All MM Hunters

Please go read and if you like the idea of the post give it like, Our spec REALLY need s a rework and he abrings alot of issues and solutions to the surface


Today I feel really pretty. Allow me to share this chocolate cake with you


How i wished rapid fire was removed… Or at least replaced for something more marksman-like trough talents.

I might be one of the few guys in current WoW that likes and hopes for a slow but hard hitting MM hunter.


Last time I checked this was a week ago or so and it was unused for a month. Now it has so many new replies?

Wow, gotta check them out!

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Yeah I’ve been checking everyday since alpha started for people to look at our class and offer helpful insights to Blizz, I was beginning to lose hope but I absolutely love @Daunt for his insight into our class.

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There is absolutely loads of good feedback being given, it’s just not via the official forums. Because let’s face it, official forums are an absolute graveyard.

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Yeah I watched that video and I don’t know how to feel, I LOVE the idea the aimed shot hits hard again but we still have awful clunky abilities the %5 damage tied to Hunter’s Mark and that god awful rapid fire ability… It’s just SOOO bad, Thank you for the video though.

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Just going to point out a line of the CoC here so you’re aware:

I’ll be sure to check the thread out though.


Thank you, I appreciate that and I have to say that is an awfully silly rule I will not edit my post unless I asked to do so as this thread was made with the intention of getting MM hunters to give support for decent feedback so Blizz can sort us out a decent toolkit, Bfa has been absolutely horrible to us.


You won’t get asked to edit it, you’ll just have it closed and be suspended temporarily, but if you’re not willing to do that no worries.

Just thought you should be aware so if you do get a ban for it you’re not surprised/confused :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks appreciate it, but if I get banned at least I was able to help out my fellow MM hunters be aware of people looking out for our class/spec.

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I agree with most that was written here.

IMO the following problems are the biggest of MM:
2 Targets (it should be their weakness, but it shouldn’t be that bad)
Not enough Room in rotation to use precisive shots
Rapid fire is undertuned
Many dead/bad talents

General fixes I’d like to see:
Buff Rapid Fire dmg by ~30%, so it deserves it’s 20s cd and feels good to press.
Like OP said remove the dmg-component of Hunter’s Mark and maybe give some utility instead (i’d like 3y range).
Aimed Shot should always give 1 Stack precicive shot instead of 1-2.

General Talent Fixes:
Swap Careful Aim and Serpent Sting (read below). Careful Aim ist too strong to compete with Explosive Shot/Barage, but the new Master Marksman would be a nice competetor.
Rework the whole 35 Row. (suggestions below) Most of these talents bring nearly no gain or don’t interact with the toolkit at all.

Serpent Sting
Make this the passive alternative in the aoe-row and let Arcane Shot and Multi-Shot dot the target for the current Serpent Sting-dmg. This should be the lazy Go-to talent in this row and would be weaker than barage/explosive shot. In 2-target you could actually multidot with arcane shot a bit, so it outscales explosive shot by a bit

This spell is undertuned and the cooldown is too low. Make it 1min again and let it pack some punch. MM has not enough room in the rota for a 3s channel every 20s costing 60f.

Explosive Shot
I see a lot of complaint regarding the current Explosive Shot and most Hunters i talked to said that it just feels like nothing initially happens when they press the button. Let this maybe deal an additional ~80% attackpower instantly to the maintarget it hits

This was the focusreg-row, but i think this is currently outdated thanks to the enhanced passive focus-reg. Instead i suggest some interplay with precisive shots or talents that eliminate some fillerspells in our rotation, so there is more room to use precisive shots.
Chimaera Shot
Currently this spell feels out of place for MM. Neither does it pack the punch it once did, nor does it interact with anything in our toolkit. I’d suggest that each shot of Chimshot can comsume 1 stack of precisive shot (so if you got 2 stacks it comsumes 2 and each hit deals 75% more dmg). Also let this activate trickshot so we can cleave once every 15s onto 2 targets.

Steady Focus
This talent is dead, since nobody would ever cast 3 steady shots in a row to gain a benefit from this. However i would stick to the talent interacting with steady shot since there are no other talents doing that. My suggestion:
Steady Shot grants you a stack of Steady Focus increasing the focus generated by your next Rapid Fire by 10. Steady Focus stacks up to 2 (~or 3 depending on balance) times.
This way you’d have to plan more aroung depleting your focus before using Rapid Fire while effectivly eliminating steady shot-casts in your rotaion freeing up space to use the precisive shots.

This talent is currently dead as well. It just bloats the durration of an underwhelming spell. My suggestion:
You can cast Arcane Shot and Multi-Shot while channeling Rapid Fire.
(I look at you, Mistweaver). Again the theme would be freeing up space in your rotation and to enable the use of precisive shot. Maybe the extra shots durring Rapid Fire also ignore LOS like alls the rapid fire-projectiles. This talent would also allow to use some precisive shot stacks durring True Shot, although i personally don’t mind that we currently don’t use our fillerspell during True Shot.

What do you guys think?

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Beta changes.

May be wrong but we will have less focus regen, more damage, but still the confused mess.
Trueshot should be back to be an aura. A +3-5% crit for all the group.
Rapid Fire dropped to 2 secs, 7 shots, same damage. Doesn’t change my opinion about it at all, is a boring ability that is trying to imitate that machine-gunning bow shots from asian rpgs. Should be what trueshot is now.
Chimera shot will replace arcane shot as a talent, it seems. That’s… Fine? I prefered was an extra button instead.


( i will edit this when there comes new updates )


Not the only one i too would like MM to be an actual sniper with slow but hard hitting abilities.


I really agree with the first video.

I saw some people saying they had too much focus and it always puzzled me what the hell they were talking about.
We simply don’t have focus to execute Trueshot with the new design. It is out of the question to use arcane shot with the increased focus cost. I tried getting double tap inside the rotation to increase the focus generation during trueshot and even then i run out.
It just doesn’t feel good at all.

I don’t see anything that fixes it on conduits either. Just the legendary that will become required so we can execute our cooldown (30% reduced focus cost during trueshot). It should just be baseline. Cmon Blizz! You are denying us a choice of legendary.

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In a recent change they did lower the focus cost of Arcane shot by 10

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Do you mean the rank 2 arcane shot? Because it was always there. They just changed the level requirement for it; it was learnt at level 17 before, they changed it to 14.

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