Ain't no more toxic players than M+ players

Yup this is my expierence as well… and even if it goes wrong people these days dont trash talk you anymore they just leave

Well not to be rude or anything but maybe its just you then…

He is trying to say that a timer being there, makes people nervous and prone to getting mad at things that would not otherwise bother them as much, the point is not that timer can be beated even with deaths or mistakes.

First key with affix i did in S1, i quickly typed something like “wait here pulling next room” and key holder write "omg dont type its a timed run.

Everything that cause a timewaste amplify the magnitude of the annoyance that get generated if it happens with a clock ticking.

And honestly despite loving dungeons i hate the timer itself, its the biggest offender for breeding toxicity in the game.
PvP is toxic cause it is competitive by nature but whoever says that raids are as toxic as M+ is lying. Period.

Timer should have stayed as an extra things for those that wanted to speed run but not as the core of the game mode, IMO obviously.


Everything is so freaking easy when you start on M+ since everyone overgears immense. Everyone who is claiming M+ is toxic is lying. Period.

On the other hand. 1st weeks of raiding in pugs, 1 wipe on 1st boss and you don’t want to see the chat. Toxicity everywhere. Everyone who is denying it is lying. Period.

Most RPers are active on twitter. Go figure.

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we have had hunter leaving +13 soa just before last boss "because he needs score " even htough his playing was atrocious.

yes it happens but not only this behaviour is extremly toxic but it also breeds further toxicity when other people effectively waste 45 minutes bebecause of 1 person

and reason ? timer

timer in m+ is the source of all the toxicity

if there would be no timer and no score he wouldnt leave.

blizzard brought this toxicity into game and is forcing it onto players.


Ahahahaha no offense but no.
The worst i have seen in raid is people writing like “this group is getting no where” or people being kicked out for wiping the raid 2/3 times.

While toxicity happens everywhere because there are toxic people all around, raid actually encourage you to sit down and teach the fellow puggers in your run because it benefits you. Sitting down 2 min and explaining what to do bring positives result to the next fight.

In a M+ run even communicating something via chat makes people feel like you are wasting their time.

I got insulted for dcing like 2 min and “cause of me” the group disbanded, like i had any control over a disconnect. Imagine how bad a game mode is if a simple DC throws out of the window 30 min of M+.

You are either not pugging AT ALL, delusional, or not getting the point.

People get angry and nervous as soon as someone do something that others perceive like a waste of their time, and potentially their run.
The timer itself is the prime cause of this, because that is exactly what a timer makes you feel like.

Tanks doing a bad route, people asking something, IRL situation that MIGHT HAPPEN, over a 40 min long commitment compared to a raid 5/10 min fight.

I have been playing WoW since 2012 and i have never ever ever seen the same toxicity as in M+ runs.

yeah that’s what I’m saying. Toxicity is everywhere but M+ takes it up to eleven.

I remember challenge mode - you could start it and try it without any penalties so it was less toxic - sure people would abandon a run mid-run but no one thought it was a horrible move because you would just find someone else and go again - the same mode. Also, if someone was horribad, the run would disband fast - without any urges to continue.

At the same time, TBC or WotLK heroic dungeons were more chill - they weren’t super easy and people would just chill and go through it. no stupid speedrunning.


I can’t… What.

I’ve done exactly 1 key this season that was anywhere close to a full premade. Toxicity isn’t common in m+.

This is the only run I’ve had close to a full premade in;

Those are people I was on discord with, the hunter was pugged. All other runs there’s been 2-3 of us on discord, if I’ve been playing with someone I know. I’ve done plenty of full pugging from my pov and it’s rare to encounter toxicity.

I’ve been playing since the launch and I’ve seen far worse than what I have seen in m+. I’ve never witnessed several guilds going after one person over a m+ run that went bad. I have however seen several guilds going after one person for accidentally running into kazzak and dying when exploring on their first character. Like, several people got banned due to harassment and threats, the person had to transfer off the server due to how people were acting. All over accidentally running into kazzak and dying when exploring on their first char.

No. Reason he’s not very smart to know it doesn’t matter to time this low key

It seems we just have the complete opposite experiences. I respect that.

I think the people that are encountering toxicity often are kind of toxic themselves and are provoking others, lol.

Like, most groups I’ve been in it’s usually just stuff like this that get typed;

My problem with that WA is that it isn’t correct, in PF it doesn’t count the slimes below so it baits people into yelling “trash count reeeeeee” at you.

Honestly never experienced the toxicity I had over looting a tier piece in LFR last night. Anything competitive or involving loot seems to cause occasional drama. Apparently people think they deserve other people’s loot now lol

We were missing % but we just talked to the NPC and got TP’d to the start and just murdered mobs at the start, lol.

As ilevel increase self-inflated ego increases.

Every week dude. Doesn’t matter if I am doing LFR, m+ och timewalking. Someone fills their diaper and blames me, every god damn time. Oh yeah? Maybe easier to blame the tank than knowing what is going on.

To the op, any area of WOW can be toxic if the people involved in it are toxic. Mythics themselves are not toxic, but the lack of communication of people when doing them are.

For example, any Mythic pug group should discuss what the goals of the run is. If some players want to simply push the key to the next level and everyone is in agreement, then go for it. If say two players want to simply do the run for a mog or for an achievement or if they want to be carried and the rest of the group want to upgrade the key or vice versa, then the group should not run the key.

A great deal of this toxicity can be avoided if people would simply communicate what their purpose or goal of doing the said key is.


Just ignore and move on.

WoW exposes you to a far wider pool of people than you’ve ever going to come across in your social circle.

Turns out, a decent chunk of them are absolutely mental.


no the reason was clearly said by him

it was timer

and i was also my mistake - i seen that this run washorrendous from start - but im nice person wanted to help them just clear it - wasted 45 minutes of my time even though i knew key wont be timed after 2nd pull -_-

my mistake - never be nice - always just leave at start