Alchemy explosion cooldown

Totally agree, am skill 77 and the experiment is around 325 so I’m exploding constantly now. Don’t see any viable way round this given the only skill up recipy now is the stones.

Rather than post, “I’ve had 8 failed experiments in a row”, I’ll post more indepth why I believe Alchemy profession is badly impliemented.

  1. Alchemy is the only Primary crafting profession that is an almost completely consumable based profession, more akin to cooking than Tailoring/Blacksmithing/Enchanting etc. yet unlike cooking (A seconday profession) where reciepes are gained via “craft this enough, to discover this” or Tailoring which is “Specialize into this, to discover this”. Alchemy is purely RNG, based on “IF you discover something and WHAT you discover”. Completely non deterministic, which I thought Dragonflight was moving away from.

  2. The 4 hour (2 hours with advanced) cooldown. A person working an 8 hour shift with 30 minute travel, 8 hours sleep etc, on average will get you 2 sets of experiments per login Week days & 5 on a Weekend. About 20 sets of experiments per week. As per this thread, people are getting 8,9, 10+ failed experiments with no rewards, meaning in a week you might get 2 new reciepes. All this assumes you login every day and remember to do every experiment. God forbid you want to enjoy other things in life and the game.

  3. Combine the 2 points above with the issue that players are generally after specific reciepes (For personal use), 1 potion & 1 phial (Mine as a Warlock are Potion of Power (Ultimate is a drop from Heroic/Mythic only) & Phial of Elemental Chaos), this leads to a very fustrating system, which the player has no control over.

I also don’t understand what the big deal is if an Alchemist has every potion & phial, they are just consumables.

Why weren’t the Alchemy talent trees more like the other professions. Specialize to learn specific reciepes, improve quality, quantity and even duration.

I posted similar in the other “Alchemy Exposion” post, but this one is getting more traction.

Awakened order droprate is fine, there’s several profession builds focused on reproducing order. It HAS to be expensive.

In my opinion, alchemy tree is one of the best we have rn. Since Alchemy is all about consumables, you can choose between MORE production or BETTER production, what big group of goods you want to produce to feel more unique, you can even focus on pretty specific types of goods just like other professions do. Alchemy grants you wider set of options on HOW, not just WHAT to produce.

Specialize to learn specific reciepes, improve quality, quantity and even duration.

You literally CAN improve quality of specific recipes, I just don’t understand, like, you want to be able to waste all your skillpoints on crafting healing potions? Or even more useless things? That separation by main reagent such as cold or air is enough, there’s no need in splitting it further.

I guess blizz COULD do more interesting passives, but there’s not much skill nodes in other professions so they wanted to keep it around 510-520 skillpoints like other professions.

Try to read things within context of the thread.

Specialize to learn specific reciepes, improve quality, quantity and even duration.

There was no need to have alchemy experiments at all, if they had done it similar to the others… EG. Specialize to learn specific reciepe, improve quality, quantity…

Well you’ve got a point but I personally kinda enjoy the system where you get random recipes making it more precious for yourself. But yeah, you can literally learn everything in one streak or don’t learn anything useful for several tries at all. I’d prefer reworking this system more than removing it at all cause I think every profession has to feel more unique.

i think Devs hot fixed it or i’ve spent my entire luck today. I have 1 fail attempt and 10+ successful attempts Discover 3 new recipe. Up my alchemy skill from 75 to 85 and i still have 2 more bottles to reset my cooldown.

I like the concept but the failure is super punishing. I mean, I was levelling my alchemy and so was my friend. I work in IT he does not work in IT. At work I log in and experiment every 4 hours, he cant. He usually get to play 3-4 hours, meaning he gets in between 1 and 2 failures a day. I get 3-4 - that is a massive difference. If I’m lucky and he’s not - I will easily be 8 days ahead of him increasing.

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