[Alliance Casual PvE] Pals For Life

Hello there,

Pals for life is recruiting!
We’re currently progressing through normal Castle Nathria with a solid 6/10 but aim to clear heroic before the next tier releases. We’re doing 11-12 keys every week in moderate amounts to catch up and try out luck at some juicy lewt in the vault. Furthermore, our raid group consists of players from different realms atm since we’re just a bunch of pals who raided in Classic together and now wanted to raid in retail.

We’re looking for every class and spec and don’t seek meta slaves :upside_down_face:
All we require is that you know your class and are comfortable with the spec you play.

We usually raid on Saturdays around 19-20 to midnight. Since we’re so casual we don’t have a scheduled weekday for raiding. This also means you’re not held accountable should you miss a raid.

If you’re interested in joining this merry bunch of cutting edge pals and get a friend or two for life, contact me on B.net or apply to the guild in-game!
Bnet: Leeroy#22201

And your stance in roleplay? Since this is a roleplaying realm.

Welcome to a roleplay server, how can I help you?


For the same reason a raid guild joins Argent Dawn to begin with - they’re not very clever


He’s RPing a Vanilla meme.


Gosh, is this a RP realm?
Who would have thought, and RP’ers can’t enjoy actual content? Oh geez Rick.

On a more serious note, I don’t give a damn if any of you bronies or what not raid, pvp, do old content, didn’t buy the expansion or just generally plays to have a good time.
Seeing as this is an RP server, doesn’t exclude the actual need for people urge to do raiding. Furthermore being the casual filth we are, this happened to be the realm where most of us returning players had characters already or were more established (Gold, alts, etc).
If you have no interest in PvE or the guild, just don’t bother commenting on it? It’s not like it takes up any, if at all space that you didn’t need already? Infact it might actually bring more people to your enclosed communities.
But merry new year to you guys. :slight_smile:

The Role-Play Realm is the ultimate litmus test for whether a person is capable of self-governing.

When you aren’t interested in Role-Play, picking a normal realm instead of a Role-Play one is an easy, convenient task and one which we all recognize as the correct, appropriate thing to do. To not roll on a RP realm as a non-RPer is objectively right. There are no situations other than dire lack of knowledge in which a non-RPer rolls on a RP realm. Simultaneously, it is not illegal to roll on an RP realm as a Non-RPer. Therefore a role-play realm presents itself as the apex example of whether a person will do what is right without being forced to do it. No one will punish you as a non-RPer if you roll on an RP realm, no one will suspend or ban you if you keep playing on it without an interest in RP and you gain nothing from rerolling to another realm. You must not roll on an RP realm as a non-RPer out of the goodness of your own heart. You must not roll on an RP realm as a non-RPer because it is the wrong thing to do. Because it is not correct.

A person who is unable to do this is no better than an animal, an absolute savage who can only be made to do what is right by threatening them with law and the force that stands behind it.

The Role-Play Realm is what determines whether a person is a good or bad member of society.


If you have no interest in roleplay, why join the realm?

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We’ve all been asking the same question since forever.

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Rule of thumb, don’t take an alt post seriously. :slight_smile:

Rule of thumb: don’t take a guy trying to name himself after a meme from 2005, but realizing it’s taken so he’s forced to throw an apostrophe over a letter, seriously. :slightly_smiling_face:


OOCers :point_right::door:

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You’re not really endearing yourself or helping your case by displaying this kind of poor behaviour towards criticism.

It just makes you look more like a douchebag.


Gosh, is this a RP realm?
Who would have thought, and RP’ers can’t enjoy actual content? Oh geez Rick.

On a more serious note, I don’t give a damn if any of you bronies or what not raid, pvp, do old content, didn’t buy the expansion or just generally plays to have a good time.
Seeing as this is an RP server, doesn’t exclude the actual need for people urge to do raiding. Furthermore being the casual filth we are, this happened to be the realm where most of us returning players had characters already or were more established (Gold, alts, etc).
If you have no interest in PvE or the guild, just don’t bother commenting on it? It’s not like it takes up any, if at all space that you didn’t need already? Infact it might actually bring more people to your enclosed communities.
But merry new year to you guys. :slight_smile:

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Ending up with more people like you is what we’re trying to avoid here

Look it was a phase okay I just liked it for the plot!


There once was a fellow called Leeróy,
he had neither scheme, plan, or ploy,
he shouted his name,
as he ran to his fame,
but alas his post garnered no joy.

How can the GM of a guild called ‘pals for life’ so swiftly and immediately burn bridges by straight-up insulting people who are on the server for the purpose it was made for?

That doesn’t seem very “pal” to me, my friendadin.

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Pals for life.

Whose life? Mayflies?

I could get that rule if I stated something downright borderline trollish or insulting. But I simply asked why exactly you are on a roleplay realm if you don’t have interest in roleplay. How exactly is this question less legit because it’s coming from an alt?

In your second reply you posted this:

And now you’re saying “don’t take alt posts seriously”. I see. So this post of yours here is just… not taken seriously? Or will you dismiss the opinion of anyone in your guild playing on an alt?

Because honestly that’s a pretty toxic environment for any content and people should stay off from that.

I believe I was yesterday too tired to miss this statement though:

From all the things you could have said, you post this. How are the topics of bronies and roleplayers related to eachother? Or are you calling all WoW players bronies? I’m quite confused.

Also could you refrain from /y OOC spam in Stormwind in the future? Would be very cool.