Why would you do that? This is what I meant when I said “dangers to NON-BAD players” before.
Of course, you can play with BDK, but why do it if you can take a paladin ? this makes the bdk useless, from the point of view of the one who can choose the spec of the tank for his group )
no, this does not mean that at all, but only that there are many dangerous abilities in the game, in addition to those that can be interrupted. for example, in the case of giants, there are such abilities, and they are dangerous and do not allow you to take more packs at once, or take them together with the boss.
Those abilities aren’t dangerous. Bad players who pull incorrectly are dangerous.
Your lack of understanding that the class of tank does not matter in +10 and +11 is shocking.
Thats not how it works. If a tool can do a job its not useless. If Johnny thinks its useless, hes wrong.
I don’t need you to try to step in as an interpreter to explain he has trouble grasping simple concepts and that you can’t reduce all situations into a binary “best / useless” scenario.
So you don’t want to prevent unnecessary deaths as best as possible, just because the m+ level isn’t high and mighty enough for you? You would let all the delvers and other inexperienced players suffer because you think you are above them? That’s heartless.
these abilities are dangerous, as are often dangerous abilities that can be interrupted. in both cases, this limits the number of packs taken at once. The only difference is that in the second case, abilities can be interrupted and more mobs can be taken at once if there are more interrupters in the group, and in the first case, the group can either have almost no effect, or it can have little effect, and it will almost never work to take more mobs. but both cases are dangerous. so you were wrong once again, and I had to explain simple things to you again )
It’s about like a horse and a car in the city. both options can do the job, and take you from home to work. moreover, it may even be faster to get on a horse. that’s just no one rides horses in cities from home to work) are horses useful in this case? I would say no)
Yes. More packs can be pulled at once when a Protection Paladin is around because he does the most interrupting. That’s one of the many reasons why no other tank can compete with Protection Paladins. I think you finally begin to understand the point of this topic.
The only thing prot does is making the group being able to have multiple other specs in the group not having an interrupt at all.
It is just part of building your group.
Imagine you have 5 players with an interrupt and the whole idea of prot having an advantage is gone.
Now use all your brain power and imagine 4 players with interrupts PLUS 1 Protection Paladin.
and again an incorrect statement ) again, simple things need to be explained…)
3 players never pressing their interrupt button because everything is handled. GG.
Without prot pala disc can not shine. for example.
Glad we understand each other. Also, Disc shines the brightest when a Protection Paladin is tanking. It doesn’t get much holier than that.
Yeah so when you take 5 players with interrupts, you have overflow and it opens the option to play with other tanks, which are not useless.
Ah, yes, the infamous interrupt overflow. It plagues whole Azeroth.
also incorrect. The priest’s weakness in interruptions can easily be compensated by vdh and 3 dd with short cd interrupts, and with good control.
It is not a plague. It opens options for different group compositions. It is a good thing. That means non prot pala/disc groups can also get to the max key level, or maybe 1 lower.
And then we get to the point of, non meta does not mean it is useless.
Yeah i am sure we can find any exception, but in the end we also need the augEvoker.
Imagine having your 3 melee interrupts and a resto shaman and a prot paladin. You are having an overflow of interrupts. And you arent going to pull bigger because these days tanks fall over from “whites”.
Or - and listen to this - you just take one Protection Paladin who can interrupt more than those 4 other people combined.
as with the paladin )
the paladin in the meta is not at all solely because of his interruptions, as one wrote here, and not at all solely because of his damage, as they wrote a little earlier. he has a whole range of advantages, which is why he is in the meta now.
one vdh is enough to compete in interrupts with a paladin )