looking for certain classes only or put the “BE GEARED” remark into their LFM request. Also I’m going against premades as a shaman who can purge, so I am well aware of how many buffs they are bringing to the table, and it is a lot. I usually need 6-10 purges PER PERSON.

So no, I really don’t buy the claim that premades are just as randomly thrown together and non-sweaty as your normal PUG is.

While BG is only premades Ashenvale PvP event is full of horde don’t want to risk to lose rep so they lose the event intentionally ensured to gather as much rep as possible before losing.
For people like me who actually want to win the event and fight are screwed because we want to PvP.
Horde PvE rotation: Zoram, hs to base, Research, Glavie and lose.

That’s it and will not change until alliance actually wipes Zoram at start and forces Horde to PvP on a PvP server.

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So I am nearly exalted on wsg with my lock toon .
I played a lot of games and all of them are premades,not because it’s my favourite way but I am forced to.We are doing like 35 games and it’s all wins so most of my group are not noobs and we invite specific classes for specific comp.
When you play vs pugs is 1000% win there is no chance of them winning so ppl who say otherwise must be brain damaged, plus the games are boring you just wipe them once and then farm them at gy, at this point I just go afk in near the hut and w8 for the game to end.
The only thrill you get is when it’s premade vs premade where you have to to struggle a bit( sometimes not at all).
I like playing with premades because I like the setup we are playing but sometimes man I just want to que to pump and play alone, but you can’t because you will be matched vs premade and it’s no fun.
Premades should be vs premades and solo vs solo.
I know it’s an mmo but sometimes you just want to relax and play a BG or two without searching for ppl everytime or you want to play on different time when not a lot of ppl playing.
I believe separate ques are not bad and I understand the ppl who play solo.