All quests untrack after re-open the game

Hello, all my curently tracking quests are untracked after i exit the game re-log after an hour? How can i fix this, i want all my current tracked quest to be track when i reopen the game?

Thank you!

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It’s a game bug, introduced into the game this week. Everyone is being affected by this, we just have to wait for Blizzard to find what they broke and fix it, hopefully without breaking other things in the process! :frowning:

Noticed this issue this week, it seems to affect Quests/Achievement Tracker and also Crafting Orders favourite lists. I’m not sure if affects Auction House favourites yet. Really annoying as it is.

Seen another thread/post or two on this.

Blah :frowning: Thank you! We are waiting for HOTfix

Hi there,

Thanks for reaching out!

Typically issues like this would be down to addons or related UI issues, though given the sudden uptick in reports and usual troubleshooting steps not helping, we’re taking a closer look.

More info when we have it!

Thats on your side. You broke it with the small update, it was 19th July. You should check my post and the one on the US forums. Everyone is affected.


Issue here too…any update?

After each relog ALL quests are untracked and disappear from the quest pane - on all chars.

there are dozens of people on the US forums with the same problem and they also have it on new L1 characters and completely without addons. Other people following Blizzard’s GM advice deleted the WTF folder, other reinstalled entire WoW, of course (and as usual) it all was completely useless, so don’t look for the problem in players computers (suddenly and at the same time broken thousands of UI’s is nonsense) and find the problem that started the day before yesterday just after your update.


I too have been impacted by this issue it’s somewhat intermittent but I find that quests, etc are being untracked either on login .

Another issue with tracking is Dragonriding World Quests - doing these these have caused other world quests to untrack in a reliably reproducible way since 10.0.2 - but this now seems to have spread to them causing other quests to untrack too.

favorite item list on crafting orders table (which is presented there as a nice feature) is erased after log on/off/on and not working too, this is much more complex issue.
It is also fact that ALL my wow friends have this problem, so no, it is not a problem in our computers.


Achievements and quests are gone from the tracking list on multiple chars.

Yet Trading Post objective tracking keeps popping back up next time you relog, just after you have shift-clicked them away, as it has been happening for a few months now.

Blizz better hope that this is not something that can just be fixed by “resetting the UI”.

Because that would mean that the UI or UI settings have been corrupted for tens of thousands of players over the last few days.

And that would be something much more serious than a bug in the Objective Tracker or a bug caused by a side effect of some recent change.


Create small weakaura with this code for event PLAYER_LOGIN:
for questLogIndex = 1, C_QuestLog.GetNumQuestLogEntries() do
local questID = C_QuestLog.GetQuestIDForLogIndex(questLogIndex)
if questID and questID > 0 then

or macro
/run for i=1,C_QuestLog.GetNumQuestLogEntries() do local q=C_QuestLog.GetQuestIDForLogIndex(i);if q and q>0 then C_QuestLog.AddQuestWatch(q) end;end

If you do not want to populate the tracker with all quests but just with the ones from your current zone, you can also use this addon

or similar ones.

after short testing it looks like it’s working again.

I just don’t understand why Blizzard can’t admit the mistake and rather gives people meaningless advices and blames addons and UI.Nothing would happen if Blizzard said, OK, there’s a bug, we know about it and we’re working on it. Nobody would be angry or complaining and I wouldn’t even have a reason to write anything here.I think that Blizzard guys working on the these forums should be better informed by the devs about what’s going on.

Ty Blizzard for quite fast fix.

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Yes, this is astonishingly amateurish behaviour. Even now, just an hour ago, they are still suggesting resetting the UI in a blue post:
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yes I see … it looks like some problem with inside comunication from Blizzard devs to forum managers , like they don’t have up-to-date and relevant information :confused:

Don`t blame them too hard, its a common “step” for communicating with customers :D, afterall thank you BliZZard for fixing it. :slight_smile: