Alliance faction shoud be reworked or removed

Week ago I back to my old character because my friend ask me to play with him on alliance.
We have do some quest dungeons end got to Zereth Mortis. That was point where you can really see diffrence in faction.

  1. Alliance have so small amout of players that finding any rare/rare group take hours.
  2. There are no low key groups, we have trying to get as a tank and healer for two hours for any low keys but there was only 14 total. and our dps leave group after firrst boss because he have 190 itlvl and cannot do enought dps to kill boss.
  3. We have waiting over hour for lfr group each time as a tank and healer.
  4. There are total of 30 groups in lfg custom groups and half of them doing old expansions content!(From all realms in europe)

There is no fun of playing when more than half of time you are looking for any group of players to play with, because you cannot do content in small group or solo.


And these people will not be able to play with people from another faction sometimes? Somehow it seems to me that they were supposed to introduce something like that.

But designed system that is currently testing on ptr don’t fix most of this problems because only works for people that you invited manualy and you know that they exist. You cannot start group and wait for horde to join aor join horde group from lfg.

Seriously? Soo bad then… This is the only logical way such a system should work. So that as much as possible, you can search for Horde players to complete your team, and vice versa. This would be a good way to reduce the current problem. In that case, people have to force Blizzard to spam the way such a system works. Maybe they will notice, think and introduce.

i have no problems finding rare’s etc in zereth.
i have no problems finding Groups if needed.
go find a guild or community and blast away.
roll a tank or healer ? xD

People blame blizzard for the faction stuff while its the player base that rolls horde…simple. people choose horde and then complain about long queue’s or no groups or whatever…
i say this again… Remove factions , remove racials , remove class / race restrictions. let people pick the combination that they want and have fun playing


Uh, what, no?


Actually the solution is very simple, yet radical for the conservative players:

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Also, random BGs apparently will still be Horde vs Alliance. So does that mean we can’t do BGs with our Alliance friends?

If so, what exactly is the point in this crossfaction implementation.

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To be fair though, yes, a lot of this is Blizzards fault in the first place. A lot of people always take the “flavor of the month” and for a long time Horde were superior in PvE with blood elves arcane torrent being a aoe silence that was superstrong in PvE and even in certain raid encounters. This led to more and more people rolling horde because of advantages. As time went, more and more people were going horde giving them far bigger advantage when it comes to recruitment pool for guilds, more people for dungeons and all kinds of events, which just turned this entire problem into a big snowball that just got worse and worse that would just not meet a wall and stop anytime soon. You can blame it on the people rolling horde, but in the end, people roll horde because there are just to many benefits being horde rather than alliance, and that is a problem that was created by the decisions blizzard made throughout the years.

I totally disagree with removing factions though, the factions are just a major part of the entire game, removing it would not make sense at all.
But removing racials should have happened a long time ago, racials should just be some fun abilities / “cosmetic” like things or something like that instead, things that does not give any player power. People should chose the race they want to be the most, rather than picking the race that gives them an advantage in the content they want to play in.

This decision seems right to me. They should also remove mercenary mode.

Garrosh tried to remove Alliance but you stopped him. Too late even his soul does not exist to do it for you.


I moved from Alliance to horde in Legion. Because:

  1. Alliance lore, quest and background was highfantasy and boring after years.
  2. There was more interesting races like Tauren. Because there is no other mmo that you havae Undeads, Minotaurs, Foxes, Elves and Orcs in one place. Alliance races looks like typical LotR team with dwarfs, humans and elves.
  3. I never care about racials, the only thing I was caring is race/class choice and quests. I always have done heroic/mythic raids, and game for me was always about cosmetic aspect of game.
  4. After they put Tyralion in to Alliance I see this faction like Germany before 1939. When some politic was getting in to power. (Do you remember Yrel she will be back)

So basically do exactly the opposite of what they’re trying to achieve with cross faction gameplay? Make it harder for people to play together?

Doesn’t make sense. Especially when rated PvP will allow both factions to play together. Not sure what the logic is in your post, outside of being spiteful for the sake of it.

All of these problems can be fixed by finding an active guild
This game is not meant to be played with pug groups only

Or you know, play on a Alliance majority realm, like Outland. You have no excuse.

Other option is “The number has been reached for Horde characters. You must make Alliance to play”, which would balance it all out.

Playing between horde and alliance got sense in rated pvp or pve, but not in warmode-random pvp.

When i play random Bg its because i want to kill HORDE

Sorry, don’t see that as a justification to essentially ruin gameplay for people who want to play with friends casually. After all, the main reason I even play this game is due to social interaction and playing with friends.

Without that, the game is a shell.

  • You can still kill Horde.

Hardly matters really. People who only and solely play one or the other faction, in 2022, are basically troglodytes.
Honestly don’t even see a reason to play literally only half a game when you’re paying for a full game, and even endless money for subscription, despite Blizzard not really giving anything worth paying for, all things considered.

Mmm. No. Im doin more often lfr on this char than on my hunterd belf. Groups are faster and zm rare spotting are the same.
The problem is for both factions. 1 hour ago on draenor horde there were 3 raid groip for legacy. 3. Three. In the end of bfa it was full of nighthold run.
This is bad. And is not ally or horde related. But for the game.

I agree. Its been kinda gem in wow but now its just boring and limiting. Like look at modern mmos they dont have that silly restrictions mostly

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