(Alliance) Is this a PVP server or not?

My guess is theres actually a problem in our Rp server… most of the people are not rpers and dont play by the laws it implied, playin in a rp server.

For example, Ive got plenty of hordes walking in ashenvale on the roads like if it was their home, low lvl, my char is an ally of the silverwing sentinels, Im IC… what should I do? when they are killing our keeper, or our sentinels because “its a quest”, should I just close my eyes and break the atmosphere?

I think people should realise that they are in a rp server, and we are not dicks, its actually pretty easy not to get into a pvp rp.

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My point exactly!

Well that’s a blatant lie, I’ve seen you kill low level players simply walking along the road, all the while spamming chat with broken English like a child on YouTube.

Looks like someone got ganked.

I’d rather someone be honest and say they enjoy ganking low levels who pose no challenge or risk, than make up some bull about it being part of a “role play”. If that is true, your role play character has no sense of honour or pride.

speaking of pvp - is there an addon to nuke repeated/spammed emotes?

It’s really starting to take the joy out of it :expressionless:

gloats over the misfortune of Aldred

one or two emotes to celebrate your victory and the thrill of still being alive Is fine in my book - it’s the page after page of /spit that really gets to me.

aparently it’s not concidered “spam” atleast the blizzard UI doesn’t filter it

As a role player, my view on defending faction NPCs and patriotism is the following:

  • defending faction NPCs when you are within +/- 5 levels of your opponents is RP
  • defending faction NPCs when you are 10+ levels above your opponent is ganking

PvP does happen on this server, I have had some in Ashenvale and Hillsbrad and it is fun when it is fair. When it isn’t, less so. I’m still in questing mode so I’m on the defensive end of things just like many others out there.

I think Zandalari Tribe has a nice and relaxed athmosphere so far and it may have a good chance to have a balanced and healthy population too.

Well the thing you said is a blatant lie. Nice baiting though <3 What pride are you talking about when you are killing innocent farmers and whatnot.

No you’re a liar, I’ve seen you do it with my own eyes, killing people 10+ levels lower than you for no reason, barely having left their flight path, corpse camping and obnoxiously spamming chat. You’re not role playing, you’re griefing. No one can stop you doing it, but at least stop lying about it.

I’ll be honest, I’ve been killing players 10 level lower than me in Hillsbrad Fields, I will still do it when I’m 50, 55 or 60; I’ll do it until every horde, from level 1 to level 60 knows on this server that Hillsbrad fields and Hillsbrad in general is the alliance territory.


I think we both know who is lying here. Maybe you were one of the murderers killing those farmers and didn’t enjoy being ganked? Especially when I told you to get lost and you came back. Well know that I will keep doing it forever until you leave hillsbrad and alliance zones alone. Nice trolling though. Keep it up.

You know what we need?

We need that vanilla forums “OMG I’ll corpsecamp you forever!” mentality back. The true hatred between factions and that drama about who ganked who!

I remember in vanilla, when people were actually hating the opposite faction and vented it in the forums… good days :joy:

So, since this server has PvP set on it, let the ganking begin. Hate your enemy and make those lowbies cry in frustration when you gank them as a fully decked group of lvl60s.

Now that being said, I’m so slow at leveling I’ll be mostly at the receiving end, but hey… that’s the life I chose when I rolled here :smirk:


Of course you would call it trolling. Only someone who tries to pass their no-life griefing off as “role-playing” would consider what I’m saying as trolling. Just admit you’re afraid to fight fairly and enjoy ruining other people’s experiences. You can do what you want, but at least be honest.

I will never ever fight “fairly” in a war. Also I will never ever close my eyes when enemy is slaughtering my people.

This thread shows promise! :grin:

Ok griefer, enjoy killing low level players for your “role-play”. Please stop spamming chat though, everyone can agree that it’s obnoxious, people are trying to organise things in general chat while you yell like a insane child.

What am I spamming again exactly?

What is a carebear doing on a PvP server?