All anti-RDF arguments are outdated

The population of one warmane server is bigger than the population of most medium TBCC servers. So apparently you are fine with cross server, as long as the connected servers won’t have to many players.

I will just ignore your community argument, because I’ve debunked it multiple times already. You just seem to not understand so you keep making the same wrong argument.

That’s a really verbose way of saying nothing. Why shouldn’t the things that work on a pserver work in WotLK Classic aswell? It’s the same game just the client is newer in WotLK Classic. And who cares about Blizzards plan? If the plan is bad we have to make Blizzard fix it.

So what are those experiences you’ve made since WotLK if not memories? Just because you use a different word, doesn’t make it a different thing.
Experiences or memories that are 12 years old are worthless.

And yes your posts are full of double standards and you consistently contradict yourself. I’ve pointed it out multiple times already in another thread.

That’s just your opinion. In my opinion the RDF should have been there from the start of WotLK Classic. Because it has no downside but solves some major problems, that exist in TBCC.
And you can’t rally go with original schedules anymore because Blizzard already brought good features earlier like the guild bank. And they even added things that never existed in the original release, like the mercenary mode.
So the argument of when it was released in the original game is off the table.

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Last raiding week-

Jailer Kills: 5000

Kil’Jaeden Kills: 39000

Retail is dead, even with all the RDF/LFG/LFR/Cross Server stuff it has.

Maybe… just maybe… it’s the community that makes classic work, and RDF discourages that.

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Can you elaborate how RDF changes the community more than any other change in wotlk and how it actively discourages players to raid compared to the new LFG-tool?

Edit: Maybe… just maybe… the game is simply better and more fun to play and that is the reason why wotlk was the most played expansion back in the day and still is today on private servers.


Smart move comparing a game where endgame is only raiding to a game where there are many things to do in endgame like mythic dungeons for example. A lot of people only do Mythic+ in Retail and don’t raid at all. So comparing endboss kills is just stupid.
I won’t even talk about difficulty, because I neither killed KJ nor did I kill Jailer. So I can’t tell. But there could be a difference in difficulty, that’s also a factor in this equation.

According to this Retail has about 1 million active players, whereas according to WCL TBCC has approximately 500k active players.
So Retail is more successful than classic.

Yes you said it. Just maybe the community is what makes Classic work. Looking at the community I get a different impression.
And it’s only your opinion that the RDF discourages anything. There is no proof for that. But there are a lot of logical arguments that suggest, that the RDF doesn’t discourage any social activity in any way.


Thanks for asking - here’s my response to this question in another thread.

People misunderstand the reason RDF is anti-social. You can act like an anti-social lunatic in RDF dungeons and there is no backlash. You get into another group instantly and keep treating people like they are sub-human.

Every server has a discord, and people acting like dregs in dungeons gets posted there. people ninja’ing things and people taking advantage and scamming also appears there.

Just recently our guild found out 3 social members where ninja-looting in 5-man dungeons… which is un-believably dumb, pointless and pathetic to be honest. They got GKicked and are immortalised in that discord now, so anyone who recruits them is able to search their name and instantly see their awful behaviour, and save themselves from dealing with that again.

Accountability and consequences are ultimately something that can improve the game more than hoping blizzard police the player base.

And for the people who are playing pure DPS, by themselves, with no guild, solo queueing RDF… RDF isn’t faster than using LFG to get a group. You’ll be stuck in queue for over an hour while you wait for a tank, exactly the way you always have been. Except in WOTLK there isn’t the ability to swap to tank spec with no gear and still tank dungeon, which retail allows.

It’s not a coincidence that 90% of the people who support RDF aren’t level 70 yet. You don’t understand the game and you think the problem is everyone else. Playing in a group game means you need to adjust to the community, not demand the devs allow you to bypass the community. If you aren’t willing to adjust, then retail is exactly where it always has been and will accommodate the style of gameplay you want.


I protest :man_facepalming: should according to you be bodytype_1_facepalming - you can’t be seriously using those gender specific emojis. :brain: :exploding_head:


“I’ll make a new thread because i’ve the best arguments ever. I’ll prove them wrong”

The sources of your data aren’t reliable. The quote their source as “Subscriptions and sentiment” ? Blizzard haven’t posted subscriber numbers in like, 10 years?

Retail wow is geared entirely towards raiding, Mythic dungeons main pull is to get more gear for Mythic progress and the weekly vault. The raiding numbers are definitely a good indicator of how active players are.

You are referring to the crossrealm aspect of the RDF tool, that is indeed debatable and has downsides. On mega servers there are similar issues to the ones you describe.

However, RDF doesnt need the crossrealm function, at least not necessarily for max level.

So your argument becomes invalid, as soon as crossfaction is not part of the tool.


no, the arguments are entirely valid. Just because you don’t understand them doesn’t mean they aren’t viable.

I thought we had establised that unlike you I don’t care much, or even pay much attention to, what they call them.

Lets see:

If you are known for your toxic behavior on your server, you will get a backslash and are likely to get kicked.

You have deserter and if you treat people like trash, you will get kicked again.

This will apply to players getting matched via RDF too, if its not crossrealm. These toxic players can be kicked.

Could have happened too, if the group was created by RDF and not manually, if it wasnt crossfaction.

Yes, but its more convenient and still faster if they have bad gear/undesired spec and face gatekeeping.

While leveling players have the hardest times finding groups in reasonable time frames, the 90% number is an estimation by yourself and could as well be 10%. We dont know.

I dont think the new tool does much different and a major part of the community would appreciate the RDF though, but lets leave these opinions about game design between us aside.

As said, wotlk is the most desired expansion because its overall a good game. Retail is not. If someone doesnt like wotlk and wants it to be like vanilla, its more reasonable for this person to play vanilla, since its available. At least its more reasonable than wotlk fans to play retail, because thats definitely not what they want. RDF is a tool to enable content and not the content itself. If RDF was a bus taking me to my desired destination without having to walk, you say, that if I prefer the bus, the bus you can ride me to a completely different destination too. Doesnt make sense.

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It is sadly the cross-server aspect that solves many of the issues of TBCC. At least you don’t deny that it has severe repercussions on the social aspect, and that’s kind of where the conflict lies.

Blizzard could appeal to the diehard Wrath fans or they could appeal to the “Classic players” (and by that I mean those that actually want to maintain “that Classic feel” which isn’t necessarily everyone who plays Classic). It seems they’ve chosen the latter but they can always go back on that.

We find ourselves in a situation where one side tells the other “go play Retail” and the other side says “go play Classic era”. Personally I would’ve loved Classic+, but that’s probably asking for too much. Rehashing old content is easier.

You can do the same without the RDF and there will be no backlash except of maybe 4 people blacklisting you. But even on a very small server you still have about 1500 other players to group up with.

Here you exaggerate things. Do you really think all the other players on the server will blacklist the player you’ve posted on the discord? They don’t know you. You could just be lying. They will just not care, go on with there live and forget about it. And there is no backlash for the toxic player.
Plus there even exist servers where the discord is completely dead. I’ve played on one. There was like 1 post every 2 months. And this post was just: “Is this discord dead?”
Of course experiences might differ. But if you assume, that all the players or even just a large fraction of players on the server cares about you, you are mistaken.

And I bet if I would look those players up right now, they would have new guilds and would be doing fine. Because as I stated above people just don’t care. Some do, the majority doesn’t.
And seeing as you’ve had 3 Ninja looters in TBCC just shows your argument is wrong. People don’t behave like scumbags because of the RDF, but because they are scumbags.

In theory yes, it just doesn’t work in practice. You could have ran a dungeon with those exact 3 players after that, without even knowing, if they’ve made an alt you don’t know.
You are exaggerating the backlash big time.

I’m fine with that. I would be even fine with 2 hour queues. Why is that? Because the RDF guarantees runs. Without the RDF I can try to build a group for 4 hours and still end up disbanding the group, because it didn’t get full.
The biggest plus of the RDF isn’t faster groups, even though they are faster. Even if you wait 2 hours. It’s the guarantee to run a dungeon.

Ok now you are just pulling numbers out of your behind.

The thing is you don’t understand the community. And this is because of one thing I have noticed. The majority of people, that are against the RDF don’t run random. They just play in their bubble of friends and guildies and at best add one random here and there. If that’s the case than you talk about something you know nothing of.

We don’t ask for a way to bypass the community. We ask for a way to actually play with the community, which is next to impossible without the RDF.
Just because this isn’t your understanding of social interactions, doesn’t mean it’s less valuable. I love to PUG with different players and sometimes I chat with them, sometimes I don’t. I think it’s presumptuous to say your way of being social is right, while my way of being social is wrong.

And here comes the phrase again. Does retail have WotLK Classes and speccs? Does Retail have WotLK Raids as current content? Does WotLK have northend zones as meaningful level experience, where you aren’t overleveled after a few quests?
If I wanted to play Retail I would play retail. I want to play WotLK. If the only difference between WotLK Classic and Retail is the RDF to you, you can safely go and play Retail, because the RDF isn’t used for endgame content.


Your post has a lot of good points but the truth is that Brian has already made up his mind regarding RDF and whatever anyone says anywhere will not change it. RDF is not coming to Classic wotlk, ever. He doesn’t want to admit making a mistake in their no-RDF stance and thus they will never reverse it. Now we just have to deal with it and stop making these threads, as nothing will change anyway.

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Why do you then continue to tell me that I am folish for wanting Male/Female to continue to be a thing in Classic? If you don’t care, and I do, common courtecy would make you let me have it my way.

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Seriously, if you want to keep on this meaningless discussion do it in the right topic instead of derailing this one…

hm, what about no? You just told this topic was superfluous anyway.

ANd more seriously why don’t you EVER ansver my question:

Never say never. A while ago people would have said cross faction play would never happen in Retail. And even longer ago procee would have said WoW Classic won’t happen.

Indeed I do think it’s pointless to post here, because:

  1. Nobody at Blizzard really cares about the community and even less when the board isn’t the US board.
  2. I think they have technical problems with implementing the RDF and that’s the actual reason the RDF isn’t in the game. When I read all those bug reports from the Beta it’s obvious to me, that Blizzard has a hard time getting WotLK to run properly.
    It isn’t as easy to copy the old code to the Classic Client, as some people think.

But until WotLK Classic is released I will keep posting here every now and then, because I still have a bit of hope, that I am mistaken about the technical problems and Blizzard might also change their mind.