(Alliance) Is this a PVP server or not?

Thank you for your valuable insights about the proper way to PvP on this server.

Could you please tell us more about your guild, “Dead Naga Storage” as well? Is it a Pulp Fiction-themed RP guild?

The forum is bug, I have no guild since a good amount of time ago.
There is no proper way to pvp.

Hmm This has been a great read, thank you for the drama.

I’ll just put in an input.

I and my entire guild will be camping, ganking and ‘’’‘griefing’’’’ every single horde from level 1 - 60.

That is the PVP rules and that is what we will do, your so called honor is only used when it suits you silly horde scum.

As for Elisande, she came to appeal to me for help IC in /s today.
She was apparently defending the really f ing ugly high elfs, to me maybe horde should be encouraged to put them out of their misery but oh well.

Two horde 5+ levels higher than use charged at us, so I two shot them.
Keep up the good fight Elisande!


What a nice little spat this has been. I only wish people were this worked up about the lack of rp on this so called ‘RP’ pvp server. We all knew what we signed up for when we rolled a pvp server- that there will be those who will gank and be ganked with out care for level imbalance.

I actually back Reavan, for we are the enemy and we must be slaughtered, even the weak! No doubt I will be taken down by one of her chums while I’m collecting bear asses in Hillsbrad in the coming days, and I say bring it on. I’ll return the favour on the Alliance with each level I gain, and I will spare none of them be they 1-60 when I’m maxed. :slight_smile:

Man I love this game.


Thats the spirit!!!

I never said I had a problem with ganking, only people who lie about who they do it to and why they do it. I called them out on it, they kept trying to change the topic and call me a troll. I’m done repeating myself.

But how do you know if someone is RPing so that they’ll gank everyone they see 24/7, no matter if it’s corpsecamping (obviously people have different opinions if resurrect is RP or not, but could be the gankers RP that ressed character is fresh character :thinking:) or just killing everyone who comes off from flight path (kill the reinforcements!)?

I mean, if Eli is killing everyone he/she sees, no matter the lvl or if it’s someone just ressed, who can really say he/she isn’t doing it because RP reasons?

Just because you don’t agree with that kinda RP doesn’t mean it’s not valid RP for Eli and his/her group. It’s kinda like trying to enforce your, and only your, way to RP and everything else is wrong (which is just silly).

Until you post a screenshot of the emote spam you keep bringing up while logged on your Zandalar Tribe character, you are just a lying whiner to literally everyone in this thread.



Did I do it right?:sweat_smile:

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Call who out on what?

Who the f made you the alliance RP police when you play horde??

You have zero credability at all for calling anyone out.
No wonder you hide behind your BFA char, you know you would ruin your name here if you posted on your classic char.


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On a sidenote I’m talking about me personally, it is part of my RP to only kill this and that characters for RP reasons. Some members of my guild share the same style and some gank nonstop.

Also yes I talk orcish BUT far from spamming it.

hey im deathwind pvp https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr1dJCjsmPtjsqN9rzpIqMw?view_as=subscriber i rolled here for the queue easyer gear up to rank 12 or 13 that would be impossible in 3 biggest pvp servers but i see alliance unintrestead in pvp. The server is flooding with casual guilds not even 1 hardcore and generaly carebear attitude, im i wrong? change my mind (thinking to reroll before its too late lol)

(I am not the poster you replied to, but…)

Not sure about know, but back in the day posting pictures where other characters could be identified was classed as “Naming & Shaming” and could get you a forum temp ban. - I know I’ve gotten one :stuck_out_tongue:

Also it seems kinda pointless, tbh - it wouldn’t change anything, they’d still emote spam and if anything it would just make more people do it to piss you off.

Have I engaged in any ‘large scale’ PvP? Nope. Have I defended people getting attacked? You bet. In Ashenvale alone:

  • Defended an AFK Warlock on the road of Maestra’s Post from another 'lock

  • Engaged with the Horde about six times at and around Mystral Lake to keep it clear

  • Avenged a hunter killed by a Shaman at Zoram Strand

  • Teamed up with a low-level Druid ganked by a Hunter and Rogue at Greenpaw Village, killing 'em both.

  • Hunted a bunch of Horde lowbies near Splintertree as a 5-man Horde death squad had spent the last half hour camping me (also at Mystral Lake).

And as I said, that is Ashenvale alone. But what you gotta consider? A lot of people just wanna level before Phase 2 hits and WPvP gets really sweaty. I’m now getting curb-stomped by level 40+ players riding me down on Kodo’s and what-not. And that just ain’t fun. So what do I gotta do? I gotta grind levels hard to catch up or become farmed for the hell of it.

You want crazy world PvP? We need levels to match the Horde. And to do that, we do PvE. So yeah, I’ll fight over spawns and chests, I’ll intercede if I see Horde ganking Alliance or fight back if I am ganked. But if someone wants my level 34 butt to shift to the exact opposite side of a zone I was just about to leave, to fight some 40+ Horde, whose numbers are doubling by the minute? I’ll just go to another zone and grab some levels - pay 'em back later in kind.

That said, about to head into Hillsbrad and STV. So, y’know, subject to change.

Edit: I also know there was a period when an Alliance raid pretty much forced the Horde out of Ashenvale and had Zoram Strand on perma-lock. Exo and Codde were also ranging through the forest protecting folks and curb-stomping Horde, them being 50+ at the time.

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