Alliance starting every AV 20vs40

They can remove the numbers / only let you queue for a random AV.

As far as I’m concerned if it’s communication between “friends” who want to play together - then they should be on the same realm.

Why on the same realm I’ve got a multitude of groups of friends… some play on other servers.

I agree they should remove the numbers… I’m not even sure as to why they even have them in there in the first place.

How do you ban people who use discord?

With all due respect - this is Vanilla wow, not retail; where cross realm should not be a thing. You want to play with friends, you have to play on the same realm together.

With all due respect this is classic wow not vanilla and its 2020 not 2004… if you think you would get the same experience then… well … that was silly assumption to make.

i do not expect this to be the same experience as 2004. However, I did NOT expect cross-realm interaction to be a large and prominent part of Classic WoW.

Is this really unreasonable?

Not unreasonable but un-expected no, really predictable to be honest given the current state of online gaming.

Solution is even simpler. Don’t show AV numbers anywhere and add deserter buff for when you don’t enter game for which you got pop up.

There, simple. Alliance premades fixed, 20vs40 games fixed in most cases.

Problem not solved. You don’t need the add on, you can just join the queue at the exact same time still and the majority will get in.


You want premade ? Enjoy your dead faction.

Okey lets do nochanges.

I want max 3.5k Pop Servers.

Else your argument is invalid.

if #nochanges then we must remove cross realm BGs like they are now anyway so it’s a null point.

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Cant fix nothing broken working as intented.

Remove cross-realm bgs.
Everyone from same server.

Premades do need to be fixed :slight_smile:

Because the version that everyone asked for, had games that in some cases lasted for hours or even days, that way you could take a nap, or walk the dog in between and return to an epic fight.

It appears that Blizz, in the end will screw up the two supposed more interesting phases for pvp, (3/4).
AB will probably end the same way as wsg, due to the unbalance between factions, forcing all allies to premade and hordes only playing for rep and then never coming back to it, because of the high queue times and the high percentage of premades that they will have to fight against.
Unbalance could have been avoided, with many more available servers before release and locked faction system. AV could have been experienced in its golden point, with other version, giving space to a more competitive wsg and probably AB, regarding honor per hour.
This system, that forces allies to lick the boots of some discord neckbeard, to get access to a “decent AV/wsg experience” and forces hordies to exclusively queue to AV, letting the other bg for the sitting ducks, is an insult to the original vanilla pvp.

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It’s almost like Blizzard can’t manage their own game in any half decent way.

What a classic has been till now.

20 vs 40? You lucky sod! We joined with 8. Haven’t won a game in forever because of it. I literally led 15+ horde on a merry chase then we all just did /afk to close it down.

Can fix and it is broken. #Nochanges bullcrap makes no sense as we already play something that has a lot of things that do not match with 1.12 patch,

Remove AV numbers from queue pop and in game, add deserter debuff for not entering game that popped and problems are fixed.

Currently all games are either against premades or against alliance randoms which start with 10-25 people. If you think that those two combined are fine then you are just delusional.

If you did not noticed it was made like that becasue it was like that in past that is whole purpose of existence of Classic nothing else.

#no changes!
You think you do but you dont!
Each day you prove it.