so, 5 days on, this is a very bad desicion, Blizzard. We have queues again during the raid hours (as expected, and I believe that after some more transfers we are going to have queues of up to 1500 + again). Current resourse level is NOT ENOUGH for the player amount we have. Dreamfoil 70g per stack. Elixir of Mongoose - 7.5g a piece if you are really lucky. Even the GFPP which was supposed to go down in price is still selling for at least 5g a piece. With the raiding schedule my guild has I had to spend 10 hours a week farming for my own pots, now this is going to stretch to 30+ hours of just farming… Insane. All rm traders are happy now, though… thank you for ruining game experience. And all you people, being happy, because the layers have been switched off - well, Classic Zones were never intended for 20+k players at the same time!
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