After WOD squish: “Oh never mind, it works”.
After BFA squish: “Oh never mind, it works”.
After level squish: … (not hard to guess the outcome)
Seriously, all these drama queens and all those other people upvoting these posts really make me lose my remaining faith in humanity.
Blizzard is not run by a 10 year old kid who is reducing numbers because he can’t count that high, when they do it it has a reason and it never broke the game before (for longer than a few weeks until we got a hotfix anyway). Everyone is coming up with the dumbest most ridiculous worst case scenarios they can dream up and then promote them as if they were the truth and I just find it really annoying and ridiculous.
You think everything worked out? Go compare Pre/After bfa old contents.
I am saying this because i was doing Tmog farmings. Before bfa you were able to one shoot most bosses, making everything fast and smooth. No need to stay for any longer.
After bfa, or to be specific, after the stat squish. Things get messed up. Yeah they fixed many, but still, i am not longer able to one shoot bosses, neither avoid their mechanic sometimes. Which makes things even worse.
And what is the problem with having more than 120 level? You have ESO as MMO with more than 1k level for the player.
Blizzard should drop the idea of level squishing and focus more on creating good content and balancing the classes. Or otherwise things will again get messed up.
Please do check some of the anti-squish topics and try to find sound reasoning there.
One from the front page, 10+ upvotes. The guy’s reasoning is literally “Maybe for you, but it will completely ruin all the work I’ve put into my twinks.”
We have no idea how exactly the stat squish is going to happen but this guy is already unsubbing because of how some minuscule part of the leveling squish may play out. His lvl 60 twinks might just become lvl 30 twinks with the same power level and nothing changed, but he is already heralding a worst case scenario and the end of wow and has lots of upvotes.
This was just an example, there are lots like that.
My opinions are worth as much as anyone elses who takes the time to put the necessary reasoning behind them. But barely anyone does, just like with the wod and bfa squish arguments that turned out to be mostly wrong.
Sadly it’s very hard to find people on these forums who can actually defend their arguments and believe me I’ve tried. I like arguing with people who can, so feel free to reply.
Yes, there are tons of different ways they could make the leveling better, but to dramatically improve it it’d need a complete rework and that’d probably take years. I’m quite sure they wouldn’t sacrifice years worth of resources on leveling, when they admit that the end-game is the game.
Level squish (if they decrease leveling time too) would be a good bandage. Yes, there are tons of better ways, but nothing as fast and efficient in the short term.
The problem is that leveling in ESO is interesting because it’s not filled with garbage “gather 20 kill 20 kill 1 big dude” quests without any story behind them. Also, getting to max level (it’s 50 I believe?) in ESO takes significantly less time, and end-game content is not gated behind mastery levels above 170. Also, mastery level is account bound (or whatever it’s called, it’s been a while since I’ve played).
Getting to 120 in WoW with full heirlooms usually takes several weeks or even months if you can only play 2-3 hours a day, while in eso you can be done in a week. ESO’s system is not perfect either, but at least they’ve put the effort into making quests interesting. I despise the combat tho.
The problem is that they’re band-aid fixes on top of current band-aid fixes. We just can’t keep going on like this forever.
The level squish theoretically doesn’t change anything, so why even bother? It’s literally wasted hours of work that could be put into researching and fixing the 1-120 journey as a whole.
People often joke that they should just make WoW 2 but it’s actually looking like a great solution at this point, have the Void win and the game end and have a brand new game as an expansion like WoW: Remnants of Azeroth etc.
Agreed, they keep building on the very dated systems that would take too long to rework and it’s getting more and more fragile with every expansion. Old zones are so dated that I don’t wonder why none of my friends could stick with WoW after the trial.
As for the squish theory part, truth is, we have no idea what they want. That’s one reason why I find complaining posts about it pointless yet. We don’t know if they just merge every 2 levels into one and call it a day or if they’ll also reduce the time it takes to get to max level.
Merging levels wouldn’t solve anything, while combining it with halved xp would make it much more alt and new player friendly.
Afaik they didn’t only say that the amount was too high, they also said that the time gap between getting new stuff is too long, which to me sounds like as if they’d also reduce xp needed.
Thing is, we don’t know anything yet so imo we should stick to theory crafting instead of heralding the end of all.
And for that matter, after the cata squish, it did not just “work”. All old content was effected and effectively became harder each time. Just look at the first boss of Ulduar after the BFA one for the first month.
While I don’t intend to quit over it, it is annoying. It’s a pointless waste of time that doesn’t help anyone. So what if we now had 300T health instead of 300k? Does that make a realistic difference to anyone? You don’t sit there going “I have 214’531 HP left!” You just look and go “Ah, 214K”.
Now level squish is more of the same, but it means a mass change to every item in the WoW database to get all the items from expacs working. It means a serious potential unbalancing to old content as seen in every other squish and most of all…
It’s a cop out. Instead of making 120 levels of levelling content via talents and abilities like Skyrim does, instead of making each expac we’ve bought over the years meaningful, they’re instead making the game simpler because apparently WoW players can’t handle numbers longer then 6 digits long even when compacted, more then 3 talent choices every 15 levels and 6 viable abilities per spec.
Which by the way, is why classic is hyped. It actually has more abilities and levelling choices then BFA with half the levels!
Perhaps, the level squish might well lead to the reintroduction of Talent Trees, the need to go to your trainer again, customizing the classes to give a feel of absolute progress? Condensing the levels helps this.
I think people like to get up in arms about nothing but speculation.
The success of Classic (the attention it has drawn, its a success) might well have swung Blizzards mind into thinking ‘Hey, maybe our customers do want an engaging MMO.’ Perhaps a squish with some changes to the class growth, and the feel of leveling could bring this back.
Tbh Diablo 3’s damage system kinda proved to me that getting too high numbers can be very annoying. You look at the screen and it’s like:
Ability 1: 3489B damage
Ability 2: 493T Damage
Ability 3: 923M Damage
Autoattack: 1400K Damage
Some random dot: 64M Damage
It definitely takes more time to process such gigantic numbers than the usual 1k-100k range we seem to get most of the time and what we are used to in real life.
Yes, this is a lazy solution but completely reworking 15 year’s worth of leveling content to fix how alt and new player unfriendly it is would take years.
They also said that they see no point in returning classic’s talent tree, because spending that 1 talent point feels more satisfying than not getting anything, but 90% of the talents were stuff like +1% fire damage +1% critical chance on skill a +1% haste on skill b. Now you unlock these passively. We have several times more actual build defining talent choices than we did pre cata.
If they can’t make leveling interesting then at least make it less of a chore is what I’m saying, and a level squish might do just that.
You’re right, the ilvl squishes did not have any errors or wrongly tuned things in at all.
That’s why mine and several other guilds doing around half the bosses on mythic was suddenly struggling against the second boss on heroic in Antorus because the scaling was so badly done on those two bosses that our tanks were getting destroyed. Now we -did- kill it but this was a bit of a struggle, on heroic, when we were used to kill it quite easily on mythic at that time.
There was also many, many items that were scaled completely wrong making older expansion gear better than Legion gear for a short time until that got hotfixed too.
We’re just a bunch of people a little worried what a level squish could potentially break considering how whack the scaling was for ~1 Week after the end of Legion-Squish.
And this is where we disagree, because I don’t believe talents have to be 1%+ a stat. You can make much more customisation trees then that and many games do. Maybe it would take a team a while to do, but I don’t think years is realistic. They can make a full expac with dozens of bosses in two-three. I don’t believe it’s impossible I just believe Blizz are being obscenely lazy and would rather squish everything so the games levelling experience is smaller, simpler and with little choice then make an engaging levelling system.
No… it didn’t work though… Old Content, especially Raids were mostly not doable due to bad scaling, same happend with the BFA squish…
this one might work though, because it is just a number, which will be adjusted, pretty much cosmetics… instead of 120 the number will say 60, while everything else stays the same…
As they’ve said before, pruning made it so that balancing the classes became much easier, they wouldn’t add 100 more talents per class making it hard again.
I agree tho, that would be much more interesting and enjoyable, but they definitely won’t spend resources on that : /
Knowing that they won’t make it better, they should at least make it shorter imo.