(Alliance) Is this a PVP server or not?

Too long que for PvE servers perhaps at launch. Tho that doesn’t explain it currently :thinking:

He/She is just butthurt and salty, or trolling

What shall be then the solution then?

you are lvl 40, rping with a keeper. Because they have a quest, they start attackin it 3 4 of them, you stop rp and you close your eyes? or you role a good oportunity to defend your own faction?

rp will be always rp. There is ways to not get killed by an rp pvp player easily.

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If Classic was a scaled game where there were no levels and it would only go down to skill then this situation would not happen. But it is not. A significantly lower level character does not have a chance against a higher level.

Imagine the situation that you are killing orcs in Arathi around level 30-35 and a level 60 orc would sit on your corpse claiming it was “RP”. I don’t think you would like that situation either.

The solution? Defend faction NPCs in level appropriate zones. You are level 38 now, soon you can defend Feralas, Felwood, Moonglade and Winterspring. Plenty of elven themed RP-PvP opportunities in high level zones.

Between 30 and 45 you can perfectly defend Alliance NPCs in Stranglethorn Vale, Dustwallow Marsh, Badlands, Swamp of Sorrows and Hinterlands and leave Hillsbrad for people between 25-30 to defend.

(This is not about anti-gank squads when high level characters appear to defend lowbies who are being ganked by other high level characters.)

Sitting on somebody is not the same as rping, nobody sits on a dead corpse. its called T baggin.

I would gladly accept a 60 real rp orc and I would be able to roleplay being injured.

This is not a solution at all. some char would never go to arathi, jungle and so on…

The solution is rping, simply put. its an rp server, not a leveling server.

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You spam yell “LEAVE” etc at Hillsbrad, which ends up filling up most of the chat window. I’m not trolling, I’m just sick of people acting like ****s and claiming it’s roleplay. It’s a pathetic excuse. Just be honest and admit you enjoy griefing. I wouldn’t even be on this thread at all if I hadn’t recognised your name from all your spamming recently. Then you go and lie about only attacking Horde who attack farmers, when I’ve literally seen you kill people doing herbalism and camping their corpses. If calling you out for being a blantent liar is trolling, then so be it. Doesn’t make it any less true. I have no problem with RP or PvP, or even ganking, it’s part of the game. What I have a problem with is obnoxious spammers who lie on the forums and pretend it’s all role-playing.

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So you admit that I was giving fair warnings but I was still killing them after all? ;d;d;d Why would I even bother to type then? Yes when they return and roam around Hillsbrad I will also kill them for not getting out properly and trying to find a way to squeeze in.

Also TBH 3lvl 25-30s can kill a lvl 40 without problem, due to cc spam :wink: Guess you should learn how to play instead of whining on the forums

You’re full of lies because of your feelings, Elisande deliberately tells every alliance character to stop attacking Horde players who’re in hillsbrad for yetis, bears and so on;

I will not accept your proofless blaming that she attacked people trying to herb or something like that; If you recognize her name you should recognize mine too; And as I said before, As an alliance player, I will NOT sit and watch horde receive and try to complete quests to slaughter, rob and rise defenseless human farmers ;

You have many other places in Kalimdor where you can level and progress, and if you are insisting that you’re entitled to the zone, then bring it on, bring the high levels, let the war decide who’s who; It’s contested for a reason;

You guys are just pathetic griefers who can’t even own up to it. The proof that Im telling the truth is that I’m still here, in this forum. I wouldn’t have even bothered posting if she hadn’t have lied about it in the first place. Keep griefing if you want to, but don’t sit here pretending to be some farm defenders. I would at least have some respect for you if you told the truth. Instead you’ve doubled down on your “role-play” excuse. You clearly only want to PVP against people who can’t fight back, just admit it.

Salt for the Salt Mines. I can feel the old days of ganking and forum whining overtaking me. It is a good pain.


Keep killing low levels if it makes you feel special, but at least stop spamming the chat, it’s worse than t-bagging.

I think you should have rolled on a pure PVE realm, without RP or PVP. What’s your Characters name btw? :wink:

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I don’t care about ganking, I care about liars who say they only kill people attacking farmers when I’ve seen them corpse camp player 20 levels below them who are barely outside their quest hub. Bullys are bad enough but ones who lie about it are even worse.

Then why are you cyber bullying and lying?

I’m just calling you out on your blatant lying. That’s all. I’ve said my piece. If you won’t admit to it, then fine. Don’t pretend to be the victim here, you know what you’ve done and now others do too. Enjoy your griefing, liar.

I mean there are many MANY horde players that will vouch on me helping them in STV (who were also outleveled) and tanaris. Why would everyone believe in a whiny kid like you?

Because loads of us saw you do it, and now you’ve finally shown your true colours. You even admitted to spamming chat. I’m done here. You’re just a not a very nice person and I’m not going to waste any more time calling you out on it. Calling me a whiny kid won’t change anything, just confirms what I’ve been saying.

Btw, it’s classic servers forum, so perhaps not hide behind lvl120character, but post with your classic toon?

Not sure which side is right, and honestly I don’t care, because it’s fun to see drama alive when people who don’t really (apparently) belong in RPPvP server start pouring those salty rivers. But as Eli at least is posting with her (or his?) classic toon that people can recognize in game, she kinda makes her case more believable, compared to someone who doesn’t show his classic character, if there is any :thinking:


Yeah there is a big range variance in Hillsbrad for Horde. Start at 19-21ish, going all the way to 32/33 for quests iirc.

Alliance don’t get there nearly as early, due to the massive run from their earlier zones (including a run through Wetlands and Arathi) so their quests generally start around 30 there.

So yeah, whether by design or by error, Alliance entering the area will be slightly higher level usually.

Edit - Also I’ll 2nd what Nataliya has said, why are people hiding behind their retail chars? Gtfo with that rubbish!


It has been designed on purpose, you are true. Same happens in Kalimdor, but reversed.
As a NE in a pvp realm things can get real hard. This is why in Ashenvale, my rp does actually help the new levelers at the same time, while I help people getting ganked and stuff. Sometimes I even try to make them rping, didnt worked too much sadly

Guys lets take the thread calmly, we are all here to have fun omg

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