After today I get the Mythic+ LFG struggle of some players to find a group

You have green text so you should enforce people to do all these things :slight_smile:
Don’t get why you are so mad. I have 2 chars with ksm already and 1 char hanging around 1k because the gear upgrades are good enough for this one.

Its the best season we ever had in shadowlands :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

The problem isnt end game content, nor its design. If we look at raiding in any mmorpg its identical.

Even in guild wars 2 where u only have to manage physically 20% of a proffessions dps percentile to overcome its hardest raiding difficulties. This exists.

The problem is, the accessibility to knowledge to the masses regarding meta and what the community is using it for, also boosting due to the factor “ive timed this before” is no longer a provable situation as the person wont know if you paid or earnt the key.

This is a community issue realistically.

Im not going to say the classic “oh well make your own”.

However what i will say is, in gw2 me and 3 people on a reddit, made a discord catered to those who dont wanna tryhard, fotm reroll and force good comps by pushing people into content we didnt want. It grew into the hundreds very quickly, (remember gw2 is much smaller then WoW so its not possible to reach thousands in alot of cases) as fear/anxiety of raiding / content exists and people who didnt wanna fotm reroll or continously forced to play meta options.

Beleive we even called the guild Unskilled and Afraid in game too :rofl:

We created a discord that allowed anyone to make a event, then the server would set up a optional voice section for it so everyone could create events for evenings they wanted to do different types of content.

If theres enough players in the same boat, maybe its on us to bnet add others etc etc thus way maybe enough of us overlap within the same play times to ease the issue we are facing

Because the problem with the argument “play ur own key” its annoying to retain a key at the same + to keep within a level ur ilevels fit for, to also add.

Certain keys are considered dead keys, people simply wont run em or apply, this means you end upnwith a dead key, u will simply go through hell to push through it.

To scale, vault awards u based on keys done. So players farming specific pieces need to spam a identical dungeon in order for this. Which makes spam running self keys die off when u reach this stage.

Pug enviroments are harsh, and sadly blizzard cant enforce us to play with each other or remove meta from existance.

The answer is create communities / pass around battle net adds / and locate other people who want the same sorta things as you.

Networking is the correct answer. Not running self keys. Its rly bad advice to give to a player as it simplies fixes nothing long term. And supresses a problem that commonly will drive players away from the game.

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I’m sorry but that made me laugh

If the first troll attempt doesn’t work, result to the green text :white_check_mark:

It’s even worse though, she even has a green border :scream_cat:

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I’m not mad, I’m not sure why you think expressing an opinion on observations would be anything to do with anger?!?

tanking would be a lot more enjoyable if toxic asshats was not a thing :smiley: heck i have a lot of fun tanking in every game but wow :confused: same for healers makes running mythic+ just a drag

And could have gotten 3-4 other unwanted keys in a row after that. Ever thought of that?

Ironically I always pick the people with the lowest mythic rating to exactly counter that problem. I take the ones that are not wanted.

If you wish to be part of the problem then that is your decision.

Being MVP doesn’t mean someone has to push LFG biases at your demand, mate.

Telling others to “get good” or “make friends” is like telling a new player “teach it yourself without asking others”. That’s the same :poop: mindset that ruined my entire job education where the job trainers were exactly thinking like that… “learn it yourself”.

Some people need more of a guiding hand than just “do it yourself”-comments.

Find likeminded people in communities to learn together, or people who are explaining tactics. I also did +9 and +10 lower/upper karazhan this week with just talking through stuff before pulling (and not only the bosses).
We did the same walkthroughs in mechagon and grimrail last week.

This could be a sign that lead me to my conclusion that you are kind of pissed :D. But I don’t care. There are more important things that currently are more important for casual. e.g loot scarcity- Casuals don’t want to run 4 keys without loot

Questionmarks have nothing to do with being agry. It is more a ‘very highly surprisied’ thing.

And 40% dungeon loot is already quit OKish. On higher keys it is even higher.

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oh you are punys lawyer?

its not just my opinion


How high should it be, in your oppinion? It currently is 40% chance to get an item.

at least you should get some tokens to be able to craft something after some time. But clearing dungeons and carry other players to just get anima is more frustrating and a reason to quit then beeing lazy and find a community

This leads me to the conclusion you’re indeed trolling as you’re showing excitement about someone’s possible annoyment with your use of words, which is the definition of internet trolling.

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I’ve just said that its easy to find keys by find a community or list the own key not sure why its trolling :roll_eyes:

Do I have to repost the trollish parts? I was basically turning your logic on its head, drawing a conclusion from one emoji just like you did from this → ?!?


I’m going to play alpha now as its a more suited place to write feedback to the devs directly. General discussion section has no clue :smiley:

Yes, go do that and have a nice rest of your weekend.

I get instantly invited to literally any dungeon I sign up for, +2 - +20. It’s a player made problem. Too many people wants to be DPS, so you’ll just have to accept it for what it is. If you want to instantly get in to keys. Go Heal/Tank.

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some true words here