After 8.1 I sometimes can't right click to turn my screen

What title says. After alot of struggling and googling i’ve realized that it’s the middle of my screen I cant click. By using /framestack i’ve located I have no idea whats causing it. When I hover over it, it says timetracker etc. as showed in the bottom left corner. I have a picture with all information but I cannot upload it?

EDIT: upon further inspection of the problem when I hover over the frame with /framestack, it says “SpellActivationOverlayFrame”. Also when I relog there is no problem. After a few arena games its back…

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I had this at one point and it was an addon with a layer that was far too high priority, and so at times it took over the mouse when clicked. I can’t recall which addon it was as it was years ago, but honestly I wouldn’t expect it to even be the same addon. You could post the addons you have to see if people have any ideas, but ultimately the only option might be to eliminate the addons one by one :confused:

Yea that’s what everyone says. Im only using gladius and omnibar. If I could post this picture I have im sure someone would know the fix…

I’m having the same issue. Even with addons disabled. It’s only since the patch hit.

Same issue. Did disable the Discord Overlay. Thought it went a bit better but it still occurs. Never had this problem before the patch

Disabling them might not be enough since they’re still loaded into memory, it could be an interface part of the game itself but you’re probably going to be asked to do a full interface reset by support (since that’d also potentially fix problems with the standard interface).

I have 100% for sure figured it out. It happens after every arena win. The box that shows you have got a steel strongbox or gold etc. It disappears but u cant click through where it was. The fix is simply to relog every time u get a reward from arena or other stuff


I’d personally try a full interface reset, either something is corrupted with the default interface or it’s bugged, but not really possible to tell without testing. Blizzard support will ask you to reset your interface, and if it continues and it could be a bug they can’t do anything about it since they don’t work on the game code. If you only have two addons it wouldn’t take too long to set it up again.

I have the same issue at the moment and it only appears to happen when ELVui is the only addon loaded.

This time around I’m pretty sure IT IS NOT AN ADDON… can’t believe people keep on going with it and spread misinformation… It is the GroupLootContainer blocking the WorldFrame for god’s sake.

Check this and my comment for more details.

Yea that’s what everyone says. Im only using gladius and omnibar. If I could post this picture I have im sure someone would know the fix…

I don’t use gladius but sArena and do use omnibar; however, I double checked the code and I really doubt it’s omnibar because the only time it has EnableMouse(true) is when the frames are unlocked and I have them locked.

Report it as a possible bug ingame, then, if it continues without anything but the standard interface. Support can’t fix this.

I reported it a moment after I wrote my post here! and I’m not asking for anyone to fix it here, initially, I was trying to understand just like many other people why it happens and I actually thought it’s my mouse, as you well know but telling people to reset their UI or that it’s an addon when it’s more likely a bug won’t solve anything.

Support is inadequate for bugs, there needs to be a two-way information stream between players and developers. No use just using in-game reporting, fire and forget. Often needs more conversation than that and more over, a lot of the bugs discussed lately are things that prevent people getting in-game to report a bug in the first place.

Well… not quite. Telling people to reset their UI right after a major patch (which is when this post was created) is the first step that must be done before it can be reported as a bug. It can even be a standard interface issue which is why you’re supposed to do a full reset, not just remove addons created by third parties. Especially when this can be caused by addons, as mentioned in my first post when it happened to me it was the problem.

It’s pretty rare for large developers (in general, not talking about Blizzard) to do that, they have a bug report forum on US but even there they only interact with players in very particular cases where they’re not able to replicate the problems at all.

I’m a dev myself, I know it’s rare in big organisations, they work hard to avoid it - usually considered an expensive waste of resources. However, speaking as a dev, having bug reports filtered through support personnel makes the reports all but useless. Needs the eye of someone who knows what is going on to ask the right questions and spot the right answers. There really is no substitute at all. Why does the EU not have a bug report forum? Somewhat of an oversight. Guess we are the poor relation to the US market as always.

The support staff don’t read the bug reports, they’re not filtered through them. For some unexplained reason they have the option under the “support” menu (maybe nowhere else to put it?) even though it goes straight to the US dev team. I don’t know why they don’t have a bug report forum here, though honestly more often than not the bug report forum on US is a mess since people ignore the guidelines entirely.

Aye, I’m not saying all users are capable of filing useful bug reports. The reason most companies do not let devs talk direct to users is that many users aren’t certain as to why it’s not the company’s fault if they can’t play when the user has a power cut. However, some users can be of help. But if globally ignored to avoid the dunces, then a lot of useful information is lost.

Yes, it might be the first step for most people because most people don’t know any better so they use a sledgehammer to crack a nut.

I know it can happen by addons and I’m not denying it but the OP says he/she is only using Gladius and OmniBar whereas I only use the latter and it’s really unlikely that it’s OmniBar per my comment above thus addons should be ruled out.

This can’t be the issue because SpellActivationOverlayFrame have EnableMouse(false) as opposed to EnableMouse(true) and the issue can only occur by frames that have EnableMouse(true), you can check this by doing something like this /run SpellActivationOverlayFrame:EnableMouse(false) without reloading the UI which shouldn’t change anything and you should still experience the same issue; however, you can try doing something like /run GroupLootContainer:EnableMouse(false) again without reloading the UI and see whether this solves the issue, if it is, then it means the offending frame is GroupLootContainer.

You can also do /run SetCVar("displaySpellActivationOverlays", 0); ReloadUI() to to prevent SpellActivationOverlayFrame from showing up.

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same problem, had it for a while but not on all my characters. useing same addons and setup on all of them. wish we could get some clearance on this. or if they could fix it