All Citrine Gems to Become Available Soon

Stormbringer Ruined Citrine bugged its true . Done it a lot of times and quest just disappears when u doing it. It doesnt matter what u do if u are in a group or raid or pull boss inside or let none be on the ramp or whatever. NEEDS A HOTFIX FROM BLIZZARD!!!

You know what? Its bad for you. The ring is super bad, not an upgrade and only bad for you.
Dont use it and give up on posting please.

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I am allowed to share my feedback and so are you, just because you do not like my feedback does not give you to right to tell me to stop posting.

What you are doing is not sharing feedback. You are needlessly rambling, refusing to take in advice and only aim at being stubborn.
That is so far from offering feedback its not even funny.

You refuse to accept the takes of a literal WoWhead guidewriter and still dare to say you are offering feedback, just give up.

Also altposting, yeah so much feedback given…


You said this

on your other char and that is hardly feedback so i agree with Zantria just stop its getting embarrassing to read you.
Why even post on 2 chars in same thread ? is it some cheap way to make your view stronger?

Stop butchering my post and making stupid claims and let me share my feedback instead of trying to bully me into submission.

The mythic+ / raid lists on wowhead are items FROM that content not items FOR that content. If it’s in the list at the top it’s bis, and below the bis lists there should be a small section on the circlet itself that explains how good it is and roughly what ilvl you can start wearing it.

Is your char so yes you have double posted.

Also your main

Will need the ring as its BiS so please stop posting rubbish.

You are naming and shaming right now and on dangerous grounds

Let me quote you

No i am saying facts that you are double posting and trolling and threating me all you like i am within the rules.

You are naming and shaming, i am just sharing feedback

It does say its bis for Prot, Holy and Ret.

Thats not what naming and shaming is.

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Not doing that just asking why you feel the need to post on many chars and deny the ring which has been proven by many posters not to be BiS.

That is not feedback.

I am not. I am still covering the gems by talking about their strength. The Ring is BiS for your class.

Not for you to decide. If you push your narrative by making it look like more people share your PoV (intended or not) then yes, it would also be “our business” for you are spreading false information.

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He’s not naming and shaming, moreso just naming. Anyway if you are a prot paladin then yes, small upgrade over previous BIS 639 ring.

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Then why try and deny that you were double posting and now derailing and trolling and threating people in your posts.

Resorting to insults as you have been caught out double posting and trolling about the ring .

Please reply to my post. Why are you calling your posts feedback when you refuse to take the words of a WoWhead guidewriter?

Select mythic+ and you see the ring is no were near as good as everyone here is claiming, raidbots is broken does not properly test the ring it defaults to 3 different gems.