Aggrend speaks about the AFK players in AB on twitter

For those who dont have twitter:

‘Want to take a moment to remind folks of this: [ Cant post links ] Getting into BGs to intentionally lose or throw games is against the Code of Conduct and advertising such in LFG/Trade/General chats is as well. Reporting people for trying to play the game normally is also very much against he CoC and is just generally awful behavior. We’ll look at the rewards on Monday and work on some adjustments but for now, seriously, please just don’t do this. You are likely to regret it.’


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This is quite obvious, but why do blizzard then BAN those who get reported for doing it(playing the game, and capping bases)?

This is just irony at its best.

Probably because they use AI and when you mass report someone that kicks in. Its the same way you get banned if you kill botters they mass report you. Just appeal and you’ll be fine.

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Yeah, that was kinda my point. You cant say “dont do this” and then go around and ban those who do exactly as you say.

I havent gotten banned yet, so no idea how the process is.
Its just counter-intuitive, having to appeal a ban they shouldnt get in the first place. For simply following the rules

What about people camping graveyards like a mongoloid? I guess blizz doesnt give a F about that… exploit early… exploit often! Shows once again…

I dont feel like thats the same. How often do you get camped on GY anyway? From a premade, sure. But during a “pug” battle?

Besides, the current AB meta is different than being stomped in a bg. You dont go in with a “let them camp us at GY” mentality.

Currently sat banned for people mass reporting me for abusive language when I cap bases and type to report the afkers.


I hope Aggrend is serious that those doing this will regret it and they ALL get down ranked.

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So far… after aggrend his post… I’ve had 75% of the game were horde gets rushed by a full paladins, warrior, hunter zug by alliance. Camp the GY and we all insta die and get cc’d by hunter traps if revived. Cant really win a zugzug either vs 50% paladin in 1 group… they bubble kill 1 or 2 people while immune for 12seconds or w/e. And its GG.

(oh yah sorry… before i summon wave the idiot in here… paladins need buff, they are weak REEE!)

yah not expecting anything,they will lower honor gains and call it a day

Yeah, thats what i mean. Irony at its best.

Downranking all who partook in the ab “event”, or?

yes, because of the current meta. Horde gets free win, alliance gets hks. Its a HUGE win for horde, just saying. Easiest honor in your life. Boring, sure, but still worth imo.

This is also part due to some hordes being mentally challenged, if im honest. And its not to long ago since i thought hordes were generally better, but im honestly not to sure anymore.

Anyway, its the same basically EVERY GAME(!). And yet half the horde team disappear from farm, EVEN THOUGH YOU KNOW alliance will show up eventually. But nah, hordes go 2-3 to every base, to cap an ALREADY FREE BASE.
Alliance runs in, outnumbering hordes, killing everyone, and gets to camp on the GY.

This is purely cuz of horde stupidity:) Nothing else, they know they are coming but refuse to think ahead.

Oh look, Aggrend and his weekly intern are going to take away our rewards xD

you get the bot responses over getting a human looking at this.

Aggrends response is pure laziness tbh, if you want to fix the state of PvP, nerf the horde advantages and shaman, couldn’t be more obvious than that. Also make AV more relevant by buffing honor gains there.

can’t wait for the next problem caused by aggrend for him to fix. dude can’t patch anything on sod without screwing over era servers only to have a domino like effect which causes even more problems for sod aswell. :clown_face:

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I’m sure they have now hired a couple hundred temporary GM’s to over look all reports sent over the past week and will hunt down those abusing the AuotBoT system for reporting players trying to pvp

Phew all sorted

Aggrend threatening his own dwindling player base is kinda bizarre lol. Should be thanking the people who stuck around this long no matter what they’re doing.

Pretty rich for him to comment at all when the devs said they’re not even attempting to balance PvP. But of course they want to aggressively police player behaviour in a game mode they have completely abandoned.


I thought Alli had grown a pair and stopped throwing matchs

My first few games this morning nearly everyone was trying to win

Then it all turned back into

" fast loose "

“rush farm and die”

"dont waste time "

You might think alliance should be ashamed of themselves but I think the Horde should actually feel ashamed about playing against us at this point, it should be beneath them to even consider alliance worth while competition.

Horde should be embarrassed about having to play with us, unworthy, dishonorable, cowardly foes, not worth lifting a hoof to squish us.

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I rly, rly hope we get some kind of PvP in Battlegrounds.
The first day of P5, when this lose meta had not hit yet, was kinda fun.

And I rly, rly hope we get PvP in Battlegrounds in the next 3-4 days, because my subscription is canceled, runs out in a 4-5 days and will not be renewed, if PvP in battlegrounds stays like this lose meta or even worse, the AV “just-ride to pve-boss” meta.

so what ? they’re gonna ban the entire alliance side ?

i’ve to admit this afk meta was something i didn’t expect at all.

felt so weird playing ab this weekend.

people cry about “aggrend not doing his job”, completely forgetting how insanely good the honor was.

You got INSANE reward for it, dull gameplay for sure, but still worth it.

I, for one, wont mind if he doesnt change anything. I still get mad honor, and still get to do some fun 1v1’s occasionally.

and here i was thinking us gamer dads can finally reach Rank 13…