Alchemy explosion cooldown

this is getting wierd i cant proceed over 90 skill. for the last 20 hours i was on cooldown. every 4 hours i go to the table. BOOM 1st try fail… couldent do anything for 1 day. dno gona try tomorow

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With advanced u will be locked out for 2h. It makes sense but still. Was trying the whole day to find out new recipe. And nothing again. Nevertheless. Dont give up. Whem raid raids come out we will be billionaires. Potions will cost about 1.200 for 1. Insanely too much but if they wont do something with titan-charged herb, especially with awekened order drop - be ready to non stop craft the potions.

what do you mean with if they dont do something with titan-charged herb and awakened order drop?

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The best Potion hast insane Ingredients - much of them is OK to farm but One is insanely rare - Awakened Order. It is on AH atm for 2k on my realm. And it dropps from Titan-Charged Herb - i v found yesterday only 3 - got only 1 Awakened Order - flying 30mins all around the islend.
U need 1 Awakened Order for 5 Potions.
Atm all ingredients on AH are about 4 - 5k for 5 Potions. If they wont change the Awakened Order drop rate or Titan-Charged Herb mechanik - everyone will pay us about 1000g for 1 Potion… xD.

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thats not the best potion.we dont have acces to it yet… drops from raid. its ultimate potion of power … and it also requires 20 primal chaos… like wtf

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whatever - mine or thus Ultimate (seems to be much crazier with reagents) - Potions will be VERY VERY Expensive. Good that i knew about that and gone completly into Potions.

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I love the new profession system, and the experimentation mechanics have so much potential! But the rate of how often you fail and explode, combined with the ungodly amount of time on the cooldown is absolutely unreasonable.

Cut it down to 1-2 hours, fix the failure chance procs, and decrease the chances even further after your first explosion.

Since I made my post 3 days ago, I’ve managed to level up Alchemy twice. TWICE! In the span of three days I’ve only had two experiments not explode on me. This is absolutely ridiculous, I can’t even.

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doesent matter if u level alchmey to 100 or not anyway. if u have 100 in alchemy so what? u still dont have recipies u need to continue experimenting and it will fail with 100 skill also. first get advanced experimentation . at least u will get 2 hour debuf instead of 4. its a fun sistem i think its made intentionaly this way so people dont have the best potions and flasks in the 1st week of raiding


Every Uped level of Alchemy brings u extra Skill. So with 100 u will be at 100 Skill + every Points in Specialisation. It is still not enough to craft 3 Star Potions/Flask to go in +. They only one way to make Money atm is to go into 3rd Reagent Specialisation and just pray for “Multicraft!”


i ditched alchemy because it was so bad i ended up not wanting to even play that character out of pure frustration. 4 Days running, every 4 hours, first experiment - blow up. It is the single worst implementation of a profession i have ever seen. Expansion has been good so far but alchemy is awful to try skill up after they “fixed” it


This cd NEEDS TO GO, like wow holy cr*p, I cannot advance alchemy whatsoever because everytime I do this blow up happens…why is this even a thing, no other profession has it and I want my alchemy done for raid release…you know, like I have done so since I started playing about 8 years ago…the rest of the system is fine, but this 4hr CD has GOT TO GO, no exceptions.


This explosion was fun the first day, but when you continuously explode EVERY time you try to level your alchemy, it gets pretty f****** stupid. At this point I’m just considering removing alchemy all together, it’s beyond infuriating!!! Six times in a row, I’ve used all my potions to remove the CD, every time the CD is gone, I go to explode AGAIN.


remove the cooldown its horrendous i havent been able to experiment once because of it

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Thank you for making a great game. I’m really enjoying many factors. Which is why I’m puzzled that there is a mechanic that prevents that enjoyment.

A short cooldown (30 minutes? certainly less than an hour.) would make me want to try out another aspect to wait it out.

3-4 hours feels like a flat, “NO! You don’t get to play this game.”

Additionally, one of the reasons I play Alchemy is to make resources for my guild of friends and family. So they also don’t get benefits when my progress of discovering recipes is blocked.

Since this is random, I get to see others having the fun I want to have.

So, yeah, this feels very bad. Please rework this aspect.

I’ll still play because there are other aspects of the game I enjoy, but please let my have fun in my ways too.

Thank you.

Seriously, I just had the 10th!!! explosion in a row, I am considering to drop alchemy. A 4h cooldown is way to long.


This experimentation system is the worst profession design I’ve seen across all games. I can’t progress through Alchemy because it keeps failing, and I don’t have the luxury of connecting every 4 hours.
The rest of the profession changes are great, but Blizzard, congrats on killing the fun on this one.


What on god’s green earth… actually you know what I will leave God out of this as he wants no credit for this alchemy system.

What on earth happened to this profession. Started early yesterday, farming herbs, (I know I started late) then eventually after herbing hit 100 got onto Alchemy. Getting from 1>35 was fine and a relative breeze, but then came the Basic Phial Experimentations. I got to learn a 1 new recipe and a bunch of useless phials and than at 41/100 BOOOOOOM .
I saw that Liquid Courage annnnnd BOOOOOOOM, waited for the cd annnnnnd BOOOOOOOOM .

o.O So I am stuck at 41. Now don’t get me wrong I have a couple of Yellow crafts I could make, but at a cost of 10 mettle and being soulbound… I am not sure this is what I want to spend mettle on, given how I cannot see a steady supply of the stuff anyway and need it for other things.
Then there is another Phial, but it needs 3 Awakened elements, which is rather expensive in the grand scheme of things.

Then I bump into others who are crafting their 392 trinkets who apparently had maybe 1 or 2 explosions but other than that breezed it.
4 hours is seriously too long, 15 minutes if this is how random it is. 30 Min absolute tops, but 4 hours… I mean what gives.

I mean what on earth were they thinking, or was the designer drunk at the time, hence the Joke of Liquid Courage in there ?

I know right? I’ve been stuck on 66 for a while now and used up all my liquid courage.

I have a job and no way to try after every 4h cooldown either. So the instant explosion about 9 times in a row that I’ve suffered now have basically locked me out of levelling my profession and getting more useful phials and potions for days.

Who ever designed that has the same idea of fun as the IRS and shouldn’t work at a game company.

Rumour has it this is too hard core even for them :wink: