Ain't no more toxic players than M+ players

Those people existed long before m+ was created. You’re just encountering them in there. They would still have been here even if m+ never was implemented.

You don’t become someone who tells people to kill themselves because of content in a game, you were already like that before you even started playing it.

Counterpoint: Everybody has toxicity inside of them, people just have different breakpoints at which it spews out.
Some people, such as those in your “arguments” have low breakpoints, others have medium or high breakpoints.
We’ll use a breakpoint scale of 1-10 in this case, 10 being a saint would insult the person, 1 being ridiculous to get upset about it.

The Kazzak thing being a 2 out of 10, the "screenshot or didn’t happen being a 1 out of 10 and a tank ruining your keystone and then leaving being a 4 out of 10.

Thus the issue is the m+ design creating scenarios where the breakpoint scale is frequently higher than in other kinds of content in WoW.

Thus, your opinion is factually wrong and mine is factually right. Because that’s how opinions work, amirite?

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Not to the point of telling someone to kill themselves or threatening others.

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Not to the point of telling someone to kill themselves because of a video game.

I have no idea why you think it matters that it’s in a video game they’re doing it.

Because it’s ridiculous to do so because of a video game, but doing so because a person has hurt your family in ways that can never be repaired is much less ridiculous?

Anyway, this is where I cut the discussion since it’s drifting offtopic.

Just glad to have you agreeing with me. Peace friend.

It’s more than ridiculous to do it in any capacity at all, not just in video games. No matter where it happens. It should be something punishable with a prison sentence, an actual crime, actual consequences, those people exist everywhere and they keep doing it because there’s a lack of consequences that they can actually feel from it.

This is a small minority of people in mythic plus. Im sure you will find the, in any pugging environment

There are toxic players in all parts of the game, they play at all sorts of levels. I’ve experience toxic behaviour in open world, in dungeons, in raids, in mythic plus, in RBGs etc etc.

Report, move on, let it go. It’s not acceptable behaviour but equally there is no point letting some random stranger on the internet ruin your day.


You probably see it a lot more in M+ because there is zero punishment for leaving a key

They can say whatever they want and then insta leave and log off to hide or put you on ignore

If u do bgs and leave, you get deserter buff, same for normal dungeons etc.

If you act a pleb in raids, people might remember you and not invite you back etc if they add you to their Iggy list.

But M+ it’s just like… Fnaonfwjdjrj and quit group, sign up to next!

thats because of timer in there

if there was no timer rushing things m+ would be 1000 times less toxic.

it would allow then to make mistakes but still finish run without it breaking up.

timer and their stupid attempts to create own esport are causing this.


M+ didn’t start the toxicity, it just made people much more prone to be poopyholes because of the “competitive” and timed factor.

Toxic people will always be everywhere and as Puny said, there’s no need to let it get to you.

I often get mails saying that someone has been punished thanks to my reports, so the system kind of works even if it takes time. I’m also fairly sure that certain keywords are automatically flagged by the system when the report happens.

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Making problems, blaming others.

People in 2022.

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I timed yesterday a +20 streets with 4 minutes on the timer with more than 25 deaths and 3 wipes. I am not sure what you are trying to say.

Pugs have been toxic forever. It is not M+, it is pugs. Go into a random RBG and look at the toxicity when you are starting to loose. Damn. Or 1 wipe in a raid… Or when you tag a rare in ZM and add healthpoints to it.

Yeah not sure in what world you live but thats just not true in the slighest…
I have never heard anyone tell me to kill myself not on this alt and not on all the other chars I have not in m+ not in pvp not in world content or raid…And not just me I also never heard people say it ot anyone else I was playing with at that time.
At worst what people said to me is “plz uninstall the game”

(post deleted by author)

Totally not right most of the time peeps are chill even if the key goes rough or scuffed. Ofc sometimes someone shows off his nerves but its not the rule

Yesterday i asked a prot pala in my m+ wheres his shield and later on i got trash talker.
Gotta love that community.
Makes me feel alive​:smiley::ok_hand:

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never? ARe you even playing this game then? I don’t have a month without someone telling me to kill myself xD

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is it because of the gogogo mentality? or something else?
or because some players"like" being jerks in a video game with fancy insults and threats
if things dont go their way

oh wait its when you dont do a mechanic in lfr"their" way you get votekick abuse
big ego players i hope you never ever get your tiers excepting one piece
shame we cant perma ban this attitude like in FF its disgusting if we gotta be real

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