[A/H (N) RP] Sisterhood of the Serpent - UNDERMINE! Representing the Blackwater Cartel!

But seriously, have you seen any Blades in the Crowd? We lost all our blades in the crowd over there pls help

Best all female mercenary/assassin troupe in all of Azeroth and a lovely bunch of people too. It’s been a while now, but it was great running into some of you in Dalaran. It had been way too long.


I am delighted to say the blades in the Crowd have finally been returned home safely.

In other news we’re still around in Dalaran sharpening knives and gossiping. But for how long? Only the serpent knows!

I might have been bribed to say these guys are a good bunch too, but well… they are… without the bribe necessary.


We’re currently accepting bribes.


Something to look forward to - once 9.2.5 rolls over, we may loosen restrictions on our current human, dwarven, gnomish, voidhighnight-elven, and kul tiran memberships. Currently only guild members may join with alts of these races. This is because we’d like to avoid forcing the need of a supplemental discord just for casual ingame chatter and greeting each other, as well as saying good bye/good night to each other, which we do a lot of ingame. With 9.2.5 we can bridge this awkward division with a neat workaround via the community system!

So… who knows, maybe we’ll allow mains of those races in very soon :wink:

We’re currently in Orgrimmar or Booty Bay. Depends on who you’re looking for :eyes:

Already have been beginning to think on how to shape our characters throughout the timeskip to Dragonflight whilst helping Booty Bay thrive as a hub.

For illegal reasons, we’re starting to accept people who mainly RP on alliance characters who owe no loyalty to the Alliance (or Horde).

In 10.1 we’re folding the guild into our original guild. :snake:


Officially underway to a campaign on the Dragon Isles, we’re open to new recruits! Come find one of us in Orgrimmar or Booty Bay! Sometimes, on a rare occasion, we’ll be bumbling about Stormwind or Duskwood too, but the former two are still the more likely areas of encounter!

Also, one of us might be participating underneath the Thunderdrome by the end of this month and regularly. Keep an eye out! :eyes:


It’s official! Our guild is open to (almost) any race with one big, shared guild chat!


It’s the strangest thing!

I couldn’t properly log onto the forum for forever.

Hello, yes, we’re in Ratchet until the end of the week, and then bound for Booty Bay. There may or may not be a caravan/travelling hub concept brewing. :eyes:

Also - welcome our newest initiate, Zirah!

We picked up a stray in Ratchet and are taking him home now. :dog:

… What?

We are currently operating in Gilneas!

Currently most open to recruiting Worgen into our ranks :snake:
Or Forsaken. But this would be a perfect time for Worgen applicants!


Within the past week the Sisterhood had been busy hunting down High Inquisitor Aelin Roth who was at the time located inside Gilneas City’s military district. Having turned Stoneward Prison into what may essentially be called a slaughterhouse, he ordered the capture, rounding up and finally shipment of any Worgen and Forsaken roaming the countryside; local, wild, civilized, military or not - it did not matter to the Crusade.

By chance, the New Girl:tm: stumbled upon information regarding one camp responsible for chiefly delivering Worgen to the inquisitor, along with their leader - a man who used to go by the moniker ‘Pastor’. ‘Used to?’ The sisters had managed to steal him away from his own men unnoticed and bring him to the Mentor. After a quick and dirty process of interrogation, he is now ‘free’, as we say among assassins.

The next night, things were in place. By tightrope the girls had infiltrated the city. The life of the High Inquisitor was in the Gilnean sister’s hands - perhaps in part of her knowing the city. Traditional work ethic asks us to discard personal attachments, but the Sisterhood thinks it’s better to confront such feelings to better live with the unfortunate truths of our work.

Having found the prison, the Sisters set to infiltrating it by cage wagon, which allowed them to bypass the tight security on the streets.
In search of the inquisitor’s whereabouts, they’ve been fortunate most of the inquisitor’s security had to be called away to deal with the ongoing siege.

Though the Sisters had succeeded in their mission, and with Aelin Roth’s final chapter coming to an end, the nature of our work does not allow for the liberation of his victims, be it the countryside or his own chambers. The best the girls could do was free those who still breathed in the wake of the High Inquisitor’s fate.

Will they live - or in the Forsaken’s case remain undead? That is their decision to make.

Oh! We’ve also had the pleasure of running into Sixxie! He is now leading the Corpsegrin Irregulars, a group that had come to Gilneas to rescue Private Tamara Damont. We felt nice so we left a girl or two to work with them. After initially encountering resistance by only a small but dangerous handful of crusaders, they had to deal with one particularly nasty paladin of the Crusade who had nearly destroyed them twice, I hear!

They did eventually bring Private Tamara Damont back to her family. See? We can have nice things too in our line of work!


Thank you very much for having us along. It was great fun :pray:

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We’re getting involved in Khaz Algar! To what end!? Find out here:


There may or may not have been a grand reunion and two assassinations of obnoxiously powerful Nerubians.

Gee, I hope nothing bad happened to any Nerubians!


Somewhere on Pandaria, a notorious group of pirates acquired kaja’mite. Three elders sat down to discuss concepts of reality, truth and thought.

In others, we’re currently recruiting anything but* elves

*ideally, that is. We’re aware that nobody is roleplayer enough to roll a human.

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Make a human disguised as an elf, loophole

Can’t believe you’re putting me back on the shelf. smh.