Alliance response generator

Pick one:

  1. JusT RerOlL
  2. I goT ganKed oNe tiMe bAck iN p2 aNd Got CAmpED FoR 10 MinS !!!
  3. GO back tO RetaIl
  4. IT’S a plaYeR CReaTED ProbLEM
  5. yoU DEserVE iT

Feel free to add more.

  1. Merc mode or horde vs horde bgs will kill alliance faction.

Horde response generator

  1. “I will gank all Alliance because me mad!”
  2. “Game is dead!”
  3. “I rolled Horde for the lore”
  4. “Give me retail solution!”
  5. “Are you still mad about phase 2? Alliance dog”
  6. “The game is BROKEN”

Feel free to add more.


1/3 of arena players are undead, dont you love cosmetics?


the golden one : I PAID FOR IT !



I prefer this argument.

It’s an issue that is created by player choice that can be resolved by making a different choice both at the individual scale and community scale and it’s an issue that you can deal with and still play this game.

It’s a queue. A queue. We are talking about a queue doing what a queue is design and intended for.


Btw when you use that combination of lower and capital letters … you are just showing us how we should picture you. And damn, its single digit IQ :smiley:

forgot the
. JuSt LeVEl uP AnOtHER MaIn iF you MaKe THeSe PoSts U hAvE TiME tO reRoll Obviously


Horde thread spam generator

“Me mad because me have to wait. Me could fix this myself but me no want. Blizzard need fix this asap or I spam forums 24/7 like little baby.”


Why do you think a lot of players are against the various changes asked for?

It wouldn’t affect me in any way if Horde have a long or short queue. I have nothing against Horde players having short queues.

Why do you think people like me are against a merc mode, same faction bgs and faction change?

Sure is a queue. People were still mad in classic when we had 4-7 hours log in queue. Both alliance and horde. So yeah?

Odd you guys don’t realize how much time it takes to re-roll. Its like all you do is play this everyday all-day to not realize the effort for the attunements, gear leveling and owning an alt or do you just expect us to primarily play alliance or even both. Get a life and stop baiting all of these comments are directed towards blizz solely because we want a RESPONSE to the situation


I’d forgotten about that, so 90 mins for a BG isn’t that bad. :wink:

I’m doing it right now. People do it all the time. It’s a feature of this game.

And “we” don’t expect everyone to do it. Just enough players to make that choice is needed. In fact every single one that makes that choice will reduce the queue.

It’s a real solution that is available right now.

Why not try to inspire people to reroll instead? Right now the Horde community is doing the opposite.

TBC’s been out 4 weeks and the attunements require a handful of dungeon runs. You can easily reroll.

ye and 1-70 leveling takes a couple of hours

  1. Play arena

I got one… wait… wait…

Stay mad :3


What one is the op?

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Very very few horde would reroll and be on the recieving end of their endless ganking and camping. Just like faction change wouldn’t solve anything either. Who of all these whining and boosted min/maxers would change faction and get farmed 24/7? No, they know full well what would be waiting for them on the other side. All these kids do is screaming for someone ELSE to solve their problem for them. Someone ELSE reroll/faction change whatever.