Alliance Factually worse at pvp i feel

I think shadowlands could offer cross-faction teams based on covenants?


Well the last few weeks Alliance have been a complete dumpsterfire in Epic Bgs, probably a winrate of less then 30% if I’d have to guess. Normal bgs are much more balanced, so if you wanna win more, avoid epic bgs.

fake news

At 120 win 70%

Most of the times Alliance loses BG’s is because absolute stupidity and or relying on some tactical info from 10+ years ago when they watched some obsolete youtube guide how to win WsG 101.

That and people really should keybind their interrupts and dispel’s and generally learn to atleast try and CC people because now it seems people have their DPS meters installed and try to do raid dummy dps to tanks in bg’s completely ignoring healers.

Also people with lower than 100k health with green leveling gear go do some WQ’s atleast for gear that is not 3 expansions obsolete.


Out of 10 epic Bg’s today 2 wins rest were devastating losses.

In those 2 wins both had same reason why we won people actually listened what to do and actually played the game rather than joining and thinking BG’s work like LFR and give instant win and shower you with epics.

The rest 8 bg’s share the same recipe for failure people are all over the place and try to do BG’s with tactics that have been obsolete since catalysm/mop.

And the worst part is always when the first encounter is lose and 3/4 of the team leaves because they actually have to play instead of just having the win on a silver platter.


Then stop queue to Epic ones. Play 10-15 man bgs. I dont understand why alliance players queue to epic bg if the matchmaker is a joke. xD

As someone said up:

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I queue to larger bg’s because i like larger scale battles more than 10 man capture the flag that bores me to death.

Its one of the main reasons why i loved Warhammer online, GW2 and ESO pvp i just find large scale big BG zones far more enjoyable and fun than boring flag running bg’s.

I just wish Blizzard would actually do something to fix 40vs40 bg’s or if they cant then hire someone with skills to do it.


Just saying any solo que for normals or brawls will mostly results in lose becouse of communites, blizz need to fix communites and bg premades not sure how but they need to do it.

honestly it takes one very good healer to carry a whole bg.

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Tried to heal a bit. The experience boiled down to scenarios like the following:

Approach base with 2 others.
Get jumped by 3 hordies.
Try to keep myself alive while my team splits off and tries to 1v1 one guy each on the road 100y away.
Get cussed out for having more heals on myself than my teammates.
gg, rerolling a DPS class.

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well maybe I should be more specific. it takes one good resto druid / resto shaman to carry a whole bg :stuck_out_tongue: but if you are only healer with 9 - 14 more players then even that wont do much. Its not guaranteed but its a game changer very much :smiley:


Yeah, not refuting what you say or anything, I’ve seen healers do incredible things to turn the tide, single-handedly being the reason a clash in the WSG tunnels was won, helping their team push deep into BS in AB etc.

Was more a jab at how underappreciated the role tends to be, and how easily blamed. :V


it’s no longer horde vs alliance, it’s randoms vs premade.

i feel like 80% of my queues are vs premades, which are the legit most boring games. you either get killed instantly over and over again or just afk at graveyard.

people who queue as premades are a cancer to this game ruining the fun of other people in the process.

here’s hoping blizzard does something about it.

Time to time I’m 3 warrior group to rnd bg. We win all.

I leveled this char 110-120 in like 4 hours yesterday.

Only wins.

I got 6890 bg’s played and won 3650 on this horde shaman.So yeah horde is better.Thats a span of 11 years i believe.

Because, horde can be an alliance mercenary and sabotage you from the inside.

definately, but its necessary, because there are many botters and leechers.

with a premade you make sure that does not happen.

some soft ilvl cap might improve random bgs a bit, i feel. if its active for lfr it should also be a thing for random bgs.

its not cool to see so many people in your own team afking in trash gear/naked with no hp, especially since pvp scaling was removed.

So, its the community that destroys the balance, they have no honor and backbone to gear up their character proper before the que to random bgs. They go in naked or in quest greens with extrem low ilvl, while its very easy to outfit you with minimal appropriate gear in no time.

i have close to 1000 bgs played during bfa and around 56% win. used to be higher around 60%.