(Alliance) Is this a PVP server or not?

As I mentioned in the title, I am alliance. Horde invade our space regularly, at times quite organised and alliance cucks do nothing. Today a few minutes ago I was forced to log off because a huge Horde group had effectively locked down the BFD area in ashenvale. I am letting everyone know in ashenvail and people don’t even give a poop. I decide to travel all the way to stormwind and i /yell the news. not even in stormwind anyone gave a single fick. And so, to my fellow alliance players. Is this a PvP or a PvE server mofos??? Cursed be the day I rolled with the alliance cucks

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It is I saw many ally who ganged lowbies, PvP is on dayli bases depends where you are.

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depends on where you are.
i guess, in some places people just want to do the quests and not be in fear of potential revenge attack by the horde.
meanwhile in some other places there is non stop pvp clashes and parties roaming around looking for a fight or at least an easy gank.

i think its all about luck, on how aggressive your faction fellows are in the nearby area.


people are so busy leveling they rarely ever even fight back - tough once in ashen vale my victims ganged up and even brought reinforcement to chase me off… and It was glorious!

mostly it’s not though, I’m hoping it will get better soon™ but the alliance seem to have come down with the lethargy of leveling fever

Same thing happens on Horde side dude.


“Aha! The Horde reign victorious once more!”

PVP happens all over in questing zones, Stonetalon’s ‘Windshear Crag’ was quite popular yesterday for lvl 20-30 pvp.

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its true that allys lack dedicated pvpers but we do exist.

I tend to just fight if i get attacked at the moment, feel a little outnumbered most of the time leveling in ashenvale. Plus i saw you being friendly with Elves outside BFD yesterday Aldred!

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Hey! what happens in bfd stays in bfd…

Also aparently Alliance PvPers do infact exist - met a cople of groups in Hillsbrad today.

I assume that Hillsbrad has a different level range for alliance though? as most of the groups seemed to be 4-8 levels above the horde there

I was in the group at BFD…same thing happens in Hillsbrad…but its easy to muster a counter attack horde side…

i try to leave very low lvl horde plyers alone but always gank ppl +/-5.

Killed lots of stuff in Ashenvale and got killed too.

Me and my guild regularly defend Hillsbrad from undead scum which are slaughtering the innocent farmers and citizens. It usually leads to all out wars in Hillsbrad, but ya I kind of agree, VERY MANY alliance players ignore in favor of questing. But honestly we don’t need those kind of players with no faction pride, no selflessness and overall no feeling of RP.

People hate garrosh for theramore but look at what the forsaken were doing in hillsbrad…

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What do you mean that you dont see me killing hordies?


Why thank you!

Yesterday in desolace both horde and alliance had tons of fun at the centaur rep grind camps :sweat_smile:

Ofc silly silly hummies always ignore you or just /wave when alone (unless you are at 50% or Bellow) and always prefer 3vs1 situations…

But it’s fun how fast groups are formed by random adventurers in the area to teach the alliance scum it’s not wise to anger the Horde.

I would also like to apologise to the paladins I met yesterday…
I know it was a duck move on my side to just force you bubble and loh then just /wave /smile and /laugh and run away…
For that I am truly sorry :joy::sweat_smile::rofl:

I might have killed too much horde in Ashenvale in rp matters. My deed leads me to patrol ashenvale everyday for roleplay, protecting obvious zones of nelfs society for example, dont matter the lvl, because blizz gave you quests to slaughter our people, and gave us low lvl npcs.

Obviously outside of rp I choose to fight people of my lvl, more or less. But Ive found a huge amount of horde being friendly and no RP players, a lot. I dont kill friendly horde while being OCC

Yesterday for example they had to group 6/7 to kill me outside of a basement, it was very fun, and I think they might enjoy it overcoming the danger to finish their quest, or I hope so. I quite enjoyed the fact that they can overcome those things in group.

1 day an rp human guild and I, along with a 20+ priestess, patroled all the roads from my woods, ended up crushing the horde base at the coast, npcs included, and they leaved to the barrens while I remained in Ashenvale to protect my home.

Stonetalon are a good play for pvp too.

Im having a huge time of pvp in Kalimdor, but I have to confess that people, and I might agree, dont see any “heavy rp pvp nelf guild” doing their job so far, Which is a shame.

I always meet that problem myself; It’s infuriating sometimes;

I’ve seen several times horde group of 10+ people just killing everyone trying to get out of southshore, while around 20 people were just sitting/standing in middle of southshore, ignoring my call to arms.

It’s reaaally hard to get alliance go to this kind of battles, as a life-time alliance player, this has always been the pvp disadvantage of our faction =’(

I’ve seen the opposite, level 40+ Alliance ganking low level Horde players trying to quest in Hillsbrad, occasionally we can get a group together to fend them off but the Alliance always has higher level players with mounts etc. It just becomes frustrating due to the difference in levels.

Today a human lvl 30 and me at 37 was doing war quest at hillsbrad. a 46 came to pvp, we actually killed it. he came back and call a tauren druid 47/50+ (skull), they killed us twice. A priest lvl 33 passed by and healed me, we killed them both.

I think the main problem is the people who have the “rush lvl” mentality more than anything. Pvp is always fun if people are into it. You lose nothin from tryin to give a fight, in my opinion.

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Cogni charged a mean hordie in Loch Modan. Cogni was one-shotted. Cogni hopes mean hordie feels very bad about one-shotting pretty Gnome like Cogni.

Cogni keeps Loch Modan safe!

Hahahaha :smiley: Excuse me for defending My people and innocent farmers from the enemy. I thought this was an RP realm at the same time. I will keep defending hillsbrad and all the others zones form murderers and bandits, no matter what level they are.

To be fair I write in orcish and threaten them to leave, if they don’t they die. Easy as that. Have never ganked any other horde who havn’t attacked first or were doing peaceful quests NOT against alliance.