Alarming trend of people justifying real life atrocities for a game

Where and how did I rush to take this offensively? I asked a question. That’s it.

…No? Do I need to put emojis too?

Are you sure you’re the one not feeling offended here by the one thing i’ve been asking?

In the space between the replies, I have not lashed out at you, whilst you have done so against me multiple times, made assumptions of my identity, age and place, and then continue to ask if I am offended and willing to continue to ‘argue the obvious’?

What do you really want?

So you imply that you did not take it offensively when you replied to this as:

Are we arguing with the obvious again?

Where exactly you see me being offended?
Because here i was clearly being ironic to you that got triggered with nothing and started counting IQ numbers in an unknown scale.

What? :rofl:

what? :rofl:

Arent you arguing with the obvious?
You are in need to diminish a point you disliked: Sylvanas has a plan, you keep making circles to the same question i answered 4 times because you are arguing with the obvious.

Right okay.

It’s clear we’re never going to get an end to this if we keep quote battling, so I concede to whatever point you were making even after you already answered the one question I asked in the first place.

So i’ll stick to the point, and hope that it’s enough for you and that it doesn’t offend me or you or whatever this whole exchange has become:

You stated, and with fair basis that Sylvanas is a master genius. I get it. You are convinced on the basis of what Lor’themar said. This was to the question of why was Sylvanas a genius/master strategist on the basis of nothing being shown about her apparent genius in SL.

To offer understanding, I was confused as to why this is the case, because it could just as easily have been that developers and writers have nothing about her yet. And there is nothing wrong with that. That is when your post about Lorthemar and Arthas came to be, and that was a-okay, which is where I dropped it.

Can we agree to stop there?

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After you saying that her storyline is entirely BS, and explained you that she is being called a master strategist from Regent Lord for a reason and that her plan is not over yet. Therefore, how come and you know its BS?

Thats it.

But I didn’t. That might have been another poster than myself, But I did not in any way, shape or form say that her story is BS. But if you read something of my post that was the case, then I apologize.

What was confusing for me was how the character was of this value on the assumed basis that we did not know what was happening. Because if we don’t know what is happening, how come we instead know for sure it was going to be a genius move? And then the replies started happening.

That’s what I was getting at.

You actually did and you dont need to apologize because it did not annoyied me, im trying to explain you that we dont know what was planned by devs yet from legion till the end of shadowlands or whenever the storyline will end.

Dont forget we got an explanation for what illidan did in TBC in legion, it was blurry before that.

You call me a child simply because i dislike the poor writing that has been done, if you get so easily triggerd over someone else disagreeing with you i think you are either a child or just childish to resort to namecalling.

As ive said like 1000 times so far in the forums…
You dislike sylvie because she shattered your faction pride-EGO.

Also her storyline is not even close to be complete, you better wait and see it before you try to convince us about you being right and us being wrong.

Friendly reminder:
You tried to convince me its BS story as you said therefore your comment strikes backs at you.

Her storyline has been going since WC3 and i have already said why i dislike her i have no faction pride with either horde or alliance as i play both and dont have pride in either BECAUSE ITS ONLY A GAME.

Since when is giving my opinion a attempt to convince you, i never said you were wrong and this is why, unlike YOU.

If you really think that is truly only a game, why waste you and others waste your time whining about a fictional NPC? Somehow youre bashing your own words here.

So in other words, its ok for you to answer me and tell me its BS story but its not ok for me to have my own opinion?
Shall i return back to the child title or you still remember it?

i can enjoy a game and it lore but take it so serious as to have faction pride.

[quote=“Rondakungfu-stormscale, post:112, topic:276211”]
So in other words, its ok for you to answer me and tell me its BS story but its not ok for me to have my own opinion?
Shall i return back to the child title or you still remember it?
[/quote]i said the whole “this was my plan all along” trope is BS and you call me a child for again stating my opinion.
if you get so upset at someone diagreeing with you and disliking something you like i dont think your mature enough for the internet.

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Once more because it seems you missed it:
You replied to me first because YOU disliked my opinion

Once more, with such comments you only slap your self in the face.

But a). It isn’t real. Sometimes in all types of media, ‘evil’ has a delicious frisson to it, a cathartic release that does not imply that the viewer actually wishes to carry out those desires, how else would you explain the popularity of shows like ‘Dexter’ or ‘Hannibal’ or indeed it’s originator ‘Silence of the Lambs’, why else was ‘Downfall’ such a critically acclaimed film. Does that mean the late, great Bruno Ganz endorsed Silly Moustache dictator’s actions? Hell no, he was Swiss and not even born when Moustache Man was alive. Didn’t stop him making one of the most compelling performances of his life, portraying one of the 20th centuries greatest monsters. Shortly before his death, he was asked how he felt about the ‘Downfall Memes’ and he said “Absolutely fine, that man was a vile, despicable person, and deserves all the mockery he gets, even by proxy, and if people want to do that using my acting performance, I am glad”

He was an actor. He got it.

Likewise, there is no scientific proof that playing video games makes people desensitised to real life violence. Just the same as before that, Dungeons and Dragons didn’t turn kids violent, and before that, Heavy Metal music didn’t turn kids into Satanists.

b) Stop trying to make this a ‘Horde players’ thing. For a start, many , many players, myself included, play both Factions. Secondly, we have also seen some Alliance fans (You know who I mean) try to justify the following on this forum.

1.Child labour.
2.Murder of Civilians.
3.Murder of surrendering soldiers.
4.Torture and Execution of Prisoners of War.
5. Genocide on that portion of a race they could grab hold of.
6. Sectarian Violence.
7.Killing Children.

None of those are particularly ‘funny’ things, are they? Yet some Die Hard Alliance Fans will try to justify them. Does your logic apply to them also? Should we be really worried about the Alliance Fanbase if they think all of the above can be ‘justified’? Is that going to shift their RL moral compass?

That isn’t ‘whataboutism’ before you use that tired old phrase, those are all things that Alliance fans have tried to justify in this very section of this very forum. It isn’t ‘Whataboutism’ if the people are saying these things themselves!

You can’t apply that logic only one way, basically.


Although it’s been a while since the last comment, I wish to share my thoughts as well. I don’t think anyone who plays WoW would justify these kinds of atrocities in real life. Defending a fictional character who does terrible things doesn’t make you an extremist. Warcraft is still a work of fiction after all, and if the fans believe Sylvanas’ actions are justified, it’s their opinion, and I respect it.

That said, I think I understand why some players feel this way. Even in fiction, most of the audience DO look at the story from their own moral standpoint, not least in an MMO, where they live the story. There’s a reason the Burning of Teldrassil was so controversial, because it was done by a popular faction leader, and many Horde players really felt like they were the bad guys, while the night elf players felt like victims the entire expansion.

The thought of something like that being justified, even in fiction, is terrifying, and there’s a fear among many players, Alliance and Horde alike, that Blizzard will use Shadowlands to justify Sylvanas’ actions and absolve her of those crimes, like they did with Illidan and Kerrigan, just to please the fans.

Blizzard put themselves in a difficult spot with Sylvanas, and I fear no ending will be satisfying enough for everyone. The best they could do would be some kind of compromise, and it looks like that’s what they’re going for. The new Folk and Fairy Tales- book hints at Sylvanas’ soul being split by Frostmourne, so we could be in for a Darth Vader moment: We destroy the Banshee Queen, but save the Ranger General.

EDIT: It’s pretty clear to most people at this point Sylvanas is a villain, but considering how many players still view her as a hero, they may actually have created one of the best villains they’ve had in years. If she committed those atrocities for the sake of pure evil, she’d be a pretty boring villain.

If you ask me, you don’t even have to agree with her actions to be a fan. You can still appreciate her as villain. The reason Sire Denathrius became so popular in Shadowlands was because of his personality and voice dialogue, not because of his actions. It’s perfectly normal to hate Sylvanas’ actions, but you don’t have to hate the character, and hating the fanbase is downright pathetic.

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It’s actually quite hysterically funny in a bad way. Blizzard (i.e danuser) goes out of its (his) way to purge any sort of “bad mouthing” towards one of their ironic figures (and his self-proclaimed twitter waifu) while completely ignoring the white elephant in the room that she is a weirdly perverse symbol of “sexy fascism”.
All the while Blizzard goes on this increasingly “woke” spree of changes and needless retcons to virtue signal their credentials to a group who by large do not play this game.

On top of that, consider this, what kind of message does saying a trans character only found the peace and happiness in the body they wished for… after they died? Blizzard are tone deaf and they definitely have some fashy authoritarian lovers in their dev/writing team fawning over their “QUEEN”.

The ending doesn’t have to satisfy everyone. It has to satisfy the majority of the playerbase, not danuser and his fanfiction dot net tier writing, not the weirdos who think oppressing minorities are a good thing to do.
Kill her off (properly), give her a posthumous sob story if you really need to throw the sweat squad a bone. That will work.
Sylvanas’ arc should have ended after WoTLK, her goals and her vengeance were achieved. The Edge of Night should have been the send off for her.

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I’d be fine with that too. Whether we kill her off (properly), send her to Revendreth for atonement, or go with the split soul- idea from the Folk and Fairy Tales book, I’d take any of those over the “she was the hero all along”- crap that would only please the fans, and a couple of tinfoil hats on Youtube.

The “post- humorous sob story” would be the upcoming Sylvanas novel, written by Christie Golden. Considering it’s telling the story from her point of view, and is even narrated by Sylvanas’ voice actress, it’s clearly made for the fans.

Let the fans have the book, and let the rest of the playerbase finally bring justice upon Warcraft’s most debated villain since Garrosh. That will definitely work.

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