After today I get the Mythic+ LFG struggle of some players to find a group

meta has nothing to do with it . i just +2 grimrail 15 on my monk with like 15-16 deaths and 2 melee including retri pala which is as far of metaclass as possible. we even pulled 2 mobs that you can skip because he just didnt care and which people cry about so much too.

what we did have is tank who knew what he was doing on train and how to use his class cds properly .

same in ID - again +2 on 15 - but we had a tank who knew how to tank so he had no problems surviving big pulls at start and people who knew how to dps.

people just refuse to learn tactics and often dont know how to play their class effecitvely and want to aoe yolo everything + they want to learn the dungeon on 15-17 .

oh ye and i got into that group with 900 score.

just be polite in pug world too.

I think you have misunderstood what ive written on.

Im talking terms of applying to groups in the pug enviroment of the game. That people get declined rapidly when not playing a meta class and has not gotten a built up RIO score previously.

This isnt going to be every case sure, however plenty of groups would decline a ret paladin or something less favourable. And its more common then not to exist.

You dont see thousands of people complaining on getting continously declin3d if the problem didnt exist realistically.

It’s just, that you are a ret paladin, and nobody invites rets to keys sadly

I think a good solution would be to make people able to solo/group-queue M+, but it matches based on rating of a specific dungeon. That means, if you have a high rating for a dungeon, the appropriate key will be chosen with people, who have similar score up to a maximum of maybe +14 or 15. The only reason, why this will be annoying is boosting, since ppl will get boosted, and then queue with this system to ruin everyone else’s enjoyment…

M+ is kinda fine, but they have to balance specs better to give more utility, if they don’t have damage

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The problem with auto group finders is theres no way to make it smart enough to accurately put a group together realistically, also as shown by prior. Auto group finder just simply gives people to care less about their performance.

I dont think the system needs changing sadly. Weather theyre just gonna spam quit dungeons everytime a bad set up happens or decline.

Pug enviroments have no connection, its very self driven and everyones out to better their own outcomes effectively. These are people u will never see or remember after all, their progression is not relevant to yourselves.

The game doesnt need a auto finder, as much as it needs a proper supported community which simply has more exposure then the current community feature.

People tend to through bad experiences or maybe meeting bad players, or unfortunate circumstances due to anxiety ov3r their performance, being too self critical aswell as many others never give content a go due to a barrier of fear.

Its where the community spirit needs driving the hardest and its important to create enviroments which dont bring such cut throat anonymous mentality as the pug system allows to exist.

Ive invited ret paladins before and tbh never has impacted the group negatively, rarely is the cutthroat meta realistically needed but sadly your correct, when it comes to pugs espically of a dps role. It can become super demoralising for those who arent willing to fotm reroll when trying to access.

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I agree with you mostly. Blizzard should just balance m+ better, since I rly think, almost as many ppl do m+ as raiding, but maybe it’s my subjective p.o.v.

Id argue more do m+ then raid in all honesty at this point. Better balance would be good, i think blizzard were on the right tracks with the community feature just imho they need to refine and iterate on it and it could be a amazing feature for groups of players who want access to content without the PuG enviroment.

Think theres lots of factors that need fine tuning, pugging made me quit the game, i returned now i have a stable 9-5 job with weekends off.

The QoL is amazing compared to trying to rely entirely on pugs

Same, I can also not rly afford to raid time wise, and m+ is a nice way to get the best gear in the game

Even just having concrete hours where i can log on and do m+ with friends is enough for me currently i may look into raiding in DF tho.

It makes the barriers alot easier to overcome as every specc can easily do +15s, you have arcane mages timing +27 keys yet people think the speccs too weak to manage a +5

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Which keys are those ? Because more and more groups on lfg are actively searching for any 15-20 upper kara keys because they farm stuff from IT . People already do 20+ keys there And its week 2 of season . And somehow they dont see problems with tuning .

If Blizzard gave rogue a swarshbuckler/tank spec, Id tank.

All pure dps should have atleast one tank/heal spec.

Thing is, almost no one uses the “group description” text field in group tools or even lists the group as “beat timer/completion/standard” in the tab.

Hard to find like-minded people if no one is saying what they look for.

At that level sure you get lots farming em all as ur approaching the minority chasing that challange for timed keys.

At range of 8-12 roughly the mentalities very different and ther eare drfintly keys people actively avoid

Well no its hard to locate people in pug enviroments.

Guilds / discords / communities / friend building however do allow u to find them however.

And the main difference is people join 8-12 expecting that they can ignore every single mechanic perform awefuly bad and still be able to time IT.

That’s why they fail . Badly .

Kara is hard not because its tuning but because people dont understand mechanics on trash and bosses there.

My advice ? The same as always if you have problem there farm some gear , farm couple of resets od GV gear , farm some valor try and learn IT on 10-12 and only then do +15. You have minimum of 3 monts to do IT so a lot of time .

Or buy a boost if you CBA

Im not the one with the complaint the OP is.

Im just simply stating advocating players to slam against the same walls isnt good advise.

Finding a guild / friends / community / discord is the correct solution realistically and the only one that merits any positive change realistically.

The pug community is cutthroat. You can be a ret paladin whos timed +20s on every dungeon and still get denied upon applying to groups.

Pug enviroment tends to require a higher ilevel then required + a higher RIO level then the content.

This is because in a pug they are making up for the factor of low communication, and the rng of the pug playerbase between boosted players and decent players when recruiting the unknown you have no background so deciding factors fall to hard numbers.

Its not the fact pug communities dont work, bexause they do. But they are playing off a back foot. Low communication, no beground information, not knowing the player. All hieghten the risks of inviting players.

But if someones looking to 1) play a specific character / specc 2) not wanting to run own keys and 3) waiting forever for tanks / healers.

The only advise you can give is networking and premade groups witj people u know.

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Maybe I can help you :woman_shrugging:

It is actually really easy. Communities.

Go for IT if you are bored :slight_smile: this is my rogue .

Hit me up in game evolixe#2290

I’m sorry to disappoint whatever narrative you’ve got going in your head. I’m baffled how people having a calm discussion can be twisted into angry.

That ‘?!?’ is literally me going:-