Alliance response generator

True not that op, but they are stronger.

Like orc stun is good into skillhearld players, rogues, hunters, paladins, druid chargestun, not sure if there are more + they have a damage buff (reduced healing taken aswell)

Undead trinket good into locks, warrs, priest, any fear/sleep/charm + shadow resist

Tauren, more tanky + aoe stun

Be magic resist and aoe silence good Vs any caster

Trolls are okay

Human perception good before opener on rogues/druids

Dwarf stoneform good Vs rogues

Night elf faster running speed while dead (bis racial)

Gnome escape artist godd Vs druid and mage

Draenei shadow resist and a hot

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Hot&dot is THE best setup, not mentioned by you and doesn’t depend on racials.

its symple, the faction change literally change nothing in the game, there is only more alliance player, thats it. its not a magical feature, its not like the cronos save world buff, its a method for the player to cross faction and in this case can fix the problem for the queue from the orde and from the low population from the alliance, i join some bg and the alliance are smashed 99% of the times, 0 dominance halaa, tower and world objective and they are ganked everywhere also in the summoning stone, thats it because the horde faction are overpopulated (thank you streamer). you like that? if you dont like that now, what happen when open the isle of quel’thalas and will be mf like me that go there only for slay the opposite faction???

It’s very similar to the Horde Response Generator from Classic and especially phase 2. I wonder why? :3 It’s almost like the Alliance is throwing back the response given to them all Classic long!

Though since it’s horde, there’s a chance Blizzard will do something about it in TBC. Their favored child, after all.

Because we are talking about racials:D still RD is better than LD

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You can still cast or heal in roots or even dispel them from yourself, but in stun or fear you are easy target. Besides escape artist doesn’t give you immunity roots.
So IDK how can you compare.
Perception is nice bonus that works only vs rogues and Druids and can be countered by waiting out 20 seconds. It also doesn’t gave any bonuses vs none rogue/druid setups. Fear immunity vs Locks, Priests, Warriors is a big thing. For this ability alone Forsaken should had been made an undead instead of humanoid.

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And 8 out of the top 10 2s teams are horde

55 of the top 100 are horde

119 of the top 200 are horde

But yeah, let’s nitpick and use a certain cutoff that suits your narrative

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You think these differences prove anything? There are many many more teams on Horde side so it being even remotely even is a proof of it being balanced. Or maybe even skewed to Alli side. 55-45 when there is like 10x more PvP players on Horde side, are you even serious now?

I picked TOP 30 because that’s the first page on the website that I took the info from and I cba to count further than that.

What a joke lol. Go ask top players what they think, I am done arguing with people on these forums, most of you probably are 1600 players that don’t know anything about pvp beyond “horde racials op”, you cry about the game not being balanced all the time instead of actually learning how to play, even though you can obviously see that the difference in racials is not that large if the teams are semi balanced in top parts of the ladder lol. Done

Fear immunity vs Locks, Priests, Warriors is a big thing. For this ability alone Forsaken should had been made an undead instead of humanoid.


Imagine actually playing 2v2 arena

1 is best solution for your problem, tho I hope they implement faction transfer, and 4 is true. The rest is bananas, tho 3 makes sense as well if you are in favor of merc mode.

I never said they are that gamebreaking, but dont try to pull weird numbers on me? Why you picked up top 30? Why not top 10 where it is 8-2, or top 10 3v3 where its 10-0? Dont pull up numbers that are against your claims mate

Btw check out top players race, actually funny

Cause there is 30 teams per page?

But anyway, just looking at the players. Many of those has been undead for 10+ years and are known high rated players. Not really a surprise they picked undead which they always been playing.

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Im a pvp player and i would pai for faction change asap. You are wrong when you think noe will use it.

“im totally quitting this game because of the queues, honestly anyday now i’m quitting”

Have fun looking for that glowing warcraft tab on windows noobs!

And then after these PvPers would farm their Honor they would pack bags back to Horde. Every mid season.

Mine favorite: I have less than 1k rating but I’m a pvp expert

I leveled from 1-70 on a fresh TBC server. And if i had time to sit in hour long queues i have time to level a new char.

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“Very few” is no the same as “no one”.

This game is pretty time consuming anyway, if you wanted to do it once you can certainly do it again, that’s if you really care about queue’s.

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Just pointing out I was right :wink: