All Citrine Gems to Become Available Soon

Today, we’re working to update the game with a hotfix that will make all of the Singing Citrines available on Siren Isle, allowing players to acquire all of them in the current week.

The system was originally designed to have different Citrines be associated with different enemy cultures as they invaded Siren Isle on a rotating basis, but having to wait for a specific invasion type in order to obtain your Citrine of choice has felt like it’s creating more frustration than anticipation.

The gems belonging to the goblins, Arathi, and Earthen should come from doing events on the isle that are started at the Siren Isle Command Map. After getting them once, you’ll be able to buy them and store them in your Warbank for your alts as usual.

The gems that belong to enemy factions should now be purchasable from Taljori, the Tortollan vendor sitting on the large rock behind Bargus.

Happy holidays!


Congrats everyone Blizz heard your feedback!

Happy feast of Winterveil!

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This is great news!!!



when you say soon do you meen like today or in a few days ?

Guessing you looked at the numbers and realised not a lot of people returned for your new “content”.


It’s a step in the right direction.

My suggestion for future similar content is to make the non-cosmetic rewards available from the start and for cosmetic rewards such as mounts, pets and transmogrification appearances to be locked behind weekly rotations.

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no they probs logged out because they could not actually gem the new ring and make it viable

I was wondering the same but Taljori has nothing for me yet beyond the gem I’ve already unlocked.


Wow, who’d have thought this? Everybody except the wow devs apparently.


Yeah so we would have got more gem options with each week but now they are putting them on the boss map rotation so we can actually farm the other gems now ! sounds good.

Will go kill stuff! However it says upcoming hotfix so probably not live.

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this quote comes to mind:

"It’s stupidly simple, but somehow it keeps on getting lost. A studio makes a game because they want to make a game they want to play themselves. They created it because it hadn’t been created before. They didn’t make it to increase market share. They didn’t make it to serve the brand. They didn’t have to meet arbitrary sales targets, or fear being laid off if they didn’t meet those targets.

  • Swen Vincke

this is why you must give feedback and even whine and cry, in order to achieve small victories.

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Yea the anticipation came from waiting for the patch / something new.

No dev thought “I’ll log in, get to the new island and revel in the anticipation of the new ring in a couple of weeks”. It’s just bonkers.

They probably give their kids a new console for Xmas and then when they open the box there is a note there saying “coming in 2 weeks”.

Blizz get moaned at for everything, probably unfairly. They do score some terrible own goals though. Them releasing the island like this was just utterly baffling. I haven’t even been there yet.


I’ll be devil’s advocate here and state that the decision to timegate the release of the citrine gems was made by the bean counters, and the decision to change the plan and release them now at once was made by… the bean counters again.

You guys need to understand that even Ion and the rest of the actual developer team do not qualify for the right to voice their opinion (slight exaggeration) on matters of staggering content release and even on acquisition rates of equipment / achievements / etc.

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I think the main reason they staggered the gems was because of the boss/ quest rotation and they did not want to spoil anything but hjaving them locked behind different stages just does not make any sense to me and made the whole thing functionally broken thank god they changed it.

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When can we buy the rest of the gems? like in 1 hour?

the system was created to gatekeep for 6 weeks but it backfired
who would have guessed ?

at least you admit to failure and learn by mistakes, thats good

siren island is such a nothing burger content that they wanted to time-gate items earned there, thus making them unusable for most of the clasases xD

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Yeah, it makes sense that the events on the isle drop thematically matching citrines, that the ring is downright awful without the right citrines does (To stick to the goblin theme) throw a spanner in the works, however.

I somehow doubt that the plan was “Let’s deliberately make the ring suck for a few weeks”, i’m chalking this whole kerfuffle up to the problem of theory and practice being quite different when it comes to itemization.

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I’ve missed something…

What is Siren Isle and what gems…… :sweat_smile: