Ain't no more toxic players than M+ players

good god this thread got out of hand fast

I don’t because when people with different goals clash it brings out toxicity.

the best thing to do is bring the game back to the way its supposed to be played.

Oh it always turned nasty when Tsjohy joins the conversation. He always refuses to see other peoples point of view, and then starts the name calling. I’m surprised I’m not still on his ignore list from last time he called me toxic.

That is quite a pot/kettle thing then, isn’t it. But i am not toxic towards your gameplay and style while you are towards mine, and even making claims about my real life. So :man_shrugging:

I have made no claims about your RL, other than what you have claimed is probably not true, and I will never know whether it is or not. I have suggested that we all spend less time at our computers. But you needed to make it about yourself again didn’t you.

I’m not toxic towards your play style. I’m just saying the that focus on repeat and unrewarding content is having an affect on the game for everyone else. It’s also content that breed toxicity. You just happen to play that content. I’ve said several times I didn’t think you were toxic, but I am starting to change my mind now, since you seem to keep trying to twist this around to being personal insults towards you.

Lets just end this here. We’ve been at this point in the past. You’re not the sort of person I would play with in this game, and you’re not the sort of person I want to be talking to on the forums.

Thank you, you’ve made my ignore list this time round. Good night!

Especially bfa dungeons. Especially freehold when you get half the group wanting to skip to Harlan and the other half are new players. I’ve seen some pretty bad things said there by people who want to skip to Harlan.


That’s what they normally do. The difference in difficult felt a lot less s2-3 then s1-2

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Good for you bro

Wow you are a total karen damn

I had a really similar experience on my alliance toon last year - I joined a premade group whilst I was doing various tasks (leveling classic jewelcrafting iirc), and unknowingly I was phased into a RP realm. I was looking at a vendor’s tab when I received a few lines of vile abuse in whisper from someone for “disrupting” their roleplaying as apparently my mount was ontop of their crowd…

I mean, at least in mythic+ you can usually tell if and/or why you’ll be flamed for something… This was out of the blue, unwarranted and with no attempt at polite conversation beforehand!

Not to say all roleplayers are like this, but it left me quite surprised!

Simple way to avoid toxic players in m+ is to run them with guild or community. Granted, I haven’t taken much interest in m+ so far this season, not even seen toxic players in LFR although those types undoubtedly exist.
Take Scared of Dungeons community for example- they range from me who sticks to 2-5 keys up to players like Tyssera who do 15s and above. Most of the time they are happy to help out in the lower stuff too. No toxicity there at all

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How is the fact that people are dic**ads Blizzard’s fault???

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Speaking of AD, I was flamed very bad too from an ad player. And the other pugs too in fact…key was smooth and only an 11 iirc
They apologized when i left after ending the dungeon, but, god, was so toxic and whiny to all the rest, i was shocked.
Is AD so toxic nowadays?

Every server has bad apples. AD is a high pop server. It is definitely not possible to keep it non-toxic.

Not punishing often enough people with “mah freedom of speech” syndrome.
Making key depletion without any workaround - fails can cost you A LOT OF TIME.
Allowing leaver to get item if the rest 4 completes dungeon without them.

Don’t take it so binary - it’s not completely Blizzard’s fault obviously but they did their part to allow such behaviour.

I mean, any time I’m a 3rd out 3 DPSers in an M+ runs I get sh*t on - I just now finished a comfortably timed SoA 20+ - had 900 dps less than 2nd warlock and I was called a boosted pleb. I didn’t die once during the run and did everything correctly (interrupts etc, keeping CDs for hard packs etc.) and my dps wasn’t far behind others. Yet mr. BIG TANK had to be toxic regardless.

Seriously, no one is gonna convince me M+ players aren’t more toxic than other gamers in WoW. M+ setup influences and encourages toxicity way more than any other aspect of the game. There is really no debate.

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