All raids need to be very short

Stop making huge castles with huge corridors and huge caves in and huge passages in the raids.
Make raids short. No walking, more checkpoints, more portals etc.
You dont need to build a city for 8 bosses. You can achieve the same results in small place with lots of checkpoints.

And allow mounts in raids.


In DF the worst i ever felt was between bosses where i knew id be killing trash for the next 8 minutes in order to progress on a boss, it all feels so unnecessary. People are there for the bosses but end up wasting like 30 minutes per raid night on worthless trash mobs.


Just move the PTR ethereal teleporter to the live game!

And all we need is one platform, just talk to an NPC for the next boss to spawn. I personally loved Trial of the Crusader.


:slight_smile: It’s Weekend :slight_smile:

I cannot imagine doing Ulduar , Icc…Black temple … No need to raid mate:).

If anything the raids are way too small. The feeling of making your way deeper in a vast castle or something of the sort is not there. It should be. What is a raid?


I kinda like how Terrace of endless springs work, 4 bosses in a straight line, with almost no trash between them. Clearing trash in raids just isn’t fun imo, i raid for the boss fights.


Don’t always like doing trash but it’s part of raiding and shouldn’t go away. Also quite enjoy having trash prepare you for possible boss abilities.


That’s the purpose of trash, to give a sort of preview of what the bosses do, and entering the tier’s big bad boss’ big bad stronghold and finding… just 8 (Albeit powerful) dudes in there, neatly lined up in a straight string of rooms (because running is apparently so terrible) would be really weird…

People find the strangest things to whine about.


What trash section in any DF raid takes 8 minutes to clear? This isn’t Nyalotha.


This is how it’s handled in ff14 and it’s terrible.

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np go to ff, if this is such a hassle for u

Raids can be cleared in 2 hours…

laziest raid ever made. perfect for the average wow player.

Honestly something like amirdrassil is prob the best way to handle trash. There’s some between bosses but not a lot but it’s sufficiently spaced so the raid isn’t a couple rooms. Plus the speed boost trees helps when we wipe :man_shrugging:

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You got your LFR to do wings.

This game is an Mmorpg not a playstation or xbox game just because you dont want a raid to be big and immersive you dont speak for most of the playerbase who do want it that way.


I would make trash more meaningfull…

Like hordes of soldiers and epic battles… Bosses in their own right.

Just make 1 very big continuous battle with out any downtime. A 4h slugfest where death and destruction never end !

Lok’tar Ogar !

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Most of the playerbase doesn’t raid (if you don’t count LFR), to be fair.

I know that I, as a non-raider, would indeed want shorter and easier raids. Now, I get that raids do have a fanbase, so I wouldn’t advocate for shorter and easier. But it’s still something I’d personally like.


Didn’t they try that with the a gent tournament