Ain't no more toxic players than M+ players

I do a lot of PvP. some raiding and some M+ and boi… the toxicity in the M+ community is like… a thousand worse than anything I’ve seen in PvP lol. I think it’s mostly Blizzard’s fault. The game got so competitive (timers, upgrading/depleting keystones, M+ score) that literally any mistake in M+ will end up with others telling you to kill yourself irl xd


Just saying something jokingly in the general chat will get you people telling you to kill yourself.

This guy said some rare in ZM was up and I said it isn’t and he said he’s seeing it in front of him and I said “nope, it’s not there because I was just there”. Then I got that message, lmao. This isn’t something specific to m+.

Got some death threats or wishes that I’d kill myself for saying the bird rare thing on mechagon was up as well when it wasn’t.

In OW I’ve likewise had people tell me similar stuff for picking a hero they don’t want me to play. Like I care about what they want me to play.


I believe that Blizzard should forward the adress of people who do this to their nearest police station.


If you think the M+ community can be toxic just wait until you see what the RP community are capable of…


they are pariahs, nobody cares lol


Show the entire conversation with context :slight_smile:

Edit; Ok, turns out I did in fact screenshot it all;

I didn’t quite say what I thought I said but lol, I said that because I had just been there and thought I said it was because I had just been there, but I apparently said screenshot or it didn’t happen, because I had just been there. This was even more hilarious than I remembered it. Complete overreaction.


Anyone negatively interacting in m+ is ignored after the run. See you never. Best regards: a tank.


Every now and then, Blizz like to come up with an “amazing” idea that changes the face of the game. Item level and mythics are my 2 favoutites that made the game a worse experience for me, because it just created a seperate community of toxic players


you aint wrong

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Depends on it. Never had any death threats from someone because of different RP ideas.

Perhaps you just had some really bad hits.

Never had that - probably cos i play m+ (rarely) with friends, guild and communities, always a better experience

What? Now Im interested xD How can RP community be toxic?

exactly this , we will have a dungeon cleared before they manage to get a group

I got flamed like mad when I ended up on argent dawn or something when I joined a group, was loads of AD players around, was just running around on my mount and jumping about while waiting for more people to join and to start the dungeon. “DESTROYING OUR RP EXPERIENCE”.

Bruh, I’m not even on an RP server, idc about your RP experience. I joined a group and got ported over to your server.

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Agreed, the issue is simply the m+ design.

Having extremely negative consequences when failing to time a key is breeding toxicity.

I mean of course it is. The difference between having a +15 key and having a +14 key is like day and night. People will queue in hordes for a +15, but nobody will queue for a +14, so the person whose key just got depleted is understandably upset about it.

Similar point for a +20 and a +19, just a bit less there.

And then there’s the tank who dies on the first boss because they failed a mechanic and then leaves the group. Of course the people who wanted to time the key are upset with them.

In the end, the very design of having repercussions outside of “having to try again” is what makes m+ so toxic.

In a raid, if you wipe on a boss, you ressurrect and try again.

In a PvP match, if you lose a match, you lose 8 rating. A bit more repercussions than raiding, but it’s a PvP environment with rating comparing to other players, so it makes sense.

In m+, when you deplete the key because XYZ, your key will get changed to another dungeon, one level below the level it was before. There’s no “wipe your tears and try again”, there’s only “commit another hour into playing this new key and hoping to get the 1/10 chance of getting the dungeon you’ve had beforehand”.

I personally think the toxicity in m+ would be a lot less if we changed keystones with some different mechanic. I myself would love to have a personal progress system for each dungeon.
You’ve timed a +20 DOS? You’re able to start a +21 DOS at any given time. You’ve played a +18 NW and beat the timer +2? You’re able to start a +20 NW at any given time.
You’ve depleted your first attempt at a +20 NW? No worries, just reset the dungeon and try again.

This system would:

  • Allow easier access to highly sought after items, e.g. Overwhelming Power Crystal, Soleas Secret Technique, Blood Splattered Scale
  • Allow people to take more risks when building their group, e.g. “Oh this guy doesn’t have a lot of rating, but who cares if we deplete the timer, we can always just go again!”
  • Allow people to push their rating without relying on RNG, e.g. “I’m missing Sanguine Depths on fortified, let’s just run the dungeon and not have to hope and pray to get the correct keystone on one of our 5 players”
  • Remove a large reason for toxicity “Oh this tank just left the group after dying to the first boss in Streets? Oh well, search for another tank and go again!”

M+ in its current design is and will always be toxic, because any mistake can and will lead to repercussions that are even worse than the repercussions for any other PvE content in WoW, other than perhaps Trial of Valor heroic, which still gave you more chances than m+ does.

At least we don’t break our keystones anymore. Remember having a depleted keystone in your inventory that didn’t even give you loot and had to get timed to be reactivated? What a great concept.


Bruh, it has nothing to do with the design of m+. It’s because there’s really no consequences for what people say.

I had someone tell me he hopes I get cancer because I didn’t trade him an item from +5 that I was going to give to my friend.

I had someone tell me he hopes I kill myself because of saying “screenshot or didn’t happen” when he said some rare was up in ZM.

I’ve had people tell me to kill myself in OW because they hate the hero I picked, even in game modes where you’re just playing for fun.

The worst case I’ve seen in WoW is this though, copied from another post I made about it because I cba typing it all out again;

There was a girl on a server I played on back in vanilla, she was just lvling her first character and was running around exploring and ran into and got killed at kazzak, making a lot of people angry. What happened after that was a massive amount of harassment against her. Several people got banned. People were sending threats to her or did other stuff that really should have resulted in them being put on a watch list and in prison imo.

“Friendly community”? Yeah, sure. The community were totally friendly. She had to transfer off the server to not be harassed or sent threats whenever she logged in.

Imagine being new to a game and having several guilds go after you, harassing and threatening you, all because you were exploring a new zone on your first character and someone wrote some angry stuff about it on an irc channel that you don’t even know exist. Hell, when you don’t even know what irc is.

I may be underplaying exactly how bad it was due to the code of conduct not allowing to really tell it all.

I had no beef with them personally, they were totally friendly to me but I wasn’t known as “the girl who griefed a guild on kazzak” on the irc channel.

Agree to disagree.

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It’s factually wrong. Read all the other things I posted. People on internet are just like that. Has nothing to do with m+ design. It will continue until it actually gets them punished irl for that stuff.

No. Your opinion is factually wrong and mine is factually right!


I don’t have any interest in arguing with you about it, I accept that you have a different opinion, but the fact that there’s toxic people in other aspects of the internet won’t change my belief that the m+ design is prone to creating a toxic environment.

Thus, agree to disagree. Peace friend.