AH add-ons that are ruining Classic

Seems that mobile games are still a best income sincce many years, this is why many traditional devs go “diablo immortal” and TES:blades route. And TES:Bades is literally a milking scheme. Activision is not going to dodge this money-ship.

This is also good, lists by best buyout based on unit price, so will show you the best deals regardless of whether they are in ones or stacks.

/run SortAuctionItems("list", "unitprice")


It has gone so far out of hand, I gave in and installed Auctionator just to be able to buy stuff. I’ve been using Auctionator on retail for many years, but it wasn’t mandatory there because default UI has improved a bit.

It seems to be mandatory in Classic because default UI is back to stone age, while add-ons have evolved.

Agreed, I don’t think it has a place in classic.
Having to scroll through COUNTLESS stacks of ones is really just annoying.

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