Alliance get 20% bonus this week

AOO still on the menu lads

I like that menu

Waddaya know, the reward system is working to help bring faction balance closer. Will be interesting to see if that trend continues, stays at 20%, or goes back up.


I doubt after the past week there still are more horde than allies with wm on.

Unless, of course, alliance toggles it on just for the quest. Why, who would do such a thingā€¦

And no, Iā€™m not playing with wm turned on since itā€™s just a poorly designed solution for a ā€œfeatureā€ sold at expansion launch thatā€™s not delivering.

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Me! I toggle it in the dark when I think nobody is looking. Even Jesus cant see me do it! I toggle it even harder when I see those female Belfs. I toggle it that hard, it breaks! It hurts so bad, but when I toggle it, I love it!

People ask why I toggle so hard and so often, well, you know. If the shoe fits! I sneak in to the bathroom in SW, bring out my table then google female Belfs. If thatā€™s not working, I google Tauren females, which is udderly perverted I know but stillā€¦


You just said it yourself youā€™re just a wanker.

Anyway, enjoy your battle for Azeroth. Off to enjoy the real wow.


Thatā€™s a very offensive comment coming form someone thatā€™s obviously insecure in their own abilities. I think I will go toggle over your salty tears and report you for your abusive language. You have a nice day now. Salty.

Pilav and Savix a.k.a. yhe WoW police will come for any horde player.

I genuinely wonder why it got to 20%.

Natural selection.

More alli turn on wm for free gear, but they are wpvpā€™ing to get it. And they are highly motivated.

Excess horde pure pveā€™ers have no purpose in wm, they donā€™t wpvp, but are now encouraged to volunteer wm off.

If the trend continues, alli will lose the pvp quest. Balance will be much better, and a chance to see wpvp opponents on your shard instead of horde pveā€™ers.

Will be interesting to see if true balance is achieved, or it could wobble between very unbalanced and slightly balanced.

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I disagree that alliance are ā€œwpvpā€™ingā€ to get their free gear. Some are, most that Iā€™ve seen are not. Camping a Tortollan or Azerite quest with a 40 man raid and picking of lone horde players 1 by 1 is not WPvP.

The quest should only be doable in a 5 man group. Then there would be more chance of people actually having to participate in wpvp go get their free gear.

Iā€™ve also noticed that you comment on horde ā€œpure pveā€™ersā€ in most of your posts as if they are to blame for the WM imbalance. I think most of the people you are describing in this way were simply the ones at the start of the expansion who decided that a 10% bonus was worth the risk of getting killed in WPvP.
And What of alliance players who are pure pveā€™ers? If anything they are responsible for imbalance just as much. Iā€™ve seen plenty of comments from Alliance players who are only turning WM on for the free gear then turning straight back off again.

The alliance will never reach equal numbers with the horde if theyā€™re going to toggle Wm on every wednesday for free gear then turn it straight back off again.

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"Camping a Tortollan or Azerite quest with a 40 man raid and picking of lone horde players 1 by 1 is not WPvP.

The quest should only be doable in a 5 man group. Then there would be more chance of people actually having to participate in wpvp go get their free gear."

It cant be completed in a raid, you probably see 40 soloers, some might even be in grps of 5 or less.


I didnā€™t know this! Yes I guess because Iā€™m seeing 30+ players I assumed it was a single raid

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If they are there for loot, it will be groups farming together.

If they are a raid, they will look to start a raid vs raid fight.

I totally agree that camping FPs under guise of ā€˜WPVPingā€™ is a bit of a stretch though.

Ofc it is technically WPVP, but also path of utmost least resistance. Probably an easier way to get loot than Warfronts, and thatā€™s saying a lot :face_with_monocle:

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It is absolutely wpvp, there are no rules, all enemies are a target. I love 1v1, but also helping defend wqs and fps, so that my faction can use them unhindered. But thatā€™s just my idea of fun. The great thing about wow is, different players can have different fun with it. Anything goes in wm though.

The faction balance in wm is not just about the general balance. Iā€™m guessing wpvpers are about even. But Horde for sure had excess pure pveā€™ers. As theirs reduce, Alliance pure pveā€™ers which are surely less, and burnt at start of bfa might increase, but perhaps reach equality with Horde ones. We donā€™t know the stats, making assumptions here.

But itā€™s a big issue if players have wm on but donā€™t wpvp. Removing them from wm increases chance of wpvpers on your shard.

If player type balance can be achieved, wm will be healthier. Weā€™ll see what happens, if balance continues to improve or stays same, or gets worse again. Guessing it will get better before worse. And if gets worse again, it should just be a case of repeating the gank fest to reduce Horde non-wpvper numbers.

30-40 players, killing 1-2 players at a quest or FP is not PvP. Using youā€™re ranged spell once in order to tag and get credit for a ā€œHKā€ is not engaging in PvP. It may as well be a raid trash mob you are hitting. Alliance players who have no interest in PvP or ā€œpure pveā€™ersā€ as you would call them, have been drawn into these node camping groups and its not PvP. The number of times Iā€™ve seen Alliance players getting the 100 honour kills achievement this last few weeks is hilarious.

Correct, we donā€™t know the stats, but given that the 400 ilvl gear has dropped to 385 and the quest might not appear every week, Iā€™m just wondering how many Alliance players are still to be persuaded into turning WM on? I mean, are there really enough Alliance players still to go WM on and get to the point of equal numbers? There may be, but if they havenā€™t turned WM on by now, I cant see decreasing rewards and lack of free loot suddenly persuading them.

This is alliance players too. Iā€™ve done tons of quests where Iā€™ve seen alliance players WM on just ride right past me. Not interested in PvP.

Your solution or hope for balance seems to revolve around excluding a section of horde players from receiving any bonus while alliance ā€œpure pveā€™ersā€ are free to pick up 20-30% bonus and free loot every weekā€¦

Basically have no reason now to use the Warmode quest to incentive PVP cause the gear is worthless and the conquest is meaningless when I cap it already via arenas.

I agree to disagree on what is wpvp :slight_smile:

Iā€™m hoping, a reduction in Horde pure pvpers, and not too much increase in Alliance pure pvpers will balance them outā€¦ total guess ofc. And, if the player types: wpvper, pve wpvper, and pveā€™er end up balanced, better for wpvp. Yes itā€™s a hope, could happen tho.

And, as balance comes closer, no pvp quest for Alliance. Ganking will still go on, but maybe less than when Alliance have the pvp quest.

It could all work out! :+1:

Either way, very interesting to watch progress.

Youā€™re optimistic! From what Iā€™ve seen, a lot of the Alliance currently claiming their free Heroic Raid epics have barely set foot in PvP. The bonus and free loot is attracting PvE alliance players in huge numbers. Iā€™m sceptical just how many there are left to join in though.

Blizzard havenā€™t stated on what criteria alliance get the quest afaik. This week is was just a decision someone made. Imo as long as alliance are outnumbered theyā€™ll get the quest and their free gear every week.

If the reward goes down next week too, surely that is less incentive for Alliance to join. Iā€™ve already seen plenty of alliance who having got their free 400 ilvl gear have turned WM off. According to blizz the horde numbers advantage had only been halved.

Either way, I doubt very much that horde will ever get the ā€œkill25ā€ quest and even if we did, we wouldnā€™t be getting 400ilvl gear.

Vaƫyn is right. Ally has the bonus since there are too many horde with WM on and there is a need to incentivize ally to join.
If you cut off the horde who are there just for the bonus and donā€™t really do wpvp
the numbers will drop rebalancing the faction and taking away the ally bonus.
Not a perfect solution ofc, but if done in combination with locking WM on/off to the weekly reset might work.

And trust me they are a lot of horde with WM just for the 10%. Iā€™ve done my weekly aoo quest wednesday in a 3 man pug party at the dazal harbor, horde main city, without a sweat. People kept coming one by one, just trying to run to the boat instead of fighting back or simply grouping up before moving.
If you canā€™t defend against 3 people in your main city, itā€™s simply because you donā€™t care.