you have the same people praising classic for being overcomplicated and wanting retail to be dumbed down and pruned further.
feels like classic crowd trying to screw retail on purpose.
why not make huge grids for abilities like PoE to make 130 levels interesting
f…ck the tuning . f…ck hardcore modes. nobody cares about them when rest of game doesnt matter and is sacrificed on altar just so hardmodes are tuned .
Imo this level squish is just part of a bigger rework aimed at leveling and caracter progression. We’ll have to wait and see but reducing max lvl without changing anything else would be a waste of time as it wouldn’t really matter. Leveling has bigger issues than merely “a talent every 15lvl”
Blizzard is more than capable enough to see Classic success and how bad the classic fans react to BFA leveling. Reworking leveling would be a win win for Blizzard as retail players would have a better experience and classic players could give retail a try if they feel like it’s going back on track.
old content does matter, at least for transmog… I guess you don’t farm transmog or old mounts? Just imagine going through Heart of Fear, for some transmog on one day, clearing it without difficulty, then the day after, you die on the first trash mobs because of bad scaling… now you have to wait, until blizzard fixes the bad scaling again…
sigh have to answer again, level squish is a good thing, this char is from classic wow, my priest is made in classic, played priest from tbc to bfa, but I want a level squish, and in no ways do I feel butthurt at all, I would embrase it.
plain and simple things would look way better, and even if it took longer to level, it would feel like you actualy are progressing, and not like it is now oh I got 1 level I am lvl 20 now, only 100 levels to go, where it would be more like oh lvl 20 now only 60 to go, this would feel so much better.
I have closer or over 500 days played if i start to count all my chars, and still I think a squish is needed.
the stat squish was not an improvement… at least not for me…
also these fixes weren’t done in 1 or 2 weeks… it took them MONTHS to fix them… so it was a disaster…
missing out on transmog runs is bad… especially if you farm some super rare items (legendaries for example the twinblades of azzinoth, mounts or transmogs)
it already takes a really long time to get some of those, you really don’t want it to take longer, you really don’t want to miss chances at getting them
that happend yes, was it game breaking, no, did it matter in the long run no, so what is the problem here, that you need to hit a boss 3 times before it dies and maby dodge something, that a problem no it aint.
this is lazyiness from the players who in my oppinion do not even want to play the game or even be in that dungeon, and if theese people quit the game, Blizzard can lower the numbers of server, do server merges and drop the costs and focus better on the game instead of having to monitor lots of severs.
so honestly if people are unhappy whit the game, and super butthurt due to a level squish if it comes, just quit already, just maby the game would be more fun to play for the rest not having to read or se all the negtivity all the time.
it isn’t about the raid bosses taking longer, it is about normal attacks, or mechanics, which shouldn’t one-shot you, one shotting you…
I remember the animus boss fight from throne of thunder, before the BFA stat squish, it was easily doable, after stat squish, this boss one-shottet you, no matter what, only a few selected classes were able to do this solo
I guess you are not farming transmog, mounts or legendaries, by looking at your answers… these problems are HUGE, at least for me… I don’t want to miss out on chances to get these things… I don’t want to wait MONTHS until I can farm again, If I am 30 levels above the raid, I should be able to do the raid solo… there is no “but” or “if” or “it was fixed” this is a disaster… they should never do a stat squish again NEVER
are you honestly saying you can not do MOP raids and you getting one shot, that aint true, I have cleared all of them whit no problems at all,
only raids I know that causes problems are legion raids, and a few in wod due to mechanics, but no way mop raids is a problem ever.
there shouldn’t be any need to fix them… these problems shouldn’t come at all ever… these problems can be avoided by not doing a stat squish, so the answer is: NEVER DO A STAT SQUISH AGAIN!
I know surprising isn’t it…
the solution is that easy…
like I said, I missed out on chances for at least 1 month, this is not funny
seriously, I’d rather have way higher damage and healing numbers than a part of the game not beeing playble for a period of time…
not everyone is endgame focused, not everyone does PvP or current Raiding. Some players like to do older content, transmog/mount/Legendary farming…
might aswell unsub, if I can’t play the game for more than a month